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gre呀gre的作文~ 非NN~请不要大意的狠拍吧!

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-30 22:30:03 | 只看该作者
7.29 独立

10.08.20NA the most important investmentfor a company is to spend money to improve the work skills of its employees.

When it comes the topic that whether themost important investment for a company is to spend money on improving theemployees’ working skills, some may stand by it for the reason that theefficiency of the whole company can be upgraded by improving wor skills. Personallyspeaking, however, I hold the opposite view for two reasons.

To begin with, company improving theemployees’ work skill may lead to some consequences that be harmful to thecompany such as job-hopping and requiring higher salary. After being trained,employees may ask for a higher salary which is unequal to his acommplishment.Such improving skills action cannot balace the requiring of employees and thewhole profit and thus leads to a high ration of job-hopping. To take my brother,who has been sent to America to upgrade his expertise, as an example, he nowworks for another company. When asked the reason why he left his originalcompany, he shrugged and said that it was a simple reason that the originalcompany wanted to draw back the cost spending on him and thus his salary islower than the average.

In addition, investment on improving thework skill cannot insure the skills be upgraded.(?) Based on the currentsituation, a worker willing to improve his own skills has been trained beforewhile a worker having no desire to update his technecal ability will waste suchinvestment. Just image a man who graduate from a famous university and has thewill to improve his own knowledge. He will use his part-time to read more andexperience more. As for a man who graduate from an average university with anattituade that life is for fun. Comparing to the former man, who will pay forthe latter one?

Judging from the statement above, I highlydoubt the idea that the most important investment for a company is to spendmoney on improving the employees’ work skills since there are so many flawssuch as the risk, the cost and so on. So the topic can be defaluted.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-31 00:59:07 | 只看该作者
7.29 综合 TPO 20

Both the reading and the professor are talking about the consequences of the "let it burn" policy for forest fires. The reading lists three damages while the professor thinks these damages are flawed.

Firstly, the reading states that the forest fire in Yellowstone harms trees and other vegetations. The professor, however, hold an opposite view that it is good for the plants since new plants were growing up after the fire and thus leads to diversity to the park. She also set the new born tress and seeds as two examples. The newly growing trees, on one hand, had a chance to grow up in the surface after the old and big trees burnt. On the other hand, the seeds could enjoy the heat so that they can grow more quickly.

Secondly, the passage reads that wildlife in Yellowstone were affacted owing to the damage of food chairs and habitats. On the contrary, the professor illustrates that the forest fire is a good oppotunity to food chairs improving. For instance, as it states above, new plants showed off and did good to some small animals such as rabbits preyed by bigger animals so that the food chair is stronger.

Thirdly, the reading says that the fire may lead to an decreasing of tour attraction and local economy. Whereas the professor takes an opposite note that only when fires occur every year does it affact the tourism. In fact, after 1980, such fire never occured.
发表于 2012-7-31 11:16:09 | 只看该作者
7.29 独立
10.08.20NA the most important investment for a company is to spend money to improve the work skills of its employees.

When it comes the topic that whether the most important investment for a company is to spend money on improving employees’ working skills, some may stand by it for the reason that the efficiency of the whole company can be upgraded by improving working skills. However, personally speaking, I hold the opposite view for two reasons.

To begin with, company improving employees’ working skill may lead to some consequences that are harmful to the company such as job-hopping and requiring higher salary. After being trained, employees may ask for a higher salary which is unequal to his accomplishment. Such improving skills action cannot balance the requiring of employees and the whole profit and thus leads to a high ration of job-hopping. To take my brother, who has been sent to America to upgrade his expertise, as an example, he works for another company. When asked the reason why he left his original company, he shrugged and said that it was a simple reason that the original company wanted to draw back the cost spending on him and thus his salary was lower than the average.

