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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 09:59:00 | 只看该作者

25. The end of the eighteenth century saw the emergence of prize-stock breeding, with individual bulls and cows receiving awards, fetching unprecedented prices, and excited enormous interest whenever they were put on show.

A. excited

B. it excited

C. exciting

D. would excite

E. it had excited


1.       平行结构(一级排除
                A,B,D, E

 A , B , and C 平行

可不可以A  a  and b, and B ? 可不可以作为一个排除标准


2.  代词指代(二级排除 B, E )

  it 无指代对象

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 09:59:00 | 只看该作者

26. Of all the possible disasters that threaten American agriculture, the possibility of an adverse change in climate is maybe the more difficult for analysis.

A. is maybe the more difficult for analysis

B. is probably the most difficult to analyze

C. is maybe the most difficult for analysis

D. is probably the more difficult to analyze

E. is, it may be, the analysis that is most difficult


1. 绝对错误比较结构:(一级排除


1.  简洁(一级排除  E )

when inserted into the sentence, produces an illogical structure: the possibility ... is... the analysis that.

2.  平行结构一级排除

A is B  B 可以为不定式和

difficult should be completed by the infinitive to analyze.

an infinitive,  to analyze, functions as a noun equivalent

可以说: To analyze is difficult. 但是不能说For analysis is difficult.


1.  词法(二级排除 C )

probably / maybe probably 对应概率, maybe表示能够。         


真正的理由是: possibility表示概率, 那么就要用probably, 表示概率的词语, 来对应

maybe/can/could都是能够, 不是概率

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 10:00:00 | 只看该作者

27. Published in Harlem, the owner and editor of the Messenger were two young journalists. Chandler Owen j and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader.

A. Published in Harlem, the owner and editor of the Messenger were two young journalists. Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader.

B. Published in Harlem, two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, were the owner and editor of the Messenger.

C. Published in Harlem, the Messenger was owned and edited by two young journalists, A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, and Chandler Owen.

D. The Messenger was owned and edited by two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, and published in Harlem.

E. The owner and editor being two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, the Messenger was published in Harlem.



                A, B

A. 前置定语的中心词指向句子的主语。


2. 逻辑意思明确(二级排除D, E


A and B , who/which….  从句修饰 A and B;A,who/which …. . and B.从句只修饰 A

c makes it clear that the clause beginning who refers to Randolph. A, B, D, E里面的who would later make his reputation修饰有问题, 形式上修饰复合短语, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, 但是两个人于his又不对应



the phrase and published in Harlem is too remote from the Messenger to modify it effectively (注意,也算是一种修饰错误).


4.  简洁:(二级排除E

 A being B , being 不简洁。


5.. 并列结构:
注意逻辑意思上的平行。The owner and editor, the Messenger 是同位语,但是实际意思有问题,排除E

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 10:00:00 | 只看该作者

28. The rise in the Commerce Department's index of leading economic indicators suggest that the economy should continue its expansion into the coming months, but that the mixed performance of the index's indi­vidual components indicates that economic growth will proceed at a more moderate pace than in the first quarter of this year.

A. suggest that the economy should continue its expansion into the coming months, but that

B. suggest that the economy is to continue expansion in the coming months, but

C. suggests that the economy will continue its expanding in the coming months, but that

D. suggests that the economy is continuing to expand into the coming months, but that

E. suggests that the economy will continue to expand in the coming months, but


                A, C, D—but that

the that appearing after but creates a subordinate clause where an independent clause is needed for the new subject, mixed performance


2.  主谓一致(二级排除 B)

 the rise … suggests


3. 并列( 大并列& 小并列)  (二级排除 B )

The rise… ofsuggests thatwill continuein the coming months, but the mixed performance of indicates thatwill proceedin the first quarter of this year.


4. 词法:
表示即将来到的几个月: in the coming month 不能用into


5. 时态:

That this tense is called for is indicated both by the future time to which the coming months refers and by the parallel verb form will proceed in the nonunderlined part of the sentence (并列句子, 开头不敢用的).


6. V.> N


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 10:01:00 | 只看该作者

29. In three centuries--from 1050 to 1350--several million tons of stone were quarried in France
                for the building of eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches, and some tens of thousands of parish churches.

A. for the building of eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches, and some

B. in order that they might build eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches, and some

C. so as they might build eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches, and some

D. so that there could be built eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches, and

E. such that they could build eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches, and



they 没有指代对象

2. 简洁:(二级排除 D)

there could be 不简洁

3. 表示目的的结构:(二级排除 D)

for + n. 介宾结构


so that 对不对?

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 10:01:00 | 只看该作者

30. What was as remarkable as the development of the compact disc has been the use of the new technology to revitalize, in better sound than was ever before possible, some of the classic recorded performances of the pre-LP era.

