structure: P1, summary of types of effectiveness; P2, different kinds of hierarchy-of-effects models: Colley's; McGuire; P3, two major criticisms: targeted audience; response
content: effectiveness (sales, affecting demand);
什么时候ad有用什么时候没有一直收到争议。有三个view。第一个是ad和sales。第二个是hierarchy of effects excluding sale。第三个是entire hierarchy of effects including sale。
讲hierarchy-of-effects models。举例两个。说model的criticism有两个。详细说其中一个,没有考虑marketing situation。
- advertising effective
○ advertising camps: only if it sells - investing relationship between expenditures & sales
○ marketing camps: intermediate effects in audience -effects up to any particular stage
○ Third : entire hierarchy effects
第二段:说明-举例 hierarchy-of-effect models & critism
- hierarchy-of-effect models的assume
- two major criticism
○ 介绍:fail to consider the marketing situation:广告信息传递和目标受众
§ 举例ATR模型以及ATR模型和传统的区别
P1: How to evaluate effectiveness of advertising?Opinion 1: from sales (出题:细节题)
Opinion 2: ultimate objective (出题:细节题)
Compromise position: should be evaluated in terms of the entire hierarchy of effects
P2: Several different stages consumers pass through.
Colley: awareness-comprehension-conviction-action
McGuire: presentation-attention-comprehension-yielding-retention-behavior
Critic: fail to consider the marketing situation and consumer audience. Traditional model present advertising effectiveness as a sequence of ...(出题:传统的model怎么样?)
ATR: conceives effectiveness as a response at a particular stage depending on the history of consumer behavior. (出题:ATR?)
Main Idea: Point out one critic raised for hierarchy-of-effects model developed on the basis of compromise position. (出题:primary purpose?)
生词:hierarchy of effect营销学中会提到效果的等级,层级效果