4.16 独立写作 写到后面实在写不下去了- - 请狠拍!!!!!!!
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? There is never a reason to be rude (impolite) to another person.
A claim that never be rude to anotherperson has been raised currently. It totally wins my applause since it is abasic character and will win politeness from others simultaneously. Statementsand examples are as follows.
On one hand, being polite is a fundamentalpersonality which must be formed when dressing a birthday suit and thus deliverexcellent impression. To set my own experience as an example, at my age of 1when I learnt speaking not for long, my mother asked me to say “thank you” whenothers gave me something, even if it was her. I say “thank you” every timeuntil now and thus it brings me an opportunity. Last summer, I applied anintership for a bank and got the final interview. After got a seat, I said “thankyou” and it is said from the interviewer that I leaved a deep impression onhim. Finally, I got the intership because the interviewer said I could bepolite to the guests. It can be inferred from the example above that being rudewill be detrimental to oneself and never enjoy the benefits.
On the other hand, impoliteness will harmboth sides since the direction of a force acting is bi-directional. Rudesentences and actions are just like a sword stabing to others and oneself andonly lead to two broken hearts and damaged relationship. What is worse, arelationship labeled “damaged” will not be perfect as before and the scar therereminds everyone that there was a quarral and rude sentences. Hence, whatfacial expression is to a mirror is just what sentence is to other people. Whenyou smile to a mirror, you get smile. When you are polite to other people, youget politeness. Statistics from North Western University shows that 87 percentpeople admit that they are used to being rude and thus get impoliteness. 63percent of them swear to have no intercourse with their friends. Hence, it is apity to express in a rude way and break both hearts.
Admittedly, some claims that there is noneed to be polite to the crimals such as robbers and theives owing topoliteness delivering crucial to ourselves. It is my assertion that all peopleare born equal and that human rights are endowed by heaven. Therefore, only thecourt, instead of us rude words, has the right to punish them with rude expression. To summerise the assertion above, it can be easily to draw a conclusion that one should never have a reason to be rude to others, he himself included.
-- by 会员 gre呀gre (2012/4/18 1:05:36)