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gre呀gre的作文~ 非NN~请不要大意的狠拍吧!

 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-16 18:34:25 | 只看该作者
TPO11 综合

The passage complains that people nowadays read less literature and thus causes three problems, while the lecture rejects that these aspects cannot be called serious problems and also states three reasons to debate.

First of all, the passage critics that the literature- reading has sharply declined, resulting in missing important benefits. The lecture, however, refutes that there's other chioce of books, which means that no literature does not equal to no good books. Other books such as science fiction, instead of novels, plays or poems can benefit people as well.

In the second place, the passage states that readers tend to read books written by best sellers which is poor written and to watch TV and MTV, which will lower the level of culture. The lecture has an opposite view that culture today has changed a lot and been showing in various forms. Who says people cannot learn from music and movies?

Last but not the least, the passage thinks that talented authers are lack of audiences and thus it is likely for both writing and reading to decline owing to poor standard readers. On the contrary, the lecture conclude the reason why some authers lack audiences is that the books they write are difficult to understand.(最后一段跑神了- -)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-16 21:27:41 | 只看该作者
4.15 独立写作(中间打断了一下,所以倒数两段就是硬喷的了,求狠拍!)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic for politics is to accept responsibility for mistake.

It has been debated long that whether it is the most important characteristic for politics to accept responsibility for mistakes. As it for me, I reject the claim above since less mistakes and efficient repairing mean more to people which are stated as follows.

At first place, it is the most important for politics to have less mistakes and thus leads to less responsibility for mistakes. Only when politics bring real democracy to people, can they live a happiness without natural and manmade disasters. To set an example, everybody treat North Korea as hell just because it has no field for the tree of democracy to grow. Everybody thinks Hitler as a devil just because no democracy lead to the second World War. Everybody calls Middle Ages as darkness just because churchs had no democracy to people. Although they accept responsibility and appologise for those, these all leave unforgivable(?) mistakes.

Secondly, except for less mistakes, repairing is more important than taking responsibility for mistakes. How to repairing efficiently in the next and avoiding such mistakes in the future plays an important role in people’s heart when judge the politics. Statistics for BBC shows that when disaster occurs, 87 percent people most  care about the measures government take and 61 percent pay attention on whose responsibility is, which proves accepting responsibility is not that important comparing with repairing.

Admittedly, being responsible is an important character for politics, and yes, resigning job is the most frequent way to show responsibility. However, it is likely for the next governer to take several hours to be familiar with these stuff and thus lead to less efficient. Judging from this, correcting mistakes and solving problems may be better.

Based on the reasons stated above, it can be easily to draw a conclusion that better policy, no matter after the disaster or not, is much better than anything, responsibility included.
发表于 2012-4-17 08:20:10 | 只看该作者
TPO 11 综合

The passage complains that people nowadays read less literature and thus causes three problems, while the lecture rejects that these aspects cannot be called serious problems(这里有歧义,因为reject有不同意和驳回这两个意思,所以最好用正面一点的词例如argue什么的) and also states three reasons to debate.

First of all, the passage critics that the literature
-(去掉-) reading has sharply declined, resulting in missing important benefits. The lecture, however, refutes that there's other choice(s) of books, which means that no literature does not equal to no good books. Other books such as science fiction, instead of novels(other booksinstead of novels语意重复了,去掉就好), plays or poems can benefit people as well.

In the second place, the passage states that readers tend to read books written by best sellers which is poor written and to watch TV and MTV, which will lower the level of culture. The lecture has an opposite view that culture today has changed a lot and been showing in various forms. Who says people cannot learn from
(brilliant) music and movies?

Last but not the least, the passage thinks that talented
authers(authors) are lack of audiences and thus it is likely for both writing and reading to decline owing to poor standard readers ( and the public interest in reading great works is declining, which is owing to poor standards of readers). On the contrary, the lecture conclude the reason why some authers(authors) lack audiences is that the books they write are difficult to understand.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-17 22:03:24 | 只看该作者
4.16 TPO 12 综合

Both the passage and the lecture focus on the issue whether Jane Austen is the teenage girl in a painter and full-length portrait. The passage agrees with that while the lecture holds an opposite opinion.

