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楼主: elinaqu
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 18:25:00 | 只看该作者

121. The concept of the grand jury dates from the twelfth -century, when Henry II of England ordered panels of common citizens should prepare lists of who were their communities' suspected criminals.

(A)  should prepare lists of who were their commu­nities' suspected criminals

(B)  would do the preparation of lists of their communities' suspected criminals

(C)  preparing lists of suspected criminals in their communities

(D)  the preparing of a list of suspected criminals in their communities

(E)   to prepare lists of suspected criminals in their communities



x order y to do z.

In C, preparing . . . communities functions as a participial phrase modifying citizens rather than as a verb phrase describing what the citizens were ordered to do.

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 18:25:00 | 只看该作者

122. Chinese, the most ancient of living writing systems, consists of tens of thousands of ideographic charac­ters, each character miniature calligraphic composition inside its own square frame.

(A)  each character a miniature calligraphic compo­sition inside its

(B)  all the characters a miniature calligraphic ;       composition inside their

(C)  all the characters a miniature calligraphic composition inside its

(D)  every character a miniature calligraphic compo­sition inside their

(E)   each character a miniature calligraphic compo­sition inside their


     1. 单复数  一级排除B,C,D,E

Choice A is best: the appositive terms character and com­position, both singular, agree in number; both also agree with the singular possessive pronoun its. In all the other choices, this three-way agreement in number is violated.


B  all / a calligraphic / their

C  all / a / its

D  every / a / their

E  each / a / their


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 18:25:00 | 只看该作者

123. In developing new facilities for the incineration of solid wastes, we must avoid the danger of shifting environmental problems from landfills polluting the water to polluting the air with incinerators.

(A)  landfills polluting the water to polluting the air with incinerators

(B)   landfills polluting the water to the air being polluted with incinerators

(C)  the pollution of water
                by landfills to the pollution of air
                by incinerators

(D)  pollution of the water by landfills to incinerators that pollute the air

(E)   water that is polluted by landfills to incinerators that pollute the air

1. 并列一级排除A,B,D,E

The focus here is on the phrases x and y in the construction shifting environmental problems from x to y.

in B, landfills is not logically parallel with air (substance affected).

The terms pollution (problem) in D and water (substance)

in E are not logically parallel with incinerators (agent).


逻辑意思上去看:danger the pollution of water or the pollution of air 是完全可以匹配的,但是和 landfill or water 等等是无法匹配的


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 18:26:00 | 只看该作者

124. During Roosevelt's years in office, Black Americans began voting for Democrats rather than Republi­cans in national elections, but Black support for Democrats at the state and local levels developed only after when civil rights legislation was supported by Harry Truman.

(A)  developed only after when civil rights legislation was supported by Harry Truman

(B)  developed only after when Harry Truman supported civil rights legislation

(C)  developed only after Harry Truman's support of civil rights legislation

(D)  develops only at the time after the supporting of civil rights legislation by Harry Truman

(E)   developed only after there being Harry Truman's support of civil rights legislation


1绝对错误there being

In E, the construction after there being... support is ungrammati­cal.


moreover, the present tense develops is used incorrectly to describe action completed in the past. è主句从句的时态对应哦

3 词法  after when / at the time after  不能连用二级排除A,B,D

In choices A and B, after when(连用大错特错) is unidiomatic:

one word or the other can be used to establish temporal sequence, but not both together.

In D, the phrase at the time after is awkward and temporally confusing;一个是在那个时间, 一个是在那个之后, 明显矛盾嘛!!

Temporal : adj.时间的

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 18:26:00 | 只看该作者

125. The winds that howl across the Great Plains not only blow away valuable topsoil, thereby reducing the potential crop yield of a tract of land, and also damage or destroy young plants.

(A)  and also damage or destroy

(B)  as well as damaging or destroying

(C)  but they also cause damage or destroy

(D)  but also damage or destroy

(E)   but also causing damage or destroying



 not only … but also ….平行

2实意动词不能随意加减 cause

In C and E, damage is used not as a verb with young plants as its direct object but as a noun receiving the action of cause;

consequently, these choices fail to state explicitly that the damage is done to young plants. 改变了核心动词的发出和接受, less direct

发表于 2007-8-24 09:02:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用elinaqu在2007-8-23 18:23:00的发言:



 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-24 09:52:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用astroboy9在2007-8-24 9:02:00的发言:


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-24 09:52:00 | 只看该作者

126. More than thirty years ago Dr. Barbara McClintock, the Nobel Prize winner, reported that genes can "jump," as pearls moving mysteriously from one necklace to another.

(A)  as pearls moving mysteriously from one neck­lace to another

(B)  like pearls moving mysteriously from one neck­lace to another

(C)  as pearls do that move mysteriously from one necklace to others

(D)  like pearls do that move mysteriously from one necklace to others

(E)   as do pearls that move mysteriously from one necklace to some other one



one…another         /  some …. Others

in E, the phrase some other one, substituted for another, is awkward and wordy. (some others; one another –本题的解题关键

2 as/like

 as + 句子 / like + n.  在很接近的情况下, like 也可以放在句末作比较。

preposition like to introduce a comparison that is expressed in a prepositional phrase. 介词like表示的比较是放在介词短语=èd的错误是è

In A, as is used unidiomatically; in comparison, as is properly employed as a conjunction introducing a subordinate clause. As表示比较, 得用句子. 单个的as作介词, 表示作为

的动词 jump ,不能用实意动词 do 做比照

“that move”本身很不爽: move当名词用就不好,而且,用that去修饰move也很别扭。

“jump” 放在引号中的,这样的话用 do 去代替也有问题

记住本题:like 放在句子后边比较也是可以的。è比较的对象距离很近近


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-24 09:52:00 | 只看该作者

127. In theory, international civil servants at the United Nations are prohibited from continuing to draw salaries from their own governments; in practice, however, some governments merely substitute living allowances for their employees' paychecks, assigned by them to the United Nations.

(A)  for their employees' paychecks, assigned by them

(B)  for the paychecks of their employees who have been assigned

(C)  for the paychecks of their employees, having been assigned

(D)  in place of their employees' paychecks, for those of them assigned

(E)   in place of the paychecks of their employees to have been assigned by them



1习语/并列: substitute x for y.



having 不好

名词, doing 修饰全句动词, 不是修饰紧跟这的前面的东东

名词doing 主要修饰名词, 不是动作, 是这个名词的性质

名词to do 修饰名词的动作, 要去作的东东

In choice A, the phrase assigned by them modifies the adjacent noun, paychecks: the sentence implies that paychecks, rather than employees, work at the United Nations(修饰错误).

In C, the phrase having been assigned... is uncertain in reference, making the sentence unclear (放在句末的现在分词短语也要小心逻辑主语,常常会有陷阱).


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-24 09:53:00 | 只看该作者

128. New hardy varieties of rice show promise of pro­ducing high yields without the costly requirements of irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer by earlier high-yielding varieties.

(A)  requirements of irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer by earlier high-yielding varieties

(B)   requirements by earlier high-yielding varieties of application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation

(C)  requirements for application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation of earlier high-yielding varieties

(D)  application of commercial fertilizer and irriga­tion that was required by earlier high-yielding varieties

(E)   irrigation and application of commercial fertil­izer that were required by earlier high-yielding varieties





1# 关注由于不当的平行造成的歧义。

2# 定语从句的谓语动词指出主语。

        A 也挺好啊??

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