In addition, investment on improving working skill cannot insure skills are upgraded. Based on the current situation, a worker willing to improve his own skills has been trained before while a worker having no desire to update his technical ability will waste such investment. Just image a man who graduate from a famous university and has the will to improve his own knowledge. He will use his part-time to read more and experience more. As for the other man, who graduate from an average university with an attitude that life is for fun. Comparing to the former man, who will pay for the latter one?

Judging from the statement above, I highly doubt the idea that the most important investment for a company is to spend money on improving the employees’ working skills since there are so many flaws such as the risk, the cost and so on. So the topic can be defaulted.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-31 11:56:52 | 只看该作者
7.30 独立写作

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? because the world is changing so quickly, people now are less happy and less satisfied than people in the past.

As the world is changing in a high speed, here comes an arguement that people now are less happy and less satisfied than people in the past. Views varies among people with different background. As for me, I highly doubt it for two reasons.

On one hand, people today enjoy a mass of entertainment which people in the past could not just image. It is the rapid changing that brings such entertainment. People today have more choices to fulfill their various requirement through hi-tech not only with themselves but also with friends nation and abroad. Just image a man with a desire to talk and play with his friend tens of mellions miles away. Only in his dreams could the man 30years ago meet his demand while man living in current life can use Internet and have an almost face to face talking through a camera. To set my grandfather, who is a professor, as an example, he always need to browse papers in Russia. In the past, he had to ask his students in Russia to buy him such papers and to post him the papers which were received a month later and thus missed the newest information. Whereas he can search the datebase and archives founded by government now and the latest papers, in this way, make him happy and satisfied. Therefore, the convenience and more choices brought by hi-tech today make it easier for people to meet their needs.

On the other hand, some may argue that less happiness and satisfactory are caused by the pressure with the changing world, which forces people to study day and night and to adapt with it. In my opinion, such arguement is flawed. Few evidences can be shown to prove the idea. On the contrary, statistics published by google shows that people in are more likely to search information about entertainment rather than study. The reason is simple. It is right the change that offers people more oppotunity to access the success. In China, a survey made by Labor And Social Security Department shows that there are 5,000 more kinds of job can be provided than 20 years before such as dog’s hairdresser, private designer, spreads counselor and so on. In other word, people are more acceptable in this changing world as long as he has a professional skill which may not be accepted in the past.

To draw a conclusion, it is not reasonable to say that people today are less happy and satisfied than before because of the change in the current world. In contrast, the convenience and oppotunity offered by such a changing world can inversely make people easier to be happy and satisfied.
发表于 2012-7-31 16:35:10 | 只看该作者
As the world is changing in a high speed(如果是我的话,这里用adv.修饰会显得精简), here comes an arguementargumentthat people now areare now?) less happy and less satisfied than people in the past. Views varies(主谓不一致吧) among people with different background. As for me, I highly doubt it(指代的距离有些远) for two reasons.

On one hand, people today enjoy a mass of entertainment which people in the past could not just image. It is
thea rapid changing that brings such entertainment. People today havemoremore…than,避免短句还是把than后补全好一点)choices to fulfill their various requirement +sthrough hi-tech not only with themselves but also with friends nation and abroad. Just image a man with a desire to talk and play with his friend+stens of mellionsmillions?)miles away. Only in his dreams could the man 30years ago meet his demand while man living in current life can use Internet and have an almost face to face talking through a camerathis man 在玩穿越?..forgive me,我看的有些混乱). To set my grandfather, who is a professor, as an example, he alwaysneed+sto browse papers in Russia.in表示在某地吧那这句话是杨爷爷经常需要在R浏览文件?即便这样和下文学生买来寄给他也不符合,是不是改成by Russian In the past, he had to ask his students in Russia to buy him such papers and to post him(精彩的对称) the papers which were received a month later and thus missed the newest information. Whereas he can search the datebase and archives founded by government now and the latest papers, in this way, makemakingor which madehim happy and satisfied. Therefore, the convenience and more choices brought by hi-tech today make it easier for people to meet their needs.

