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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-12 23:26:00 | 只看该作者

59. In 1978 only half the women granted child support by a court received the amount awarded; at least as much as a million and more others had not any support agreements whatsoever.

(A)  at least as much as a million and more others had not any

(B)  at least as much as more than a million others had no

(C)  more than a million others had not any

(D)  more than a million others had no

(E)   there was at least a million or more others without any

1比较结构:一级排除A, B

at least as much as  / more than 意思重复

修饰:B incorrectly use much rather than many to describe the countable noun others much+ 不可数; many + 可数

2. 简洁二级排除E

 there be 结构不太好

 单复数it incorrectly links the singular verb was with the plural subject others.

3. 习惯用法

not any 没有
直接用 no 简洁. In A and C, not any support agreements is wordy and awkward

紫禁城参观的那个, 就是用的no /not any 的简洁性来排除错误的.

The Forbidden City in Beijing, from which the emperors ruled by heavenly mandate, was a site which a commoner or foreigner could not enter without any permission, on pain of death.

(A) which a commoner or foreigner could not enter without any permission, 普通人不能进去,没有许可的话

(B) which a commoner or foreigner could enter without any permission only

(C) which no commoner or foreigner could enter without permission, 没有普通人能进去, 没有许可的话

(D) which, without permission, neither commoner or foreigner could only enter,C

(E) which, to enter without permission, neither commoner or foreigner could do,


2without any permission是一种wordy的表达方式



Although all the proceedings of the Communist party conference held in Moscow were not carried live, Soviet audiences have seen a great deal of coverage.

(A) all the proceedings of the Communist party conference held in Moscow were not carried live

(B) all the Communist party conference’s Moscow proceedings were not carried live

(C) all the Communist party conference Moscow proceedings have not been carried alive

(D) not all the Communist party conference Moscow proceedings have been carried aliveE

(E) not all the proceedings of the Communist party conference held in Moscow were carried live

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-12 23:52:00 | 只看该作者

60. According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.

(A)  like that of earlier generations

(B)   as that for earlier generations

(C)  just as earlier generations did

(D)  as have earlier generations

(E)   as it was of earlier generations


1. Like/As
             as +
句子; like + n. 一级排除B,C,D


like + n. ; as+ 完整句子

Like+ n, 通常放在句首或者句中,但是不肯定。

As 的比较:



A do ***, as B do

A can *** as B can

A is *** as B and C are



A do *** as B did ten years ago.



Like A’s Book, B’s Book is red.

典型的错误为:Like A, B’s book is red.(人和人比,书和书比)



similar to

contrary to(但在like/unlike题型中有可能成为正确答案)


2. That 的指代容易有歧义 . 排除 A

like 虽然放在句末,但是做状语也应该优先修饰主语(例似于with放在句末);另外that指带也有问题。


3.gmat 中句子从整体上看要有大并列的感觉,

it refers unambiguously to the phrasal subject owning ... land, the verb was corresponds to is, and today's young adults are appropriately compared to earlier genera­tions(大并列).

gmatthat一般不能单独指代,要有修饰成分,如that of ...that in....等。it一般不存在过去和现在的区分,如than it was five years ago等,但地点是要区分的,这好像是你近来的一个总结。不知我理解的对不对。

发表于 2007-8-15 03:30:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-16 15:01:00 | 只看该作者
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-22 10:18:03编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-16 15:01:00 | 只看该作者

61. The Gorton-Dodd bill requires that a bank disclose to their customers how long they will delay access to funds from deposited checks.

that a bank disclose to their customers how long they will delay access to funds from deposited checks

(B)  a bank to disclose to their customers how long they will delay access to funds from a deposited check

that a bank disclose to its customers how long it will delay access to funds from deposited checks

a bank that it should disclose to its customers how long it will delay access to funds from a depos­ited check

(E)  that banks disclose to customers how long access to funds from their deposited check is to be delayed



代词的一致 ==

代词 their/they a bank 不一致

逻辑意思的单复数 ==customers  a depos­ited check 


 require 用法
require that …./  require sb. To do sth….. require of sb. That sth. ……

3. 被动语态

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 10:19:00 | 只看该作者

☆☆☆62. Geologists believe that the warning signs for a major earthquake may include sudden fluctuations in local seismic activity, tilting and other deformations of the Earth's crust, changing the measured strain across a fault zone, and varying the electrical properties of underground rocks.

(A)  changing the measured strain across a fault zone and varying

(B)  changing measurements of the strain across a fault zone, and varying

(C)  changing the strain as measured across a fault zone, and variations of

(D)  changes in the measured strain across a fault zone, and variations in

(E)   changes in measurements of the strain across a fault zone, and variations among

1.       平行结构:一级排除A,B,C

名词比较, changing 无法

 fluctuations, deformations, changes, variations是平行的,如果用changes, vary没有发出动作的名词



2.比较对象:应该是strain 更加符合逻辑意思   二级排除E

3. 词法in/among二级排除E

among 表示
其后接的事物有好几种不同的,在这几个不同的事物中比较。 In 表示
比较among in E wrongly suggests a comparison of different electrical properties rather than of different behaviors of the same properties.


