It is better to finish aproject completely and then begin a new one than work on two or more projectsat the same time
Do you remember a highschool question refer to how to coordinate time? The question is: laundry takesyour 40 minutes, cooking consume your 30 minutes, cleaning house needs 20minutes. How do you manage to finish all those work in hour or less? Any onewho has capable logical mentality would provide the answer: put the cloth inthe laundry machine, it takes around 5 minutes; while the machine is working,you could prepare food, it probably will take 15-20 minutes. While you waitingfor you food is being boiled. You could clean the house. If you were efficientenough, it probably would only take you an hour even less to finish it. Therefore,I would believe you definitely will be on my side when it comes to whether weshould finish a project completely and then begin a new one or work on two ormore projects at the same time. Of course, I prefer the latter one, the reasonare as follows.
To start with, it is ratherpractical to just doing one thing at a time. The reality is, most of the time,when things happened, they happened together. You never know when the newproject will come to you, are you really going to say no to your boss or yourclients just because you have one single project is being processed? That youcannot take a hand out to do more? No, of course not, I believe if you said no,you had turned them off, probably they will never ask for you again. Moreover,it might make them reevaluated your work ability, I believe in the recruitingAds, there should be always have an request, which is be able to handmultitasks. Therefore, handle two or more things are essential ability for yourlife and career.
Another equally importantpoint is handle two or more things at the same time will reduce the costs suchas costs for time, human and even material resources. Take one example in theTV commercial industrial as an example, the clients needs to shoot more than 5commercials which will distribute in 5 different countries, if I was theproduce, I would suggest them to shoot together, because from the humanresource side I could hire one creating team, it probably will takes longertime than to finish a single one and more people needs to get evolved and beingmanaged. But from the long run, and the financial side or for the time sake itwill benefits all. I could get better rates for the equipment that needs to berented; get a better price for bring the location and props preparation budgetdown; even the clients can get a better package price for doing it. Therefore,we can all take advantages for doing multi-projects together.
Admittedly, handling onesingle project at one time will guarantee the project to be done perfectly. Youcould devote more time and energy to it. However, capable of handling more thanone doesn’t mean the project quality will be discounted. All in all, in thisfiercer competing society, handling multi-tasks is essential for our life. |