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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 10:21:00 | 只看该作者

67. Congress is debating a bill requiring certain employers provide workers with unpaid leave so as to care for sick or newborn children.

(A)  provide workers with unpaid leave so as to

(B)  to provide workers with unpaid leave so as to

(C)  provide workers with unpaid leave in order that they

(D)  to provide workers with unpaid leave so that they can

(E)   provide workers with unpaid leave and



 A. require sb. To do sth.

词法so as to/so that二级排除B

so as to : 句子主语为其逻辑主语,考察是否合理。

E says that the bill being debated would require the employers themselves to care for the children


in order that GMAT里被认为是不正规的表达方式,就象instead of,但是不是绝对的,如果选项里有其他的合理的表达方式,例如SO THAT,就应该关注,但建议不把这个倾向作为最高优先级,还是先从其他方面排除。另外in order to通常也被认为是WORDY的,因为可以用TO直接表达,但是要比较选项。同时,SO AS TO的逻辑主语是句子主语,例如AB,明显出现了逻辑意思上的错误,这也是需要注意的。

so that> so ... as to > in order to > in order that

Because of / On account of / Despite/ Despite for/  Except for / Account for

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 15:22:00 | 只看该作者

68. Often visible as smog, ozone is formed in the atmosphere from hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides, two major pollutants emitted by automobiles, react with sunlight.

(A)  ozone is formed in the atmosphere from

(B)  ozone is formed in the atmosphere when

(C)  ozone is formed in the atmosphere, and when

(D)  ozone, formed in the atmosphere when

(E)   ozone, formed in the atmosphere from



Choice D,E omits the main verb, is, leaving a sentence fragment

1.      从句和主句不能并列二级排除C,且造成句子不完整

In choice C, the use of the conjunction and results in the illogical assertion that the formation of ozone in the atmosphere happens in addition to, rather than as a result of, its formation when hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide react with sunlight.



, from后面的东东不对In choice A, the construction from hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides ... react is ungrammatical.

From是介词, 介词后面只能接名词, 不能接句子!!!!  

Be based on sth一样!!!og90

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 15:23:00 | 只看该作者

69. Although she had signed a pledge of abstinence while being an adolescent, Frances Willard was 35 years old before she chose to become a temperance activist.

(A)  while being an adolescent

(B)   while in adolescence

(C)  at the time of her being adolescent

(D)  as being in adolescence

(E)   as an adolescent


1.       词法一级排除A,B,C,D,

while/ at the time of 都只能表现时间点;
只有 as 可以表现一段时间。

As 表示作为, 或者: as she was an adolescent.


As a young man, he was active in sports. 

While doing表示伴随, 有轻微转折味道.


Q2. B选项可不可以看成是
省略she was

Q3, as being是不是通常都不对

我觉得这题用as的原因主要是在语法书里有一点as的用法后接名词表示某一年龄段时,as:As a young man, he was active in sports. 

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 15:23:00 | 只看该作者

70. A President entering the final two years of a second term is likely to be at a severe disadvantage and is often unable to carry out a legislative program.

(A)  likely to be at a severe disadvantage and is often unable to

(B)   likely severely disadvantaged and often unable to

(C)  liable to be severely disadvantaged and cannot often

(D)  liable that he or she is at a severe disadvantage and cannot often

(E)   at a severe disadvantage, often likely to be unable that he or she can

1.       平行结构
一级排除 B C D E

     后面的系动词补出表示平行。原题and后补出is 是为了更清楚的指示谁和谁并列。

3.       词法 

can not often/ often unable to

cannot often意思是不是每次都能

is often unable to意思是没有能力


Be likely to do sth

It is unlikely to do


Disadvantaged at a disadvantage的区别.

区分 at a disadvantage处于不利的位置. / disadvantaged having social problems 的意思差别


In B and C, disadvantaged, which often means "hampered by substandard economic and social conditions," is less precise than at a disadvantage处于不利的位置.

Disadvantaged: having social problems, such as a lack of money or education, which make it difficult for you to succeed

disadvantaged areas of the city


一定要考虑到底是修饰什么的. 意思是什么 (only the husband, expect almost to )

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-23 9:57:15编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 15:24:00 | 只看该作者

71. The original building and loan associations were organized as limited life funds, whose members made monthly payments on their share subscriptions, then taking turns drawing on the funds for home mortgages.

(A)  subscriptions, then taking turns drawing

(B)  subscriptions, and then taking turns drawing

(C)  subscriptions and then took turns drawing

(D)  subscriptions and then took turns, they drew

(E)   subscriptions and then drew, taking turns





2 run-on 结构级排除D,

The wording in D results in a run-on sentence and does not specify what the members took turns doing.

3. 分词做伴随状语就不要使用 then.

分词短语作状语就不要thenè subscriptions, taking turns drawing


Take turns: 轮流,依次。Draw on, 利用

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 15:25:00 | 只看该作者

☆☆☆72. The number of undergraduate degrees in engineering awarded by colleges and universities in the United States
                increased by more than twice from 1978 to 1985.