On the other hand, some may argue that less happiness and satisfactory are caused by the pressure with the changing world, which forces people to study day and night and to adapt with it. In my opinion, such
argument(错误上同) is flawed. Few evidences can be shown to prove the idea. On the contrary, statistics published by google shows that people in are more likely to search information about entertainment rather than study. The reason is simple. It is right the change that offers people more oppotunity opportunitiesto access the success. In China, a survey made by Labor And Social Security Department shows that there are 5,000 more kinds of job+s can be provided than 20 years before such as dog’s hairdresser, private designer, spreads counselorand so on(这种表达少用. In other wordwords?), people are more acceptable in this changing world as long as he has(前面是people现在是he a professional skill which may not be accepted in the past.

To draw a conclusion, it is not reasonable to say that people today are less happy and satisfied than before because of the change in the current world. In contrast, the convenience and
oppotunity(错误上同)offered by such a changing world(这一句出现好多次了,其实说法挺多的,讲求一下多元化) can inversely make people easier to be happy and satisfied.

PS:如果不看考试类型和题目,我一定情不自禁的鼓掌,一篇好AA的逻辑和结构,哎,可惜了。小西除了存疑的问题和拼写之外没有错误。HoweverT讲求的是华丽的辞藻和丰富的句式,这一点上文章没有体现。To a sum,这不是你的水平。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-31 17:32:20 | 只看该作者
求文章变骚的方法- -& 这就是我的水平- -
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-1 17:01:28 | 只看该作者
7.31 独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is impossible to be completely honest with your friend.

When it comes to the topic that it is impossible to be completely honest with your friend, some may argue against it due to the reason that being honest means being trust which leads to a better relationship. In my opinion, however, I totally stand by the topic since honesty may bring something being harmful to the relationship and technically speaking, there is no possibility to be always honest.

To begin with, if honesty comes to no use in some situation, why not make your friends happier? In other word, only before the decision was made, does honesty make a difference. Take my boyfriend, who holds the belief that people should always be honest to friends, as an example. We met a girl studying abroad in a party and talked heatedly. When the topic turned to the girls’ topic, the girl pointed at her new dress and asked us how it looked with much pride. To be honest, I would rather she had dressed with another 10-year-old dress instead. However, my boyfriend said it out loudly and thus made the girl embarrassed. Under such circumstance, maintaining one’s dignity, instead being honest, means more.

What is worse, if the only thing after tell the truth is a worse situation, is honesty still important to friends? It has been proved by scientist that psychology suggestion is more effective in curing some incurable disease even in curing common disease. Try to image a man who always feels painful in his stomach. Everyone knows it is stomach cancer except him. Right on the way things getting better, an honest friend tell him that the truth is cancer and just enjoy the part of life. I highly doubt that whether the so-called friend is the man’s enemy or not since psychology means so much.

Last but not least, technically speaking, it is impossible to always telling the truth. Almost everyone lies for a better relationship by reducing quarrels or even fight. Statistics from scientist shows that a man tells lies five times a day on average while it is three times for woman. Based on science, we may clearly say that avoiding lies is impossible.