A. What was as remarkable as the development of the compact disc

B. The thing that was as remarkable as developing the compact disc

C. No less remarkable than the development of the compact disc

D. Developing the compact disc has been none the less remarkable than

E. Development of the compact disc has been no less remarkable as


1.绝对错误习语(一级排除 D, E )

 no less ….than  不能用 no less .. as 或者 none the less … than


1.       平行结构(一级排除 A, B-时态


cause inconsistencies in verb tense: the use of the new technology cannot logically be described by both the present perfect has been and the past was.关注系表结构, 系表结构等于是并列结构, 时态要一致, 概念要对等


系表结构的平行  A is/has been B A/B 要平行对等


developing the compact disc is not parallel to the use of new technology to revitalize ... performances


What was in A and The thing that was in B 为什么wordy ,什么时候应该省


中间就可以用过去时态, 因为是插入语表示的是和过去的比较, 当然要was  - ???

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 10:01:00 | 只看该作者

31. Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, there is a disinclination on the part of many people to recognize the degree to which their analytical skills are weak.

(A)  Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, there is a disinclination on the part of many people to recognize the degree to which their analytical skills are weak.

(B)  Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, which they admit they lack, many people are disinclined to recognize that their analytical skills are weak.

(C)  Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, analytical skills bring out a disinclination in many people to recognize that they are weak to a degree.

(D)  Many people, willing to admit that they lack computer skills or other technical skills, are disinclined to recognize that their analytical skills are weak.

(E)   Many people have a disinclination to recognize the weakness of their analytical skills while willing to admit their lack of computer skills or other technical skills.


1比较结构(一级排除 A, B )

Unlike A , B A/B 要同类对等


2.简洁(二级排除 C, E )

it is awkward and unidiomatic to say skills bring out a disinclination.

     动词 > 名词

be disinclined a disinclination 要好



they is unclear, and weak to a degree changes the meaning of the original statement.


1.  词法:

admit their lack should be
                    admit to their lack.


admit that... 承认 ; admit sb. to do sth. 允许 ; admit to doing sth.  不能是 admit sth.

While 的用法:



形式:主句,while+ -ing/a.


而,然而的意思,表对比转折;主语谓语动词不管怎样都不能省,应该完整写出while they are willing........

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 10:02:00 | 只看该作者

32. Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily dam­aged in the earthquake last year were constructed in violation of the city's building code.

(A)  Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake last year were

(B)  Some buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake last year had been

(C)  Some buildings that the earthquake destroyed and heavily damaged last year have been

(D)  Last year the earthquake destroyed or heavily damaged some buildings that have been

(E)   Last year some of the buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake had been


1.逻辑意思的合理性(一级排除 A, C )

 and/or 的选择,destroy/damage 不能同时发生。

逻辑意思决定了时态 ==
发生在 destroy 之前

从句和主句的动作发生的先后。(排除 D )

Choices C and D use the present perfect tense incorrectly, saying in effect that the buildings have been constructed after they were destroyed last year.


2. 改变句子中心(二级排除 E )



一般过去式的时间状语用时间点,如此题中的 last year. 完成时态用时间段做时间状语,通常用 since ….


都会改变句子的中心意思  选项D

会造成句子意思的改变,  选项E

Choice E suggests that the construction of the buildings, rather than the earthquake, occurred last year, thus making the sequence of events unclear.

è D 改变了从句成主句, E 的时间状语改变位置造成了句子意思改变。

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 10:02:00 | 只看该作者

33. From the earliest days of the tribe, kinship determined the way in which the Ojibwa society organized its labor, provided access to its resources, and defined rights and obligations involved in the distribution and consumption of those resources.

(A)  and defined rights and obligations involved in the distribution and consumption of those resources

(B)  defining rights and obligations involved in their distribution and consumption

(C)  and defined rights and obligations as they were involved in its distribution and consumption

(D)  whose rights and obligations were defined in their distribution and consumption

(E)   the distribution and consumption of them defined by rights and obligations


1平行结构:(一级排除 B,D,E )

A+ed, B+ed, and C+ed


2.代词: (二级排除 C )

its has no logical referent



3. 修饰:n. whose +。。。
需要考察 whose 指向的名词是否合理

4. 逻辑意思  defined by rights and obligations 改变了逻辑结构的主语

5. 简洁 n. + 分词
n. + 定语从句
that/as + be + v.+ed 要好


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 10:02:00 | 只看该作者

34. A report by the American
for the Advance­ment of Science has concluded that much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Ameri­cans are exposed comes from the incineration of wastes.

(A)  much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed comes

(B)  much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins that North Americans are exposed to come

(C)  much of the dioxins that are currently uncon­trolled and that North Americans are exposed to comes

(D)  many of the dioxins that are currently uncontrolled and North Americans are exposed to come

(E)   many of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed come



1单复数一致:(一级排除 A,B,C )

dioxins 为可数复数名词应用many, come


 修饰词的单复数一致: much + 不可数名词
many + 可数名词

2简洁/平行结构:二级排除 D )

n. + that/ whose /which be + adj. 没有 adj. + n. 简洁。

currently uncontrolled dioxins / dioxins that are currently uncontrolled

D requires that before North Americans, to be grammatically complete.

dioxins to which North Americans are exposed / many of the dioxins ……  and North Americans are exposed to 改变了句子意思和逻辑关系。


修饰顺序: a report by … for ……


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