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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 09:49:00 | 只看该作者

95. Along with the drop in producer prices announced yesterday, the strong retail sales figures released today seem like it is indicative that the economy, although growing slowly, is not nearing a recession.

(A)  like it is indicative that

(B)   as if to indicate

(C)  to indicate that

(D)  indicative of

(E)   like an indication of


1.       词法

seem to …….the main verb seem is followed by an infinitive (to indicate), which is in turn followed by its direct object, a noun clause introduced by the relative pronoun that.


like 不能接从句;In A, seem is followed by like, a preposition improperly used to introduce a clause. !!!!介词like永远不能接从句!!!

seem as if + 虚拟语气

2 宾语从句的 that 不能省略



 Choices D and E, with of substituted for that, are likewise ungrammatical: of, a preposition, can introduce a phrase, but not a clause

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 09:49:00 | 只看该作者

96. The National Transportation Safety Board has recommended the use of fail-safe mechanisms on airliner cargo door latches assuring the doors are properly closed before takeoff and to prevent them from popping open in flight.

(A)  assuring the doors are properly closed

(B)  for the assurance of proper closing

(C)  assuring proper closure

(D)  to assure closing the doors properly

(E)   to assure that the doors are properly closed


不定式 / 不定式

2分词/逻辑主语    二级排除D


.D offers the necessary infinitive, but the gerund phrase closing ... imprecisely refers to the act of closing the doors rather than to the condition of the closed doors. Choice E, with its idiomatic and precise noun clause, is the best answer(逻辑意思表达的精确性,这些细微的差别要多体会,培养考试时候的正确感觉).

Latch: n.门插销



Choices B and C are additionally faulty because, in omitting the noun doors, they fail both to specify what is being closed and to supply an antecedent for the pronoun them

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 09:49:00 | 只看该作者

97. Iguanas have been an important food source in Latin America since prehistoric times, and it is still prized as a game animal by the campcsinos, who typically cook the meat in a heavily spiced stew.

(A)  it is still prized as a game animal

(B)   it is still prized as game animals

(C)  they are still prized as game animals

(D)  they are still prized as being a game animal

(E)   being still prized as a game animal

1句子完整性/ 句子结构一级排除E



的单复数 / 系表结构

3 简洁:二级排除C


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 09:50:00 | 只看该作者

98. The financial crash of October 1987 demonstrated that the world's capital markets are integrated more closely than never before and events in one part of the global village may be transmitted to the rest of the village--almost instantaneously.

(A)  integrated more closely than never before and

(B)   closely integrated more than ever before so

(C)  more closely integrated as never before while

(D)  more closely integrated than ever before and that

(E)   more than ever before closely integrated as


more … than ever before 不能是 more than never … / more never

The phrases more... than never in A and more ... as never in C are both unidiomatic: the idiom is more than ever.


前后分句要表达的是并列的意思,不能改成 so/while/as 成为从句。

Choices B, C, and E end with so, while, and as, respectively:and that is needed so that two parallel clauses may be properly joined

3.修饰    二级排除B

closely 的位置改变

Finally, B and E misplace the adverb more, which here should come just before closely: closer, not more frequent, integration of the world's capital markets is what facilitates the transmission of economic events(☆☆☆☆位置变化引起意思的变化,多体会,这常常是造成歧义的根源).


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 09:50:00 | 只看该作者

99. New theories propose that catastrophic impacts of asteroids and comets may have caused reversals in the Earth's magnetic field, the onset of ice ages, splitting apart continents 80 million years ago, and great volcanic eruptions.

(A)  splitting apart continents

(B)  the splitting apart of continents

(C)  split apart continents

(D)  continents split apart

(E)   continents that were split apart

1 平行结构一级排除A,C

reversals, onset, and eruptions 要求和动作性名词平行


continents ; C
谓语结构, D E 中心词是continents   è
排除 A C D E In E, continents illogically replaces the splitting in the series: although the impacts in question may have caused continents to split, they did not cause those continents that were split apart 80 million years ago to materialize.改变主语,改变句子重心



An onslaught; an assault.攻击袭击

A beginning; a start:开始:

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 09:50:00 | 只看该作者

100. Wisconsin, Illinois, Florida, and Minnesota have begun to enforce statewide bans prohibiting landfills to accept leaves, brush, and grass clippings.

