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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-7 19:23:00 | 只看该作者

7. Dr. Hakuta's research among Hispanic children in the United States indicates that the more the children use both Spanish and English, their intellectual advantage is greater in skills underlying reading ability and nonverbal logic.

A. their intellectual advantage is greater in skills underlying reading ability and nonverbal logic

B. their intellectual advantage is the greater in skills underlaying reading ability and nonverbal logic

C. the greater their intellectual advantage in skills underlying reading ability and nonverbal logic

D. in skills that underlay reading ability and nonver­bal logic, their intellectual advantage is the greater

E. in skills underlying reading ability and nonverbal logic, the greater intellectual advantage is theirs

1 平行结构:

the more … the more… 注意前后结构中的主语、谓语的省略。the more...the more...结构其实是一个从句+主句的结构:
第一个the more...相当于一个原因状语从句是从省略了表示原因的连词as等进化而来的(也可理解成是省略了if的条件状语从句); 第二个the more...引导的是主句
eg.As a mammal's skin is thicker(
从句), it has less hair(主句). 转换为:
The thicker a mammal's skin is(
从句), , the less hair it has(主句). 

2.两个the都是副词(而非冠词), 表示程度并修饰后面的形容词比较级. (前后两个the的意思在 韦氏字典解为: the: adv. 2 a : to what extent <the sooner the better> b : to that extent <the sooner the better>)

the more...the more...结构的三个原则(参自[托福语法填空要点])
1. the more
如本题的the more the children..., the greater their ...

2. 后面的谓语如果是be动词的话可以省略这一点对于前后两个都适用. (特别当主谓语时it is常同时省略.) 
eg.What size box do you want?---The bigger, the better. 
就是的The bigger it is, the better it is的省略结构上面的252the greater...引出的主句显然省略了Be动词is, 表语是greater, 提到句首加副词the表示程度构成并列的

3. 第二个the more后面可以使用倒装而第一个后面却不行. (因为只有主句才能倒装,从句绝不能倒装如果继续深究第二个the more后面什么时候用倒装时可认为如果主语长,谓语动词短时为避免头重脚轻主谓语倒装.) ----不懂

上面的252题如果要补出谓语的话, the greater is...结构较好但是Official GuideD的解释是:The phrase [the more the children] should be completed by a parallel phrase that begins with a comparative adjective and a noun phrase, as in [the greater their...] advantage. Only C correctly completes the structure with a parallel phrase. 

2  词法: underlie / underlay

underlie vt.位于...之下, 成为...的基础;

underlay vt 把(某物)放到另一物的下面.从下面支撑

underlying cause/principle/problem etc. the cause, idea etc that is the most important, although it is not easily noticed

the underlying causes of her depression                                 

There is an underlying assumption that younger workers are easier to train.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-7 19:24:39编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-7 19:28:00 | 只看该作者

8.  Lacking information about energy use, people tend to overestimate the amount of energy used by equipment. such as lights, that are visible and must be turned on and off and underestimate that used by unobtrusive equipment, such as water heaters.

A. equipment, such as lights, that are visible and must be turned on and off and underestimate that

B. equipment, such as lights, that are visible and must be turned on and off and underestimate it when

C. equipment, such as lights, that is visible and must be turned on and off and underestimate it when

D. visible equipment, such as lights, that must be turned on and off and underestimate that

E. visible equipment, such as lights, that must be turned on and off and underestimate it when


1. when从句/词组没有先行词的时候, 直接修饰主语

参考OG10-.1when从句/词组没有先行词的时候, 直接修饰主语
occurring when a child…
people when used by …

2 平行:

overestimate the amount of energy used by visible equipment  and underestimate that used by unobtrusive equipment, such as water heaters.

A>n.+ used by visible equipment n.+ used by unobtrusive equipment 平行。

3.  单复数一致:

equipment, such as lights, that is visible

that 是限定定语从句,不能修饰前面直接接的名词lights.只能将such as lights 理解为插入同位语,that 从句修饰 equipment.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-7 19:29:32编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-7 19:36:00 | 只看该作者


9. Astronomers at the Palomar Observatory have discovered a distant supernova explosion, one that they believe is a type previously unknown to science.

