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发表于 2006-8-4 22:28:00 | 只看该作者



Springfield Fire Commissioner: the vast majority of false fire alarms

are prank calls made anonymously from fire alarm boxes on street

corners. Since virtually everyone has access to a private telephone,

these alarm boxes have outlived their usefulness. Therefore, we

propose to remove the boxes. Removing the boxes will reduce the

number of prank calls without hampering people’s ability to report a fire.


Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the claim that the

proposal, if carried out, will have the announced effect?

A.     The fire department traces all alarm calls made from private tele-

phones and records where they came from.

B.     Maintaining the fire alarm boxes costs Springfield approximately

five million dollars annually.

C.     A telephone call can provide the fire department with more informa-

tion about the nature and size of a fire than can an alarm placed

from an alarm box.

D.     Responding to false alarms significantly reduces the fire depart-

ment’s capacity for responding to fires.

E.      On any given day, a significant percentage of the public telephones

in Springfield are out of service.

THE  ANSWER IS C,但我认为是D,D可以加强结论,即

without hampering people’s ability to report a fire,but more pricisely.


发表于 2006-8-6 14:03:00 | 只看该作者

My answer is A!

我们要证明的是可以REDUCE那些恶意的电话, 如果象A说的, PHONE CALL可以追踪的, 那么就没有人会打恶意电话了.

发表于 2006-8-6 16:23:00 | 只看该作者
个人感觉  ETS比较偏向于讲述正面效果的那些答案
发表于 2006-8-9 10:08:00 | 只看该作者

题干里是people’s ability to report a fire.
选项D:firedepartment's capability to respond to a fire

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-9 10:09:49编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-9 20:13:00 | 只看该作者
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-9 20:17:06编辑过]
发表于 2006-9-11 13:07:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-9-11 14:29:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-9-11 15:08:00 | 只看该作者

either A and C has its advantage.the conclusion here is :Removing the boxes will reduce the number of prank calls without hampering people’s ability to report a fire.

here A much more focus on the "prank" ,meanwhile ,C is specialized on "hampering people’s ability to report a fire"

the conclusion will have good effect if the number of prnak calls decrese and the ability to report a fire is not weakened.The success relies on the both of these factros do their jobs.

If A become realized ,the number of prnak calls will decrese.If C is the truth ,the ability to report a fire won't be undermined.

But here A is a little be tricky here. fire department can  trace all alarm calls not only make from private tele- phones and  record where they came from but also alarm boxs do.But since the private calls are different from the alarm boxes that have no idea who make  the calls ,choice A make some sence to some extent.

It's tough question here,and C maybe more concentrated on the the content emphasized in the argument--"without hampering people’s ability to report a fire.".So the reference answer here prefer to C firmly

here A much more focus on the "prank" ,meanwhile ,C is specialized on "hampering people’s ability to report a fire"

the conclusion will have good effect if the number of prnak calls decrese and the ability to report a fire is not weakened.The success relies on the both of these factros do their jobs.

If A become realized ,the number of prnak calls will decrese.If C is the truth ,the ability to report a fire won't be undermined.

But here A is a little be tricky here. fire department can  trace all alarm calls not only make from private tele- phones and  record where they came from but also alarm boxs do.But since the private calls are different from the alarm boxes that have no idea who make  the calls ,choice A make some sence to some extent.

It's tough question here,and C maybe more concentrated on the the content emphasized in the argument--"without hampering people’s ability to report a fire.".So the reference answer here prefer to C firmly

发表于 2006-9-26 20:30:00 | 只看该作者

我觉得是不是D的最后露了fire alarms calls

发表于 2006-11-2 19:26:00 | 只看该作者

support "noback"

A,对火警电话进行记录跟踪,进而可以查虚假火警,达到argumentproposal的目的:减少虚假火警电话;只要陈述清楚的人,都不会阻碍报警能力,如果不能陈述清楚的人,则alarm box/privage telephone都不能清晰报警。





[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-2 19:30:28编辑过]
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