(A)  prohibiting landfills to accept leaves, brush, and grass clippings

(B)   prohibiting that landfills accept leaves, brush, and grass clippings

(C)  prohibiting landfills from accepting leaves, brush, and grass clippings

(D)  that leaves, brush, and grass clippings cannot be accepted in landfills

(E)   that landfills cannot accept leaves, brush, and grass clippings



x forbids y to do z or

x prohibits y from doing z


orbid/prohibit  不能用 can not 代替

D and E introduce constructions that, in context, are faulty. First of all, both bans that x cannot be done and bans that y cannot do x are unidiomatic formulations.

Secondly, the negative cannot after bans is illogical.(不能禁止在意思上有很大差别)


的可以用动名词  ban doing+…



A prohibition imposed by law or official decree.


* landfill  垃圾填埋场

发表于 2007-8-23 10:53:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 11:53:00 | 只看该作者

101. Even though the direct costs of malpractice disputes amounts to a sum lower than one percent of the $541 billion the nation spent on health care last year, doctors say fear of lawsuits plays a major role in health-care inflation.

(A)  amounts to a sum lower

(B)  amounts to less

(C)  amounted to less

(D)  amounted to lower

(E)   amounted to a lower sum


1 时态/单复数:一级排除A,B

 last year


Sum lower wordy.

the construction a lower sum than is awkward and imprecise in the context of the sentence


less / lower 

less 可以做名词
和后面的one percent比较,但是 lower只能是形容词。能和后面的平行对比的只能是less.  In D, the adjective lower is erroneously used in place of the noun less as object of the preposition to. (less 是名词,还是第一次听说) actually it functions as a determiner/pronoun指示词


Amounts to (to 为介词用)


less : 

1. a smaller amount or not as much/opposite more

Doctors recommend eating less salt.

People today seem to have less time for each other.Most of us got £4 an hour, but some received even less.


less of

The map covered less of the area than I'd thought.Flying is less of a risk than driving.


less (...) than

She knows less than I do about it.


less than 10/100 etc

a distance of less than 100 metres much/a lot less


It costs much less to go by bus.


2. used to mean 'fewer' or 'not as many', although many people think this use is incorrect opposite more

There were less people there than we expected.

see usage note few

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 11:53:00 | 只看该作者

102. Except for a concert performance that the composer himself staged in 1911, Scott Joplin's ragtime opera Treemonisha was not produced until 1972, sixty-one years after its completion.

(A)   Except for a concert performance that the composer himself staged

(B)   Except for a concert performance with the composer himself staging it

(C)   Besides a concert performance being staged by the composer himself

(D)  Excepting a concert performance that the composer himself staged

(E)   With the exception of a concert performance with the staging done by the composer himself

1.       简洁一级排除E

Choice E is awkward and wordy.

2.       doing和句子的区别一级排除D

In D, the use of Excepting in place of the preposition Except for is unidiomatic(用词, excepting是分词的感觉). 分词:   excepting 指向opera ,不合理, 前置分词的逻辑主语指向句子主语

the participle staging inappropriately expresses ongoing rather than completed action,

and the prepositional phrase containing this participle (with... it) is unidiomatic.


3.       介词短语
其后不能接句子和分词,只能是代词和名词排除 B C E

with staging / Besides being staged / with staging done

介词后面不能接句子, 分词词组!!!!!只接名词, 代词è记住!!!è用来迅速排除错误选项!!!!!

Likewise, C uses the participle being inappropriately. èbesides 是介词,不能引导句子或者分词!!!!!!

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 11:54:00 | 只看该作者

103. Students in the metropolitan school district lack math skills to such a large degree as to make it difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming ever more dependent on information-based industries.

(A)   lack math skills to such a large degree as to make it difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming

(B)   lack math skills to a large enough degree that they will be difficult to absorb into a city's economy that becomes

(C)   lack of math skills is so large as to be difficult to absorb them into a city's economy that becomes

(D)  are lacking so much in math skills as to be difficult to absorb into a city's economy becoming

(E)   are so lacking in math skills that it will be difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming


enough…that large enough degree that 简直太恐怖了

lack 作名词

C is ungrammatical because it uses lack as a noun rather than as a verb: the phrase beginning Students... becomes a dangling element, and them refers illogically to skills rather than students (of 连接的词都是名词性的). è这个考的好多啊…dangling element, 成分在句子里面作用不明确.


 absorb into… 的宾语对象
应该是人, absorb sb. Into ….

D动词absorb的发起明显不对, 变成学生absorb. 学生应该是be absorbed


acking / becoming 都要表示还在发生的进行时态

多么对称啊!!! A也不简洁

In A, lack is modified by a wordy and awkward construction, to such a large degree as to make it difficult to(和用so that 比起来,这个修饰确实不清晰,也不简洁).


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