A. that they believe is

B. that they believe it to be

C. they believe that it is of

D. they believe that is

E. they believe to be of


当先行词做定语从句的宾语,that 可以省略 one ( that ) they believe to be …….

2         代词:it 多余。

One that they believe it to be / One that they believe that it is ………  

believe 后面已经有逻辑宾语 one ,it 多余

3  平行结构:
A is B A/B 要平行对等,

此处 one(explosion ) is a type previously unknown to science.  Explosion 不能是 a type. 可以是one of a type

4.  词法believe X to be Y / believe that ……

观点一to beis在表示时间方面要好. 因为is是他们一直都这么认为, 时间概念太明确, 然而, TO BE就有模糊性, 所以这个题目里头OGIn the context of this sentence, the infinitive to be is more appropriate than the limited present-tense is in referring to an event that occurred long ago but has been discovered only recently.


这题偶的理解比较单纯,explosion, the one they believe to be of a type.  定语从句,
先行词还原到定语从句结构中就是: they believe the explosion to be of a type..... 

根据believe 的两种用法:
believe that  ..... 
believe sth to be sth.....这里附和第二种用法。很自然的排除用限定性结构,(包括没有that, 直接用is 的结构。)


allege, assume, claim, consider, deem, feel, find, know..., believe, ...
他們表示言談,想法或發現時,後面常接 to be  to have Vpp

that如果引导宾语从句, 一定不能省略.

that如果引导定语从句: 1. 如果that在从句里做主语, 不能省略; 2. that在从句里做宾语, 省略.

但上面的2OG里有反例. 243就是that做后面的宾语而不省略的. 这并不是ETS自相矛盾, 而是补出that避免歧义. 所以, 没有绝对的规律, 只有相对的正确, 因为语言的魅力在于灵活

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-7 19:48:27编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-7 19:46:00 | 只看该作者

10. However much United States voters may agree that there is waste in government and that the government as a whole spends beyond its means, it is difficult to find broad support for a movement toward a minimal state.

A. However much United States voters may agree that        

B. Despite the agreement among United States voters to the fact

C. Although United States voters agree

D. Even though United States voters may agree

E. There is agreement among United States voters that

1 宾语从句的 that 不能省略。而且此处要和后面的 that 平行

2  Run-On 结构一个句子里不能同时出项两个主句。

3  情态动词不能随便省略 =è may 不能省。

4  词法:  the agreement … to the fact there is  不对, the fact 没有办法 agreement..

5  保持原句意思: there be 结构或者改变动词 agree agreement 不好

6 However much的用法

在英语中在很多情况下however much= very much 是修饰动词的,由于very much 只能放在句尾而不能放在句首为加强语气,所以把however much放在句首。

No matter how united states voters may agree MUCH that there...
表示:美国选民多么地同意.... 而不是说:无论多少个选民同意。看下面这个例子:
However much Mr. Robin may agree that there is waste in government and that the government as a whole spends beyond its means, it is difficult to find broad support for a movement toward a minimal state.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-7 19:47:31编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-7 19:49:00 | 只看该作者

11. Based on accounts of various ancient writers, scholars have painted a sketchy picture of the activities of an all-female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixth century B.C., worshipped a goddess known in Latin as Bona Dea, "the good goddess."

A. Based on accounts of various ancient writers

B. Basing it on various ancient writers' accounts

C. With accounts of various ancient writers used for a basis

D. By the accounts of various ancient writers they used

E. Using accounts of various ancient writers

1  句首的修饰结构要考虑修饰结构的逻辑和意思上的合理性:分词做句首的修饰结构,其逻辑主语指向后面的句子主语。此时要考虑是否合理,可将前面的修饰结构还原来判断。 === scholar were based on accounts of various ancient writers 不合理

2  词法: Based on….  通常 GMAT Base 都使用被动态, based on.

