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发表于 2012-8-12 19:57:57 | 只看该作者
语法 修改建议 闪光点
The author of thereading text talks about some advantages of fuel-cell engines. Whlile, theprofessor in the lecture does not agree with the author. She says that theauthor is too optimistic. At the same time, fuel-cell engines are not thesolution the problems as the author says in the text.

First, in contrastto what the author states that hydorgen(这里的拼写小心哦~ is easy to access. Theprofessor explains that hydorgen in water and natural gas are(主语是hydrogen,这里的主谓要一致)not directly usable. In fact, hydrogen needs to be makemade artificially and convertto pure liquid state. It is very difficult to do this becasue this process need very low temperature.Thus, it is not very easy to produce and store hydorgen. This directlycontradicts to its counterpart in the reading text.

Second, theprofessor points out that unlike what is said in the reading text, the processof producing hydrogen will polutethe environment. The reason is that the process of producing hydrogen need(主谓一致) coal or oil as power. Thus, the burnning of coal or oil will poluted the environment.

Third, theprofessor says that fuel-cell engines are not as(这里使用as …as这样完整的形式似乎更好) cheap as the author saysin the passage. One metal which is necessary to produce fuel-cell engines istoo expensive. And without this kind of metal, the rete(是想表达rate吗?) of chemical reaction inorder to generate electricity will decrease. Scientists have not find(这里用现在完成时表达很精准啊,如果是我自己多半就用过去时啦,只是要使用正确的时态哟,found another metal to replacethis kind of metal. Thus, the fuel-cell engines are not so cheap.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-13 19:16:51 | 只看该作者
8月12日  it is better to finish a project completely and then begin a new one than work on two or more projects at the same time

When I was at high school, there always so many courses to learn and numorous assignments to finish, which made me think that if I had the ability to do more than one  thing at a time I would have more spare time to play. Then I tried to do more then one at a time, but the result tended to be disoppointing. I could not concentrate my energy on one project because the other one was waiting for me. This situation made me feel fraustrated. And I learnt from this experience that I was easier and better for me to finish one project completely and then being a new one instead of working on more that one projects at the same time.

Working on one task at a time helps me concentrate all of my time and energy on the same thing so that I can finsih it quickly and with high quality. Taking the experience of doing homework at high school as a example. When I focused on one math question, I did not need to care about others at the same time. I could search information relate to this question through textbooks or internet. When I could not work it out, I would ask my classmates or teachers untill I knew how to solve it completely. Then I had a better understanding of all the concepts linked to this question, this really helped me.

In addition, if I finish one project completely, which gives me precious experience, the following projects becomes much easier. This is different from working on two or more projects at the same time, since you can not use the experience to other projects at one time. One of my friends is a grad school now, he tell me one experience of doing projects is to concentrate on one first. It took him five months to write his first paper, which was about how to solve one problems with heat exchanger. He had to read others' similar papers, designed his plan of doing experiment, after all of these were done, he had to anylize the result. This experience gives him the foundation of further researches, he spent only one month to write the next high quality paper.

Admittedly, if one has extra energy or the ability to deal with two or more projects at one time, it would be better. The efficiency of one's working can be increased in this case. Also, in an organization or a company, lots of projects are waiting to be done on time. The workers there have no choice but to deal with all of them. Employees in these places may already have the experience before, so that they also can finish them with high quality.

In concousion, focusing on one project once a time helps me concentrate on it and finish it quickly with high quality, I can also gain valuable experience that can be used next time. Although some people may think doing more than one thing at the same time is better and they have to do this under certain conditions, you can see from what I discussed above that the benefits of dealing with one project completely and then begin a new one. Therefore, I recommend others also do the same as what I said above.
发表于 2012-8-14 13:50:16 | 只看该作者
不好意思昨天没回家 没来得及改。现在补上!

When I was at high school, there alwaysso many courses to learn and numorous assignments to finish, 建议直接写numerous courses and assignments,这样更清晰 which made me think that if I had the ability to do more than one  thing at a time I would have more spare time to play. Then I tried to do more then one at a time, but the result tended to be disoppointing. I could not concentrate my energy on one project because the other one was waiting for me. This situation made me feel fraustrated. And I learnt from this experience that I was easier and better for me to finish one project completely and then being a new one instead of working on more that one projects at the same time.

Working on one task at a time helps me concentrate all of my time and energy on the same thing so that I can finsih it quickly and with high quality. Taking the experience of doing homework at high school as a example. When I focused on one math question, I did not need to care about others at the same time. I could search information relate to this question through textbooks or internet. When I could not work it out, I would ask my classmates or teachers untill I knew how to solve it completely. Then I had a better understanding of all the concepts linked to this question, this really helped me.