Admittedly, honesty may bring a better relationship. The idea, I have to say, is flawed since a better relationship is the destination while honesty is just one of the ways to it. As I stated above, ineffectivity, worse consequences and impossibility make always being honest to friends inaccessible.
发表于 2012-8-1 20:28:09 | 只看该作者
When it comes to the topic that it is impossible to be completely honest with your friend, some may argue against it due to the reason that being honest means being(省略being是不是更好?这里不用很强调ing吧)trust which leads to a better relationship. In my opinion, however, I totally stand by the topic since honesty may bring something being harmful to the relationship and technically speaking, there is no possibility to be always honest.
To begin with, if honesty comes to no use in some situation, why not make your friends happier?如果honest在一些场合不适用,为什么不让你的朋友happier,这话时什么意思捏,木有看懂;还是既然都要说假话了就说点让朋友高兴的?)段首没有很直白的铺出自己的观点In other word, only before the decision was made, does honesty make a difference. Take my boyfriend, who holds the belief that people should always be honest to friends, as an example. We met a girl studying abroad in a party and talked heatedly. When the topic turned to the girls’ topic, the girl pointed at her new dress and asked us how it looked with much pride. To be honest, I would rather she had dressed with another 10-year-old dress instead. However, my boyfriend said it out loudly and thus made the girl embarrassed. Under such circumstance, maintaining one’s dignity, instead being(用blindly这个小词honest, means more.
What is worse, if the only thing after tell the truth is a worse situation, is honesty still important to friends? It has been proved by scientist that psychology suggestion is more effective in curing some incurable disease even in curing common disease. Try to image a man who always feels painful in his stomach. Everyone knows it is stomach cancer except him. Right on the way things getting better, an honest friend tell+shim that the truth is cancer andor?应该是表选择的吧)just enjoy the part of life. I highly doubt that whether the so-called friend is the man’s enemy or not since psychology means so much.
Last but not least,CET4的必杀句型都出来,2点:1,这个偏于口语化,不是很适合书面,别说这个是CET4的高分写作,2,句型被写烂了,还不如finally technically speaking, it is impossible to always telling the truth. Almost everyone lies for a better relationship by reducing quarrels or even fight. Statistics from scientist shows that a man tells lies five times a day on average while it is three times for woman. Based on science, we may clearly say that avoiding lies is impossible.看完前三段感觉例子其实都是一个case的不同version,而且本段说的3 times好像不能说明朋友之间讲真话的问题

Admittedly, honesty may bring a better relationship. The idea, I have to say, is flawed since a better relationship is the destination while honesty is just one of the ways to it. As I stated above, ineffectivity,ineffectively worse consequences and impossibility make always being honest to friends inaccessible
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-2 21:38:32 | 只看该作者
If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, you will use e-mail or text messaging,OR use the telephone or voice-messaging.

When it comes to which is better, literal message or oral message, when discussing upsetting problems with others, I am definitely the voice message fan just for convenience and emotional feeling. Some may argue that e-mail or text messaging may keep the record for a long time while the oral message cannot. Facing such idea, I have to say that the best answer is updating your technology knowledge. Thanks to the hi-tech, it gives us the oppotunity to store the the record of telephone and voice message. Let us take a look at how excellent the oral message is.

At the very beginning, there is no doubt that using telephone or voice massage is much faster than literal message and, in this way, makes it more convenient. When we state a certain idea, typing word by word always waste too much time, especially for those who are not familiar with the keybord. Anyone, on the contrary, as long as he can speak, can send oral messages only with a little typing of a name’s initials which is certainly shorter than a letter or a text message. Set my study group as an example. Last year we need to finish a report about advantages and disadvantages of each logistics companies. We talked with e-mails and instant message software except a man who cannot type quickly. To tell the truth, the man had several sparkal ideas about setting aspects of comparing these companies but the bad typing skills draged him and he got the lowest score in the end.

In addition, using telephone and voice-messsages makes each other be familiar with the emotion, which is less possible and less available for literal message. With oral message, the opposite can distinguish your emotion by the speed you talk, the level of your voice and even the language you use. Just image a woman with upsetting problems dialing her friend. She talks rapidly with choking or even wept. Her friend know that it is an emergency. What will be like if the woman send her friend a e-mail or text a message? After being awared of, the consequence is even worse.

At last, both e-mails and text message require a higher level on equipment. The problems cannot be discussed unless one have computer and the Internet is available, which is not capabible in some extreme climate. As for text message, a low end cellphone cannot undertake a long text message and therefor causes loss, which is a true story happened on me.

To draw a conclusion, oral message, namely telephone or voice message, is much better when discussing an upsetting problem since it is convenient and lively and requires not that much.
发表于 2012-8-3 16:31:32 | 只看该作者
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