First of all, the passage suggests that since Austen's family has authorised the painter to use her as an illustration, there is no doubt that it is Austen that is the subject. The professor, however, has an opposite tone that it is not Austen owing to 70 years after her death in 1882. (听完就看不懂我记的笔记了- -)

Secondly, the passage states that the face sketch is so much like Austen and thus the teenage girl must be Austen. On the contrary, the lecture  argues that Austen had a large family which means she had several sisters when she was a little girl. Hence, they could have same face sketch as Austen’s and proves the subject could not be Austen.

Last but not least, the passage claims that the painting style links it to a Ozias Humphrey who wealthy Austen family would hire. But the professor worries that the date is too late. He rebuts by providing the fact that the painting was offered by a Willim and he is not in London. What is more, despite the link to Humphrey, Austen was 27 years old when her family could hire him.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-18 01:05:36 | 只看该作者
4.16 独立写作  写到后面实在写不下去了- - 请狠拍!!!!!!!

Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? There is never a reason to be rude (impolite) to another person.
A claim that never be rude to anotherperson has been raised currently. It totally wins my applause since it is abasic character and will win politeness from others simultaneously. Statementsand examples are as follows.

On one hand, being polite is a fundamentalpersonality which must be formed when dressing a birthday suit and thus deliverexcellent impression. To set my own experience as an example, at my age of 1when I learnt speaking not for long, my mother asked me to say “thank you” whenothers gave me something, even if it was her. I say “thank you” every timeuntil now and thus it brings me an opportunity. Last summer, I applied anintership for a bank and got the final interview. After got a seat, I said “thankyou” and it is said from the interviewer that I leaved a deep impression onhim. Finally, I got the intership because the interviewer said I could bepolite to the guests. It can be inferred from the example above that being rudewill be detrimental to oneself and never enjoy the benefits.

On the other hand, impoliteness will harmboth sides since the direction of a force acting is bi-directional. Rudesentences and actions are just like a sword stabing to others and oneself andonly lead to two broken hearts and damaged relationship. What is worse, arelationship labeled “damaged” will not be perfect as before and the scar therereminds everyone that there was a quarral and rude sentences. Hence, whatfacial expression is to a mirror is just what sentence is to other people. Whenyou smile to a mirror, you get smile. When you are polite to other people, youget politeness. Statistics from North Western University shows that 87 percentpeople admit that they are used to being rude and thus get impoliteness. 63percent of them swear to have no intercourse with their friends. Hence, it is apity to express in a rude way and break both hearts.

Admittedly, some claims that there is noneed to be polite to the crimals such as robbers and theives owing topoliteness delivering crucial to ourselves. It is my assertion that all peopleare born equal and that human rights are endowed by heaven. Therefore, only thecourt, instead of us rude words, has the right to punish them with rude expression. To summerise the assertion above, it can be easily to draw a conclusion that one should never have a reason to be rude to others, he himself included.
发表于 2012-4-18 09:07:04 | 只看该作者
4.16 独立写作  写到后面实在写不下去了- - 请狠拍!!!!!!!

Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? There is never a reason to be rude (impolite) to another person.
A claim that never be rude to anotherperson has been raised currently. It totally wins my applause since it is abasic character and will win politeness from others simultaneously. Statementsand examples are as follows.

On one hand, being polite is a fundamentalpersonality which must be formed when dressing a birthday suit and thus deliverexcellent impression. To set my own experience as an example, at my age of 1when I learnt speaking not for long, my mother asked me to say “thank you” whenothers gave me something, even if it was her. I say “thank you” every timeuntil now and thus it brings me an opportunity. Last summer, I applied anintership for a bank and got the final interview. After got a seat, I said “thankyou” and it is said from the interviewer that I leaved a deep impression onhim. Finally, I got the intership because the interviewer said I could bepolite to the guests. It can be inferred from the example above that being rudewill be detrimental to oneself and never enjoy the benefits.

On the other hand, impoliteness will harmboth sides since the direction of a force acting is bi-directional. Rudesentences and actions are just like a sword stabing to others and oneself andonly lead to two broken hearts and damaged relationship. What is worse, arelationship labeled “damaged” will not be perfect as before and the scar therereminds everyone that there was a quarral and rude sentences. Hence, whatfacial expression is to a mirror is just what sentence is to other people. Whenyou smile to a mirror, you get smile. When you are polite to other people, youget politeness. Statistics from North Western University shows that 87 percentpeople admit that they are used to being rude and thus get impoliteness. 63percent of them swear to have no intercourse with their friends. Hence, it is apity to express in a rude way and break both hearts.