所有格:    A of B 强调的是 A


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 10:19:00 | 只看该作者

63. Health officials estimate that 35 million Africans are in danger of contracting trypanosomiasis, or "African sleeping sickness," a parasitic disease spread by the bites of tsetse flies.

(A)  are in danger of contracting(习语)

(B)  are in danger to contract

(C)  have a danger of contracting

(D)  are endangered by contraction

(E)   have a danger that they will contract


1习语: be in danger of sth.


现在完成时没有理由,而且从逻辑意思上看 have a danger 也不对。

the passive construction in D would be unnecessarily wordy and also imprecise, because it is the disease more than the act of contracting it that poses the danger.(意思表达的细微差别) èbe endangered by的意思也有区别, 往往表示环境/野生动物被endangered

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 10:19:00 | 只看该作者

64. Unlike a funded pension system, in which contributions are invested to pay future beneficiaries, a pay-as-you-go approach is the foundation of Social Security.

(A)  a pay-as-you-go approach is the foundation of Social Security

(B)   the foundation of Social Security is a pay-as-you-go approach

(C)  the approach of Social Security is pay-as-you-go

(D)  Social Security's approach is pay-as-you-go

(E)   Social Security is founded on a pay-as-you-go approach

1.比较结构 unlike A , B A/B要对等。一级排除A,B,C,D

compares one kind of system of providing for retirees, the funded pension system, with another such system. Social Security这里就是说social security本身就是一种system

2.When, where, in which 的用法:
1. when , where
ex: He came from
, where Lally had once spent a holiday.
2. when , where
也可以用在限制性關係子句中,但前面必須有特定的名詞. 且像" Lodon" 這種專有名詞的地名後面是不跟限制性關係子句的.
ex: This is the street where I live.
time: 可用 at which 替代 when
place, room, street, year, month: 可用in which 替代 where when
ex: the place in which they found themselves.
day 之後可用on which 替代 when
situation, stage, arrangement, system 之後, 可用 in which 替代 where, whereby.

所以, in which 常用在限制性關係子句中, (簡單看就是前面不要有 ,)可以替代 where, when
year, month
place, room, street,
situation, stage, state, arrangement, system
in which
用在非限制性關係子句中, (簡單看就是 ... , in which...)
Ex: Sometimes you may feel too frail to cope with things, in which cases do them as soon as it is convenient.
表示要對所說的事情進行補充時, 可用
讓我大膽結論一下:..., in which+ 非名詞
必錯. 例如大全149
..., in which +名詞 :名詞+in which ,則與 when or where 都可以互換. 必須找其他錯誤.
此外,that which ...,where 的用法, 在考古題中沒有對過!

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 10:20:00 | 只看该作者

65. Critics of the trend toward privately operated prisons consider corrections facilities to be an integral part of the criminal justice system and question if profits should be made from incarceration.

(A)  to be an integral part of the criminal justice system and question if

(B)   as an integral part of the criminal justice system and they question if

(C)  as being an integral part of the criminal justice system and question whether

(D)  an integral part of the criminal justice system and question Whether

(E)   are an integral part of the criminal justice system, and they question whether


1.      词法
consider + n. + n.

When consider means "regard as," as it does in this sentence, its object should be followed immediately by the phrase that identifies or describes that object

Consider sth sth/adj

Make sth sth/adj

Cause sth to do sth

Be believed to do

Be expected to do

Be estimated to do

Be regarded as

Be credited with

2.  Whether/ if
…..//// whether

3.  平行结构

没有新的主语, 两个动词的发起一样的时候, 只要一个名词发起者就可以了

A do b and A do c. èèmust be altered into:

A do b and do c. 

or even

A do and do X.


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 10:21:00 | 只看该作者

66. The Federal Reserve Board's reduction of interest rates on loans to financial institutions is both an acknowledgment of past economic trends and an effort to influence their future direction.

(A)  reduction of interest rates on loans to financial institutions is both an acknowledgment of past economic trends and an effort

(B)   reduction of interest rates on loans to financial institutions is an acknowledgment both of past economic trends as well as an effort

(C)  reduction of interest rates on loans to financial institutions both acknowledge past economic trends and attempt

(D)  reducing interest rates on loans to financial institutions is an acknowledgment both of past economic trends and an effort

(E)   reducing interest rates on loans to financial institutions both acknowledge past economic trends as well as attempt


A. both … and 前后要逻辑对称,符合原句的意思,不能随意更改位置。

B. 系表结构的前后平行:

C. 抽象名词不能做句子的主语作为动作的发起者。

it is imprecise to characterize a reduction as performing actions such as acknowledging or attempting ( is 前后要并列,注意要更广泛,更深刻的去理解并列的感觉===动词的发起不能是抽象的名词啊!!!). 系表结构是一种并列



reduction 不能做 acknowledge/ attempt 的主语,而且这样修改也改变了原句的意思

A. 动名词-强调具体动作的过程;动词的名词形式-强调动作的前提,结果的全方位的东东

B. 动名词不能做所有格的宾语。


the plural verbs acknowl­edge and attempt do not agree with their singular subject, reduction

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