(A)  increased by more than twice

(B)   increased more than two times

(C)  more than doubled

(D)  was more than doubled

(E)   had more than doubled

1 时态&语态:一级排除D,E

 rom 1978 to 1985 表示过去时间。

The past perfect tense in E, had... doubled, is inappropriate unless the increase in engineering degrees is specifically特定的,明确的 being viewed as having occurred further back in the past than some subsequent event. 过去完成时应该用在某事件在过去比另外一个事件发生的更早,这种时候才恰当è一定要出现明确的正确的过去时态的动作作为时间参照点)

The number of undergraduate degrees in engineering awarded by colleges and universities in the United States more than doubled from 1978 to 1985.è未划线部分的时间状语是完全正确的过去时间, 用一般过去时态不要太灵啊!!!è
有个business的题目, 一样的时间, from…to….

D's passive verb was ... doubled suggests without warrant that some unnamed agent increased the number of engineering degrees.

被动语态)è怎样算with warrant: 出现by sb/ by sth.

特别是在未划线部分出现的话, 就很可能是用被动语态.




Atwice只能作副词, 在句子中表达的意思却是比较, 这样的题目, 首先要弄清楚比较的双方是否合理, 如果合理的话, 再看twice作为副词的位置: 可以用在as..as或比较级之前, 也可以放在比较点的名词之前, 担要保证twice前后的词要能直接搭配(副词的作用). 不能做名词词性接在介词后面 by …Choice A is faulty because an adverb such as twice cannot function as an object of the preposition by(用词). BY 后面要接名词
                by 10 percent


 B. , 倍數辭句型的用法敘述: .. times the/my N ... 結構︰倍數詞+the(或所有格)+名詞說明︰此句型意為的幾倍<倍數詞><名詞>之間一定有 the <所有格>。有時可改為“<倍數詞>as<形容詞>”。三倍以上的,通常用“times”。而“more than<倍數詞>the(或<所有格>)+<名詞>”譯為的幾倍還不止 It was over twice the distance of the earth from the sun. 那是地球到太陽的距離的兩倍多。


C. two times 表示两次; double 表示两倍。B增长了超过两次 distorts the sentence's meaning, stating that the number of engineering degrees conferred increased on more than two distinct occasions.(歧义)

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 15:27:00 | 只看该作者

73. The British Admiralty and the War Office met in March 1892 to consider a possible Russian attempt to seize Constantinople and how they would have to act militarily to deal with them.

(A)  how they would have to act militarily to deal with them

(B)   how to deal with them if military action would be necessary

(C)  what would be necessary militarily for dealing with such an event

(D)  what military action would be necessary in order to deal with such an event

(E)   the necessity of what kind of military action in order to take for dealing with it



1. 代词

In choices A and B, the pronoun them has no antecedent;


二级排除C. E

would be necessary militarily / military action would be necessary

3.并列Consider sth.名词.+sth.名词.

the sentence states that the Admiralty and the War Office met to consider x and y, where x is the noun phrase a possible Russian attempt. D provides a noun phrase, military action, that matches the structure of x more closely than do the corresponding noun elements in the other choices.


furthermore, the if clause in B must take should rather than would (虚拟语气)

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 15:27:00 | 只看该作者

74. Growing competitive pressures may be encouraging auditors to bend the rules in favor of clients; auditors may, for instance, allow a questionable loan to remain on the books in order to maintain a bank's profits on paper.

(A)  clients; auditors may, for instance, allow

(B)  clients, as an instance, to allow

(C)  clients, like to allow

(D)  clients, such as to be allowing

(E)   clients; which might, as an instance, be the allowing of


1 词法:一级排除B,C, D

 x as an instance of y / for instance

 Like 不能用来举例

Such as to be



修饰: which 指代

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 15:28:00 | 只看该作者

75. If the proposed expenditures for gathering information abroad are reduced even further, international news reports have been and will continue to diminish in number and quality.

(A)  have been and will continue to diminish

(B)  have and will continue to diminish

(C)  will continue to diminish, as they already did,

(D)  will continue to diminish, as they have already,

(E)   will continue to diminish



if x happens, y will happen.

2. 简洁/词法二级排除C, D

will continue 有表示从过去发生持续到将来的动作。加入as 从句

C and D conclude with faulty as clauses that are awkward and unnecessary, because will continue describes an action begun in the past.è这个是好灵啊!!! 用词最少, 意思最好

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 15:28:00 | 只看该作者

76. Gall's hypothesis of there being different mental functions localized in different parts of the brain is widely accepted today.

(A)  of there being different mental functions localized in different parts of the brain is widely accepted today

(B)  of different mental functions that are localized in different parts of the brain is widely accepted today

(C)  that different mental functions are localized in different parts of the brain is widely accepted today

(D)  which is that there are different mental functions localized in different parts of the brain is widely accepted today

(E)   which is widely accepted today is that there are different mental functions localized in different parts of the brain



1. 介词短语:一级排除A,B

of there being  。。。
不简洁.  N.+ Of A that B / n. that A B 表达强调的重点不一样。


限制性定语从句用 that

Choices D and E are awkward and wordy, and both use which where that would be the preferred pronoun for introducing a clause that states Gall's point.


Further, the phrasing of E misleadingly suggests that a distinction is being made between this hypothesis and others by Gall that are not widely accepted today. è限制性定语从句带来的意思的区别è部分和整体的关系

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