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楼主: elinaqu
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发表于 2007-8-10 11:13:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 13:30:00 | 只看该作者

35. In June of 1987, The Bridge of Trinquetaille, Vincent van Gogh's view of an iron bridge over the Rhone sold for $20.2 million and it was the second highest price ever paid for a painting at auction.

A. Rhone sold for $20.2 million and it was

B. Rhone, which sold for $20.2 million, was

C. Rhone, was sold for $20.2 million,

D. Rhone was sold for $20.2 million, being

E. Rhone, sold for $20.2 million, and was


1.       句子的完整性(一级排除A, D )

AB+ V. 结构中 B 后面的逗号不能省略,B作同位语

without the comma, the phrase appears to be part of the main clause, and it is thus unclear what noun should govern the verb sold

2.       逻辑意思
二级排除B, E )

系表结构的意思平行:  The Bridge of Trinquetaill was the second price 意思不一致

3.  代词it in A has no logical referent

4. 修饰
非限制性定语从句 which 指向词需要考察

5. being 一般错


56. Architects and stonemasons, huge palace and temple clusters were built by the Maya without benefit of the wheel or animal transport.

(A) huge palace and temple clusters were built by the Maya without benefit of the wheel or animal transport

(B) without the benefits of animal transport or the wheel, huge palace and temple clusters were built by the Maya

(C) the Maya built huge palace and temple clusters without the benefit of animal transport or the wheel

(D) there were built, without the benefit of the wheel or animal transport, huge palace and temple clusters by the MayaC

(E) were the Maya who, without the benefit of the wheel or animal transport, built huge palace and temple clusters

这道题就是典型的“n1, n2+v".

综合这道题和stoneren 的解释与举例,我想是不是这样:



同位语虽然是等价的意思, peajack, 我认为主语和同位语的位置不能互换.

如果architects and stonemasons作主语, 那在逻辑上是说不通的. 因为是the Maya建造了那些宫殿和庙宇without of benefit..., 而不是随便的一些建筑师和石头匠(泛指).

同位语是解释说明主语,把凡高的view定义成The Bridge of T不合逻辑;只有把The Bridge of T解释成凡高的画才行。

可以参考 OG 220

For almost a hundred years after having its beginning in 1788,
England exiled some 160,000 criminals to Australia.

(A) For almost a hundred years after having its beginning in 1788,

(B) Beginning in 1788 for a period of a hundred years,

(C) Beginning a period of almost a hundred years, in 1788,

(D) During a hundred years, a period beginning in 1788,E

(E) Over a period of a hundred years beginning in 1788,Aside from being wordy and awkward, choice A is illogical: because its refers grammatically to England, A states nonsensically that England had its beginning in 1788. Choice B is similarly illogical, because the initial verb phrase Beginning in 1788... modifies England, the subject of the main clause. Choice C is imprecise, saying that England in 1788 was Beginning a period... but not conveying the sense that anything happened within that period. Choice D is awkward and unidiomatic, and nonsensically suggests that a hundred years is defined as a period beginning in 1788. Precise and idiomatically phrased, choice E is best.


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 13:32:00 | 只看该作者

36. Bufo marinus toads, fierce predators that will eat frogs, lizards, and even small birds, are native to South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's in an attempt to control pests in the state's vast sugarcane fields.

A. are native to South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's in an attempt to control

B. are native in South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's as attempts to control

C. are natives of South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's in an attempt at controlling

D. had been native to South America but were introduced to Florida during the 1930's as an attempt at controlling

E. had been natives of South America but were introduced to Florida during the 1930's as attempts at controlling


时态一级排除DE )



有表示过去存在但是过去已经结束的状态In D and E, had been inaccurately implies that the toads are no longer native, or indigenous, to South America,

2.句子逻辑意思二级排除B )

Both as attempts in B and E and as an attempt in D are wrong because the attempt consists not of the toads themselves, but of their introduction into the environment. The correct phrase, in an attempt, should be completed by an infinitive (here, to control), as in A.(重要,体会如何用词,蟾蜍自己本身不是一个attempt) as sth  表示作为, 那么作为一定有个东东是作为的主语

as attempts / in an attempt  A as B , A B 对等
此处 toads 不可能和 attempts 对等。
                In attempt to


3. 表示目的三级排除C )


4.  词法 

A. were introduced into Floridaè表示介绍到……地方
introduced to Florida is unidiomatic. è表示介绍给知道

B. native to / native of / native in  to 合理,

C. as attempts / in an attempt  A as B , A B 对等
此处 toads 不可能和 attempts 对等。
                In attempt to


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 13:32:00 | 只看该作者

37. While some academicians believe that business ethics should be integrated into every business course, others say that students will take ethics seriously only if it would be taught as a separately required course.

A. only if it would be taught as a separately required course

B. only if it is taught as a separate, required course

C. if it is taught only as a course required separately

D. if it was taught only as a separate and required course

E. if it would only be taught as a required course, separately


1.句子逻辑意思一级排除CD, E )

Only if 不能变成 If + .. + Only  强调的意思不一样

only in C, D, and E should immediately precede the entire clause that it is meant to modify.

