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gre呀gre的作文~ 非NN~请不要大意的狠拍吧!

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-8 18:18:15 | 只看该作者
8.7 独立 (因为是昨天讨论过的东西,所以什么都没想就开始写,于是我写超了- -)

In order to solve the problems of the present and the future, people should review the past.

When it comes to the argument that it is necessary to review the past when prople want to solve peoblems of the present and the future. Some may support the idea because of the same in essence. Unfortunately, problems with same essence may come up with totally different appearence which will leads people to a wrong way. On my opinion, I hold an opposite view that people would better not take a look at the past in order to solve problems currently and in the future based on three reasons listed as follows.

To begin with, since knowledge, especially in the science field, has changed so much during a shout period, the skills used to solve the problems may have been obseleted for a long time. With the newly upgraded skills, people can deal with a problems more effeciently. Just image a white woman giving birth to a black baby. If the white skined husband takes a look at the past, he will defenitely draw a conclusion that his wife must have cheated him. In contrast, as long as the man is familiar with the gene variation theory which has not been exporled in the past, he will not come up with an arbitrary conclusion and thus wrong his wife.

In addition, some who maintain that the experience in the past may help a lot can be narrow. The more the society has developed, the closer all factors in an issue are connecting, which distinguishes much with the society in the past. Besides, people with different background vary when treat the experience in the past, especially those who are transmitted orally, which may result in misunderstanding. For instance, when a man in United Kindom asks his grandfather how to drive only gets an answer “drive right and slowly”. What the grandfather means is that driving the car in a right way while the man makes out as drive in the right side which is an opposite direction in Uk. That is the reason why the experience, especially the oral transmitted experience, is unreliable.

What is more, we can use some tools which have not been invented in the past to solve the problems in a more effecient way. Thanks to the hi-tech, students studying abroad can have a face-to-face chat with parents by camera and Internet to get rid of the homesick; a man travel alone in a foreign country can use the map downloaded in his GPS instead of asking others the right way; a girl got stuck in fire and surrounded by smog can light up her cellphone to guarantee that she is the first one to be resued. Statistics has shown that 70 percent more people tend to get the help from tools rather than from other people.

In the end, I can safely draw the conclusion that there is no necessity to review the past when people are trying to solve problems of the present and in the future since knowledge, experience and tools have changed so much.
发表于 2012-8-8 22:23:16 | 只看该作者
When it comes to the argument that it is necessary to review the past when prople want to solve peoblems of the present and the future. Some may support the idea because of the same in essence. Unfortunately, problems with same essence may come up with totally different appearence which will leads(感觉单数好一些) people to a wrong way. On (固定搭配不是in)my opinion, I hold an opposite view that people would better not take a look at the past in order to solve problems currently and in the future based on three reasons listed as follows(I hold …the future做主语,base is a Verb,那这样是不是有点头重脚轻).

To begin with, since knowledge, especially in the science field, has changed so much during a shout period, the skills used to solve the problems may have been obseleted for a long time. With the newly upgraded skills, people can deal with a problems more effeciently. Just image a white woman giving birth to a black baby. If the white skined husband takes a look at the past, he will (感觉would更好) defenitely draw a conclusion that his wife must have cheated him. In contrast, as long as the man is familiar with the gene variation theory which has not been exporled in the past, he will not come up with an arbitrary conclusion and thus wrong his wife.

In addition, some (+one) who maintain that the experience in the past may help a lot can be narrow. The more the society has developed, the closer all factors in an issue are connecting, which distinguishes much with the society in the past. Besides, people with different background vary when treat the experience in the past, especially those who are transmitted orally, which (修饰的词过远) may result in misunderstanding. For instance, when a man in United Kindom asks his grandfather how to drive only (+and,要不然就是run-on) gets an answer “drive right and slowly”. What the grandfather means is that driving the car in a right way while the man makes out as drive in the right side which is an opposite direction in Uk. That is the reason why the experience, especially the oral transmitted experience, is unreliable.

What is more, we can use some tools which have not been invented in the past to solve the problems in a more effecient way. Thanks to the hi-tech, students studying abroad can have a face-to-face chat with parents by camera and Internet to get rid of the homesick; a man travel alone in a foreign country can use the map downloaded in his GPS instead of asking others the right way; a girl got stuck in fire and surrounded by smog can light up her cellphone to guarantee that she is the first one to be resued. Statistics has shown that 70 percent more people tend to get the help from tools rather than from other people.

In the end, I can safely draw the conclusion that there is no necessity to review the past when people are trying to solve problems of the present and in the future since knowledge, experience and tools have changed so much.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-9 21:34:44 | 只看该作者
8.8What is the main role of the university professor, to educate students or to do research?

When it comes to the argument that which is more important for a professor, to educate students or to do research, some may choose the former one based on the reason that the occupation itself is to teaching. Personally speaking, the opinion is flawed since teachers in high school and primary school, instead of professors in university, are asked to teach the students what and how to study. Judging from the flaw, I hold an opposite view that the main role of professors in university is to do research for three reasons listed as follows.