In addition, if I finish one project completely, which gives me precious experience, the following projects becomes much easier. This is different from working on two or more projects at the same time, since you can not use the experience to other projects at one time. One of my friends is a grad school now, he tell me one experience of doing projects is to concentrate on one first. It took him five months to write his first paper, which was about how to solve one problems with heat exchanger. He had to read others' similar papers, designed his plan of doing experiment, after all of these were done, he had to anylize the result.建议这里重新成一个句子,不然有觉得有点太长了。 This experience gives him the foundation of further researches, he spent only one month to write the next high quality paper.

Admittedly, if one has extra energy or the ability to deal with two or more projects at one time, it would be better. The efficiency of one's working can be increased in this case. Also, in an organization or a company, lots of projects are waiting to be done on time. The workers there have no choice but to deal with all of them. Employees in these places may already have the experience before, so that they also can finish them with high quality.

In concousion, focusing on one project once a time helps me concentrate on it and finish it quickly with high quality, I can also gain valuable experience that can be used next time. Although some people may think doing more than one thing at the same time is better and they have to do this under certain conditions, you can see from what I discussed above that the benefits of dealing with one project completely and then begin a new one. Therefore, I recommend others also do the same as what I said above.
发表于 2012-8-14 14:04:51 | 只看该作者
8.10 独立 sorry 我前几天不在家 所以晚来了 不好意思哦
In our daily life, we often confront with situations that we may have conflicts with others people. In these events, would you like to keep polite, and solve the problems politely? Or will you just out of you temper(lose one's temper) and to be at odds with them? Most of the time, I prefer to be polite with others about everything, which does not mean I lack the ability to be in charge of the situation, on the other hand, to be impolite with another person will never help to solve the question. In addition, being impolite with others may cause me can not keep harmony with others around me. (是不是需要再明确点的 表明观点?)

For one thing, being impolite to others may cause them feel uncomfortable (or) even depressed. It is human nature to(这里用to 感觉不是很对啊,是不是可以改成 同位语 that preferring) prefer the feeling of being confirmed by others. Such feeling makes them feel they are accepted by people around them. However, rude people can not give others such feeling since they are likely to ignore others' progress or improvement. When I was at high school, one of my teachers was very serious to us. He criticized us although we made progress in our study. If we made some mistakes, he would lose his temper and shouted loudly to us, said that all of us were stupid as pig and should not waste our time to study at school. All of us felt nervous and unpleasant in his classes, which was not merely boring, but unacceptable to some extent. In this case, his impolite character did harm to us. (题外话,这个老师好恐怖啊!)

In addition, if one always have(has) a rude character, people (would) tend to keep a distance with him/her. No one (would) love to live near a rude person, and enjoy the feeling of been treated impolitely. The result is that rude people have fewer friends, the relationships between them and their nearby people are strained. Such as when one chooses a house to buy, there are many of the houses to be selected. But people are less likely to buy a house which means they are going to live with a rude neighbour. Living with a rude neighbour means so many things people(可以考虑换个词,比如the buyers) have to consider. If you do(did) something unintendly(unintentionally) but hurt your impolite neighbour's feeling, there would be so much quarrel to(can) be predicable.  

On the contrary, polite people have the effect of create a harmony and pleasant atmosphere in the community and other places. Other people are willing to live with people who are not rude. For instance, when I was in middle school where was far away from my home, I lived in campous. One of my roomamtes was so rude that everyone would keep a distance from him. Unfortunately, he did not realize this because that was his habit in his own home to be selfish. Later, our teacher talked to him about this question and he quickly changed his rude behavors. He became polite to roommates, so that all of us felt so comfortable to live with him now.

In conclution, being impolite to others may cause them feel uncomfortable and depressed, and makes others keep a long distance with us. In contrast, it is often beneficial to be polite to others. Thus, I suggeset that all of us in this world to(这里带有一种虚拟语气应该用should或省略而不是不定式to do) be polite to others in order to create a harmony society.

小错误有一些 下次写完可以自己先纠正下,另外 结构很清楚 很好~  总体很不错啦
发表于 2012-8-14 19:44:40 | 只看该作者
8.13独立还没写么 亲。。还说给你改呢。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:03:01 | 只看该作者
8月13日  know about the events happening around the world that do not affect our life.D\A

Different people have various opinions on whether they should pay attention to the events happening around the world. Some think the events may not affect their life now but will have some influences on their future so that they wacch news from TV or internet regularly. On the other hand, others do not agree, they consider knowing meaningless things for them is a waste of time and energy. To choose sides on this problem is really a tough question. From my point of view as a student, also based on what I have learnt for other people and books, I agree with the second point.