3  代词指代不明确: B 中的 it scholars base it(意思为their painting work)on various ancient writers' accounts,如果指a sketchy picture意思不太对,所以不知道it指谁。

代词总的来讲应根据逻辑意思决定指代对象. OG11里的they若根据逻辑来判断, 有明确的指代对象, 即主句的主语. 但当ETS要说一个选项是错的时候, 即使逻辑意思清楚, 也被认作指代模糊. 所以完全依靠代词指代模糊来决定答案不可取. 一般我只把它作为最后一招. 有其他区别就先看其他区别.

但有三个代词指代的错误, ETS认为必错

1. 单复数不一致. 如用they指代a person

2. 在同一句句子中, 同一个代词指代不同的东西. (OG12)

3. 代词指代所有格, 而不是中心词. (OG90)

4  简洁:C with accounts of  used for a basis 语意重复。 D they used 修饰不明确,也不合理,不简洁。with + n. 在句首表示physically拥有, 相比之下, with更强调一种状态. base, compare to这类分词省略形式是应该用被动的.ETS其实偏向主动句, 因为它强调了动作发出者.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-7 19:50:29编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-7 19:52:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用нандин在2007-8-6 15:29:00的发言:

楼主MM辛苦了 顶一下


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-7 19:58:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用crowkiller在2007-8-7 19:20:00的发言:

Elina 辛苦了!




发表于 2007-8-7 20:50:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用elinaqu在2007-8-7 19:58:00的发言:



坚持就有效果. 注意一些重点题目(Excel file 中用不同颜色标出来的,解释很多很详细的)。



发表于 2007-8-7 23:59:00 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-8 16:03:00 | 只看该作者

12. Formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to new small businesses in the same way as they do to established big businesses, because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium.

A. Formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to new small businesses in the same way as they do to established big businesses, because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium.

B. Because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium, formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to new small businesses in the same way as they do to established big businesses.

C. Because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium, new small businesses are not subject to the same applicability of formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity as established big businesses.

D. Because new small businesses are growing and are seldom in equilibrium, formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to them in the same way as to established big businesses.

E. New small businesses are not subject to the applicability of formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity in the same way as established big businesses, because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium.

1 代词指代:当有多个可以指代的对象时,选用代词容易造成混淆。

A do … , because B ….  如果用代词需要考虑指代是否指向A 合理


formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to them in the same way as formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do to established big businesses. 在不引起歧义的前提下, in the same way as 后面可以省略主语和谓语。

+ 平行词 +(主谓)  ===》比较的主体是前后的宾语,

前后的主谓一致,主  省略·

new small businesses are not subject to the applicability of formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity in the same way as established big businesses

+ 平行词 +      ===》比较的主体是前后的主语,



are not subject to the same applicability of  歧义而且不简洁。The same way as 合理。

To X the same as to Y, 伽利略人在船头的那道题。



1Because A , B .  2B, because A   3B because A

逗号很关键,没有逗号会引起歧义, because的优选结构是1)和2; 不用B because A(强调歧意)


Young female ballet dancers and gymnasts sometimes fail to maintain good eating habits caused by the desire to be as thin as possible.

(A) Young female ballet dancers and gymnasts sometimes fail to maintain good eating habits caused by the desire to be as thin as possible. (分词词组修饰的是good eating habits, 明显错误. 显然 good eating habits are caused by the desire to be as thin as possible是不合逻辑的. Caused by 表示直接导致)

(B) Good eating habits sometimes fail to be maintained by young female ballet dancers and gymnasts caused by desiring to be as thin as possible.  choice A
(C) Because they desire to be as thin as possible, good eating habits are sometimes not maintained by young female ballet dancers and gymnasts.
(D) Because they desire to be as thin as possible, young female ballet dancers and gymnasts sometimes fail to maintain good eating habits.  
(E) Young female ballet dancers and gymnasts sometimes fail to maintain good eating habits because they desire to be as thin as possible.

5.尤其是全划线的句子, 可能原来的语序本来就是大错特错嘛



[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-8 16:14:14编辑过]
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