To begin with, almost every professor in university applies for a found to support their research. If they spend most of their time to education, they will not use the money efficiently, especially the study based on some statistics hard to collect and changing in a rapid speed. Just image a professor who focus on the economy field having some research to do and whereas he has several homework to correct. The statistics about the prices of some stocks is about to changing in a second and he has to supervise the trend and analysis the statistics in order to finish his paper. Under such sircumstance, spending time to educate means a waste of money.

In addition, considering the problem mentioned above that there has to be someone to teach the students, the teaching assistant, at this time, can show off his usage. Since the professor are busy doing his research and the teachers in high school have taught students the ability to study, the only thing for the teaching assistant is to assign tasks, such as the required reading and homework, and correct the mistakes in their homework. Statistics in a survey organised by China Daily shows that, in my city, about 80 percent professors ask their teaching assistant to help them teaching and over 70 percent people stand by such behavior.

What is more, professors spending most of their time on research can benefit the university itself and whole society when taking a look at both the short and long term. Doing research can benefit the university by increasing the amount of published papers in short term and the reputation in long term while as for the whole society, more research results means a fully use of fund in shor term and a more rapid development in long term. That is the reason why spending more time on doing research can benefit both the university and the whole society.

To draw a conclusion, I consider that main role of the university professor is to do research since it can make a fully use of fund can contribuite to the university and the society. Besides, teaching can be replaced by the teaching assistant.
发表于 2012-8-9 22:39:42 | 只看该作者
8.8Whatis the main role of the university professor, to educate students or to doresearch?

When it comes to the argument that which is moreimportant for a professor, to educate students or to do research, some maychoose the former one
, based on the reason that the occupation itselfis toteach.Personally speaking, the opinion is flawed, sinceteachers in high schools and primary schools, instead ofprofessors in universities, are askedto teach the students what and how to study. Judging from the flaw, I hold anopposite view that the main role of professors in university is to do researchfor three reasons listed as follows.

To begin with, almost every professor in
universities applies fora found to support their research. If they spend most of their time to educate, they willnot use the money efficiently, especially when the study is based onsome statistics, which are hard tocollect and changing in a rapid speed. Just imagine a professor, who focuses on theeconomy field having some research to do and whereas he has several homework tocorrect.[1]The statistics about the prices of some stocks is about to changing in a secondand he has to supervise the trend and analyze thestatistics in order to finish his paper. Under such circumstance, spendingtime to educate means a waste of money.
[1]Just imagine a professor, who is carrying out a research in the economy field,but has several homework to correct.

In addition, considering the problem mentionedabove that there has to be someone to teach the students, the teachingassistant, at this time, can
show off his usage[我知道你想表达的意思,但是show off应该是炫耀、卖弄的意思,放在这里并不合适]. Since theprofessor are busy in doing his research and the teachers in highschool have taught students the ability to study, the only thing for theteaching assistant is to assign tasks, such as the required reading andhomework, and correct the mistakes in their homework. Statistics in a survey organized by ChinaDaily shows that, in my city, about 80 percent professors ask their teachingassistant to help them teaching and over 70 percent people stand by suchbehavior.

What is more, professors spending most of their time on research canbenefit the university itself and whole society when taking a look at both theshort and long term.
2 Doing research can benefit the university  by increasing the amount of published papersin short term, and gaining a reputationin long term. while as for the whole society, more research results meansa fully use of fund in short term and a more rapid development in long term.That is the reason why spending more time on doing research can benefit boththe university and the whole society.

Professors, whospend most of their time on research, can benefit the university itself andwhole society in both the short and long term.

To draw a conclusion, I consider that main role ofthe university professor is to do research since it can make a fully use offund
andcontribute to the university and the society. Besides, teaching role can bereplaced by the teaching assistant.
我们怎么都特别喜欢写长句子? 这点得改啊。 最好的方式其实是,长短句结合。或者啊,在长句里面多加几个逗号,这样比较方便读,要不显得特别难懂。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-10 19:20:06 | 只看该作者
you can know a lot about a person through the types of friends this person has.

When it comes to the argument that one can be understood through the types of his friend the person has, some may take an opposite note since it is much likely that he may not show the real inside to his friend. As far as I am concerned, however, such view is flawed because the same topic they chat with can reflect himself totally. Hence, I support the argument for three reasons listed as follows.

To begin with, one always make friend with the same topic and thus join in the activities they all interested in. In order to continue the friendship, people tend to talk with each other and hold some some parties to have a deeply connection. If they have nothing in common, especially the interests, they will feel boring and decrease the frequency of seeing each other to avoid embaress. Without same interest, besties will not hold a privite girls night; a creative woman will not date a boring man; a party of acadamy theme will not invite the one have no idea about the newest discovery. All these examples stated above can be used to illustrate that people with same interest and topic attract and make friend with each other.