To begin with, knowing the events around the world is a waste of one's precious time which can be used on other more important things. This point is obvious, people all around the world have twenty-four hours a day. If they spend their time on unnecessary things, they can not use these time to do other things. For example, if one spends ten minutes on reading newspaper, watching TV programs, or searching from the internet to know the events happening around the world, they can not do other things at the same time. In addiion, after they get the information, they may want talk with others about these events, this also consume them some time. Moreover, wokers may forget to do their work and students will not have enough time to do their homework if they spend much of their time on events happening around the world.  In this point, konwing the events happening around the workd is unnecessary and really a waste of time.

Moreover, knowing the events around the world can affect and the change one's attitudes toward the environmnt around him/her. The environment around makes one feel comfortable and pleasant if one already adapt to it. However, knowing some events different from his/her local environment will cause one change his/her opinions, and feel uncomfortable toward the surronding. When I lived in my hometown, I was familiar with it. All of the things around me were very natural to me. In contrast, when I learnt that some areas in other parts of the world had better living conditions and they were happier than me, I felt so depressed. I thought about this idea for days but could not fullly understand why other people are happier. On the contrary, when I did not know this point, I felt comfortable and happy everyday.

Finally, the infromation about events happening the world may be incorrect and some events are rumors, so the information about these kind of events is harmful to people' daily life. For instance, in 2003, the time whem SARS were spreading around China, all kinds of rumors were made. Bussinessman wanted to earn money, so they said that some kinds of medines were effective to cure SARS, in fact these medines were useless. Another example is that, recently, some rumors related to the shortage of salts. Someone says salts can absorb rediation for nuclear plants and one nuclear plant in Japen have releses large amount of harmful materials whihc emit rediation. Then, the price of salts increases for tem times then before. In all of these cases, knowing the events is indeed harmful.

Of course, some people need to know events happening around the world, they need to know about these events which may affect their career or judgements. However, for most of people, knowing events happening around the world is unnecessry and may be a waste of time, some events are harmful. Consequently, I think knowing events around the world is nucessary.

TPO 11
The author of the reading text talks about the negative effects that modern people are reading less literature. On the contrary, the professor in the lecture does not agree with the author. She admits that it is true that people nowadays read less than people in the past, but it does not mean that this trend has unfortunate effects for the reading public.

First, contrary to the argument in the reading text that other forms of reading materials can not offer intellectual stimulation, the professor says that other forms of literature is equally meaningful. For example, other books about science, history, and political analysis are of high qualities. These books also can stimulate people' imaginations. According to the professor, literature is not the only form which is good for people.

Second, the lecture refutes the idea that television or music is trivial and has lowered the standard of culture in general. The professor explains that musics and movies are good and beneficial to people. Listening to a music or watching a good movie will not lower the standard of culture. The world is changing. These new forms are more direct than reading books.

Third, the professor also offers a different view with the author of the passage that present readers are the reason of less good literature. The real reason is that modern writers make their work difficult to understand. Readers in the past would not like to read these books either.
发表于 2012-8-14 20:49:22 | 只看该作者

TPO 11
The author of the reading text talks about the negative effects that modern people are reading less literature. On the contrary, the professor in the lecture does not agree with the author. She admits that it is true that people nowadays read less than people in the past,(额,我不知道是不是我听漏了还是怎样,我怎么没发现这个意思?) but it does not mean that this trend has unfortunate effects(原文的短语最好同义改写下) for the reading public.

First, contrary to the argument in the reading text that other forms of reading materials can not offer intellectual stimulation, the professor says that other forms of literature is equally meaningful. For example, other books about science, history, and political analysis are of high qualities. These books also can stimulate people' imaginations. According to the professor, literature is not the only form which is good for people.

Second, the lecture refutes the idea that television or music is trivial and has lowered the standard of culture in general. The professor explains that musics and movies are good and beneficial to people. Listening to a music or watching a good movie will not lower the standard of culture. The world is changing(我怎么听到的是the culture has changed). These new forms are more direct than reading books.(这段意思感觉少了点啥,建议再听听?)

Third, the professor also offers a different view with the author of the passage that present readers are the reason of less good literature. The real reason is that modern writers make their work difficult to understand. Readers in the past would not like to read these books either.