Admittedly, some claims that there is noneed to be polite to the crimals such as robbers and theives owing topoliteness delivering crucial to ourselves. It is my assertion that all peopleare born equal and that human rights are endowed by heaven. Therefore, only thecourt, instead of us rude words, has the right to punish them with rude expression. To summerise the assertion above, it can be easily to draw a conclusion that one should never have a reason to be rude to others, he himself included.
-- by 会员 gre呀gre (2012/4/18 1:05:36)

蓝色-词汇句子  红色-语法逻辑 Good
A claim that never be rude to another personhas been raised currently. It totally wins my applause since it is a basic characterand will win/obtain/gain politeness from others simultaneously.Statements and examples are as follows.

On one hand, being polite is a fundamental personalitywhich must be formed when dressing a birthday suit and thus deliver excellentimpression. To set my own experience as an example, at my age of one 1 when I learnt tospeaking not for long, my mother asked me to say “thankyou” when others gave me something, even if it was her. I say “thank you” everytime until/even now and thus it brings me an opportunity. Lastsummer, I applied forVt.应用 Vi.申请) an internship intership for a bank and got the final interview. Aftergot a seat, I said “thank you” and it was is said by from theinterviewer that I leaved a deep impression on himit was mypoliteness that impressed him most. Finally, I got the internship intershipbecause the interviewer said I could be polite to the guests. It can beinferred from the example above that being rude will be detrimental to oneself and never enjoythe benefits.

On the other hand, impoliteness will harm bothsides since the direction of a force acting is bi-directional. Rude words sentences and actions are just like a sword stabbing stabing to others and oneself and only lead to twobroken hearts and damaged their relationship. What is worse, a relationshiplabeled “damaged” will not be perfect as before and the scar there reminds everyone that therewas a quarrel quarral andrude words sentences. Hence, what a facial expression isto a mirror is just like what a sentence is to other people.When you smile to a mirror, you get a smile. When you are polite to other people, you getpoliteness. Statistics from North Western University shows that 87 percent peopleadmit that they are used to being(习惯于?曾经have everbeenrude and thus get impoliteness. 63 percent of them swear to have no intercourse with theirfriends due to theunhappy experience with each other(加上这句的话就更明白看懂啦). Hence, it is a pity to express in a rude wayand breaks both hearts.

Admittedly, some claims that there is no needto be polite to the criminals crimals such asrobbers and thieves theives owing to politeness delivering crucial toourselves. It is my assertion that all people are born equal and thathuman rightsare endowed by heaven. Therefore, only the court, instead of our us rude words, has the right to punish them with rude expression(法庭更不能粗鲁啊亲). To summarize summerise the assertion above, it can be easily to drawa conclusion that one should never have a reason to be rude to others, he himself included.

发表于 2012-4-18 20:45:54 | 只看该作者


TPO 12 综合

Both the passage and the lecture focus on the issue whether Jane Austen is the teenage girl in a painter and
the应该有个冠词吧)full-length portrait. The passage agrees with that while the lecture holds an opposite opinion(感觉这个用的很好啊.

First of all, the passage suggests that since Austen's family has authorised the painter to use her as an illustration, there is no doubt that it is Austen that is the subject. The professor, however, has an opposite tone that it is not Austen owing to 70 years after her death in 1882. (
听完就看不懂我记的笔记了- -)

Secondly, the passage states that the face sketch is so much like Austen and thus the teenage girl must be Austen. On the contrary, the lecture  argues that Austen had a large family which means she had several sisters
(还有她们的孩子们their children when she was a little girl. Hence, they could have thesame face sketch as Austen’s and proves the subject could not be Austen.

Last but not least, the passage claims that the painting style links it to a Ozias Humphrey who wealthy Austen family would hire. But the professor worries that the date is too late. He
rebuts(很好的词啊) by providing the fact that the painting was offered by a Willim and he is not in London. What is more, despite the link to Humphrey, Austen was 27 years old when her family could hire him.


发表于 2012-4-19 00:20:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-7-30 22:06:35 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-30 22:26:58 | 只看该作者
婷婷对不起我现在才回复!我记得我交了啊- - 是不是没提交上去?
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