B is wrong, E is correct.
The conclusion in the argument is "switching to the modified seed would be unlikely to benefit most cotton farmers economically." Even if the answer to question B is yes - "insecticides used on ordinary cotton are more expensive than insectivides used on other crops", the cotton farmers still do not care - because they probably don't plant other crops at all.
E actually provides possible reason to evaluate (actually weaken) the argument: if the farmers previously had to use exceptionally large quantities of insecticide, they proabaly over used the insecticide on the genetic modified cotton. Please note in the argument it is said "According to the farmer's reports, the amount ..." So the finding that the amount of insecticide needed only slightly lower than ... probably is not an accurate statement. Thus the conclusion of this argument will be weakend, at least not convincing.
When I took this test, it took me about 4 minutes to realize this. Even I think I chose the right answer E, I lost so much precious time on this question ...
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-16 8:43:51编辑过] |