TO Kchszy
发表于 2012-8-15 17:48:47 | 只看该作者
前来批改未果 坐等8.14独立哈~~~~
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 20:42:25 | 只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people's lives have already taken place

Human had fly to the moon in 1969 and came back safely, unmanned shpacecraft had already got out of solar system. Also, modern people use computers in their daily life to study, work or do other things. Similar changes have taken place in other fields as weel, based on this, some conclude that the most considerable headways to improve people's lives have already became into reality. However, condidering problems that remain in society and environment, I think modern people have large amount of work to do.

In the first place, all kinds of pollutions happening around us need to be treated with the improvement of our science and technology. None one can deny the fact that science and technology brougt us efficiency and convenience for our daily life. One can dirve to a place far away within a few hours, or fly to other parts of the world across the ocean and sea, which people in the past never imagined they could. On the other hand, science and technology cause problems to the air surrounding us, the water we drink, and also the noise made by machines is unacceptable in certain situations. Therefore, the quality of modern people's lives need to be improved with the help of science and technology.

It is euqally important to improve modern people' heath condition. With the help of advanced equipments in hospitals, some diseases which had not been noticed in the past can be detected now. For example, AIDS, and all kinds of cancers deprive people' lives, until now, there are not effective ways to cure patients with diseases. In addition, in other places of the world, people do not have clean water to drink. They also do not enough food to eat, to feed their young children or support their old parents, although people in developed countries enjoy the fruit of modern science and technology everyday. In these cases, the quality of modern people's lives remain to be improved.

In the third place, social problems have not been solved in modern society, which can diminish the quality of modern people's lives. All kinds of crimes happening around us everyday, which makes us worry about the safety of ourselves. Recently, one person called Zhou in China have been killed by police officers. This person had killed tens of ordinary people who withdrawed money in the bank. He had killed police officers and escaped to western part of China in order to hide himself. During these days, people even did not go to the bank. Also, other problems such as the conflicts between two people can not be solved by science and technology. Thus. people remain to feel disturbed or have conflicts with others that make them feel unhappy. And, there are no solutions to these problmes even with the help of science and technology.

In conclusion, modern people have to deal with all kinds of pollutions, their health condition also need to be improved. Also, some problems in modern society have not changed yet. Based on these above discussions, I believe that the most significant improvement for the quality of people's lives will take place in the future with the improvement of science and technoligy.

TPO 12
The reading text states various reasons to prove one painting's subject is Jane Austen, one of the most famous of all Englist novelists. On the other hand, the speakers is skeptical about this painting, he says the evidences in the passage are not convincing, and are questionable. at best.

First, the speaker gives the fact that Austen's family gave the permission to use the portrait seventy years after Austen's death, so that none of these famlily members had seen Austen. Thus, they could not make certain that the portrait was truely be one painting of Austen. In contrast, the author of the passage claim that the Austent famlily as one reason to support his/her standpoint.

Second, the speaker points out that the subject of the portrait may be one of Austen's relatives. Austen's family was very large, and there were lots of female members, and the female children of her family members. They were all likely to be the teenage girl in the portrait since they resembled Austen. Evidence showed that the teenage girl might be one of Austen's relative named Mary.

Third, the speaker explains that the canvas used to made the portrait was saled by a businessman named Weiliam. However, this person did not sale canvas in london until Austen was 27 years old, which was older than the teenage girl in the portrait. In this way, the teenage girl in the portrait is certainly not Austen, which is opposed to the ideas made in the reading text, according to the speaker.
发表于 2012-8-15 20:59:42 | 只看该作者
TPO 12  尽量注意标点符号和拼写 。

Thereading text states various reasons to prove one painting's subject is JaneAusten, one of the most famous of all English novelists. On the other hand, thespeaker s is skeptical about this painting, he says the evidences in thepassage are not convincing, and are questionable, at best.

First, thespeaker gives the fact that Austen's family gave the permission to use theportrait seventy years after Austen's death, so that none of these familymembers had seen Austen. Thus, they could not make certain that the portraitwas truly to be one painting of Austen. Incontrast, the author of the passage claims thatthe Austen family as one reason to support his/her standpoint.

Second,the speaker points out that the subject of the portrait may be one of Austen'srelatives. Austen's family was very large, and there were lots of femalemembers cousins, and children of cousins (原文中用的就是cousins)and the female children ofher family members. They were all likely to bethe teenage girl in the portrait since they resembled Austen. Evidence showedthat the teenage girl might be one of Austen's relative named Mary.

Third, thespeaker explains that the portrait canvas usedto make the portrait  was sold by abusinessman named William. However, this person did not sale canvas in Londonuntil Austen was 27 years old, which was older than the teenage girl in theportrait. In this way, the teenage girl in the portrait is certainly notAusten, which is opposed to the ideas made in the reading text, according tothe speaker.
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