Only if只有才

2. 虚拟语气(二级排除A )

in sentences expressing a conditional result (x will happen if y happens), the verb of the main clause should be in the future tense and the verb of the if clause should be in the present indicative. x will happen if y happens  条件状语从句的时态一定要是主句的一级过去式。

一般将来时 if 一般现在时

一般现在时 if 一般过去式;

3  修饰:

Also, the intended meaning is distorted when the adverb separately is used to modify required, as in A and C, or taught, as in E;  B correctly uses the adjective separate to modify course.


adv. + adj.+ n . adv. 修饰 adj. 表示 adj. 发生的状态; adj. , adj. + n.  adj. 修饰 n.  ==

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 13:33:00 | 只看该作者

38. Scientists have observed large concentrations of heavy-metal deposits in the upper twenty centimeters of Baltic Sea sediments, which are consistent with the growth of industrial activity there.

A. Baltic Sea sediments, which are consistent with the growth of industrial activity there

B. Baltic Sea sediments, where the growth of industrial activity is consistent with these findings

C. Baltic Sea sediments, findings consistent with its growth of industrial activity

D. sediments from the Baltic Sea, findings consistent with the growth of industrial activity in the area

E. sediments from the Baltic Sea, consistent with the growth of industrial activity there



1. 修饰
(一级排除A,B,E )

非限制定语从句 which/ where 指向前面的名词,

In A and B the words which and where appear to refer to sediments, and in E it is not clear what consistent describes

2.代词(二级排除C )



3. 独立主格结构


虽然没说,但是这样的表达:sediments from the Baltic sea
Baltic sea sediments.
同样的表达有increase in sales, 等等,仔细体会这些细小的差异地方。

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 13:34:00 | 只看该作者

39. For members of the seventeenth-century Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, a method to protect warriors against enemy arrows and spears.

A. a method to protect

B. as a method protecting

C. protecting

D. as a protection of

E. to protect



1.       修饰
(一级排除A,B,D, E )

句末的分词逻辑主语考虑; 不定式不能单独在句末做修饰成分、

the participle protecting begins a phrase that explains what the shields did




Choices A and B awkwardly use the singular word method to refer to items of military equipment rather than to the use of such items. (单复数问题)


a method of 正确,,, a method to / a method doing 不正确

a method of protecting would be more idiomatic than a method to protect in A or a method protecting in B

4. 同位语:

a protection in D has no noun for which it can logically substitute.

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 13:34:00 | 只看该作者

40. In metalwork one advantage of adhesive-bonding over spot-welding is that the contact, and hence the bond­ing, is effected continuously over a broad surface instead of a series of regularly spaced points with no bonding in between.

A. instead of

B. as opposed to

C. in contrast with

D. rather than at

E. as against being at


1 比较结构(并列)
(一级排除A,B,C )

must describe the effects in parallel terms

前后要补出介词。判断依据是前面的介词是否可以用在后面的名词上。 at the point 不能用 over the point

over a broad surface rather than
                at a series

2. 简洁(二级排除E )

, as against being is a wordy and unidiomatic way to establish the intended contrast.

3. 词法:


rather than instead of的区别

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 13:35:00 | 只看该作者

41. Under a provision of the Constitution that was never applied. Congress has been required to call a conven­tion for considering possible amendments to the document when formally asked to do it by the legisla­tures of two-thirds of the states.


A. was never applied, Congress has been required to call a convention for considering possible amendments to the document when formally asked to do it

B. was never applied, there has been a requirement that Congress call a convention for consider­ation of possible amendments to the document when asked to do it formally

C. was never applied, whereby Congress is required to call a convention for considering possible amendments to the document when asked to do it formally

D. has never been applied, whereby Congress is required to call a convention to consider possible amendments to the document when formally asked to do so

E. has never been applied. Congress is required to call a convention to consider possible amend­ments to the document when formally asked to do so


句子的完整性(一级排除CD )

Whereby 是个从属连词, 句子结构:
加上连词 whereby 造成没有主句

By introducing the subordinating conjunction whereby, C and D produce sentence fragments. è无主句

2. 时态


不能统一(二级排除A,B )

3. 表示目的用不定式 call … to do call .. for doing 要好

4. 代词:
do so , 不用 do it.

uses of a pronoun (it) with no noun referent.

5. There has been 不好

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 13:37:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用caicaichang在2007-8-10 11:13:00的发言:

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 18:13:00 | 只看该作者

42. The current administration, being worried over some foreign trade barriers being removed and our exports failing to increase as a result of deep cuts in the value of the dollar, has formed a group to study ways to sharpen our competitiveness.

A. being worried over some foreign trade barriers being removed and our exports failing

B. worrying over some foreign trade barriers being removed, also over the failure of our exports

C. worried about the removal of some foreign trade barriers and the failure of our exports

D. in that they were worried about the removal of some foreign trade barriers and also about the failure of our exports

E. because of its worry concerning the removal of some foreign trade barriers, also concerning the failure of our exports


(一级排除A,D,E )

being 不好;in that they were worried,前面多余

1.       平行结构(一级排除B )

 名词对名词the removal... and the failure ...

2.       习语:

 worry about & worry over


they does not agree with the singular noun administration.

The dollarè
特指一种货币, 不是one dollar, 2 dollars
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