In addition, people with different values will quarrel with each other frequently and thus break their friendship. Value influences people deeply since it has been formed when a person has a memory and in this way, just as the old Chinese saying goes that the value will not change in any situations even if the whole society changed, a man will not hide his values in order to go along well with the a different value. To take myself as an example, I broke up with a friend just for the reason that I hate the person who made a promise and never fulfills it. My friend, however, is right such kind of person.

What is more, a man always makes friend with those who have the same personality with him. Statistics from a Happy Valley in my city shows that over 90 percent of the crowd take adventure in the man-made forest are with their friends and more than 70 percent of them are willing to try it again next time with friends. What a magnet is to iron is what a certain personality is to people. Just like a magnet not drawing plastic materials, an honest person will not attract liers to surround him.

To draw a conclusion based on the explaination stated above, we can know a person well through his friends for the reason that friends are the group of person who own the same characteristics such as hobbies, values and personalities.
发表于 2012-8-10 22:20:43 | 只看该作者
8.10  独立修改~~
you can know a lot about a person through the types of friends this person has.

When it comes to the argument that one can be understood through the types of his friends the person has, some may take an opposite note since it is much likely that he may not show the real inside to his friend. As far as I am concerned, however, such view is flawed because the same topic they chat with can reflect himself totally. Hence, I support the argument for three reasons listed as follows.【建议多用短句】

To begin with, one always makes friends with the same topic【这句感觉有点奇怪】 and thus join in the activities they【are】 all interested in. In order to continue the friendship, people tend to talk with each other and hold some some parties【结党?举办爬梯?有点奇怪】 to have a deeply connection. If they have nothing in common, especially the interests, they will feel boring and decrease the frequency of seeing each other to avoid embaressment. Without the  same interest, besties will not hold a privite girls night【不明白什么意思】; a creative woman will not date a boring man; a party of acadamy theme will not invite the one have【has】 no idea about the newest discovery. All these examples stated above can be used to illustrate that people with same interest and topic attract and make friends with each other.【这一段是说朋友有相同的兴趣爱好,但是我觉得为了切题,虽然第一段已经指出下面列举的是reasons,这里也应该指出这对于know the person 的帮助是什么?】

In addition, people with different values will quarrel with each other frequently and thus break their friendship. Value influences people deeply since it has been formed when a person has a memory and in this way, just as the old Chinese saying goes that the value will not change in any situations even if the whole society 【has】 changed, a man will not hide his values in order to go along well with 【a person who holds】 the a different value. To take myself as an example. I broke up with a friend just for the reason that I hate the person who made a promise and never fulfills【fulfilled】 it. My friend, however, is right such kind of person.

What is more, a man always makes friend with those who have the same personality with him. Statistics from a Happy Valley in my city shows that over 90 percent of the crowd take adventure in the man-made forest are with their friends and more than 70 percent of them are willing to try it again next time with friends. What a magnet is to iron is what a certain personality is to people. Just like a magnet not drawing plastic materials, an honest person will not attract liers to surround him.【论证不错,还是那个问题,句子太长,而且没直接点明与主题关系】

To draw a conclusion based on the explaination stated above, we can know a person well through his friends for the reasons that friends are the group of person who own the same characteristics such as hobbies, values and personalities.【浓浓的gre aw的味道啊~建议lz去看一些ibt的范文,我觉得ibt和gre作文还是不太一样的,像用词造句方面,论证与主题的联系方面等等】
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-11 22:00:12 | 只看该作者
Some people say we should never be impolite to another person. Do you agree or disagree?

When it comes to the argument that one should never be impolite to another person, some may hold an opposite view for the reason that those who do bad is not worthy to be treated impolitely. Unfortunately, they fail to take the factor, why the so-called bad person behave bad, into consideration. From my perspective, I totally support the argument for three reasons listed as follows.

At the very beginning, just as the Declaration of Independence goes, every man are created equally. Treating someone impolitely means discrimination, which is behavior going against the human nature. Just image what will be like if a white man is treat a black skinned man rudely and call him “Negro”. With such impolite, the famous speech is just like a spark thrown into some dry woods and was ended up with a revolution. Hence, treating others impolitely and violating human nature may come up with an uncontrollable consequence.

In addition, being polite to others means respecting others and, in this way, gaining respect from others. Only by gaining the respect from others can we make friends with others and, as a result, broaden our horizons. I cannot emphasize the importance of a broad horizon more since a widely horizon means never judging others just based on one’s own views. You can disagree with others but never be impolite to others owing to the distinguish. In this way, making friends and being polite promote each other mutually and one will never be a narrow person as a result.

What is more, considering the concerns mentioned above that there is no necessity to treat those who behave bad, why not we focus on the reason why they did bad at first? If they were educated nicely and was taught in a different way, they may be act much differently. To take my brother who is successful engineer currently, as an example, he was a naught boy and always had a fight with his friend. My uncle encouraged him to pay his attention on the broken machines thrown by him and my brother fixed it while the friend was punished by his father and he has been in prison as a thief.

To draw a conclusion, I insist on my opinion that always being polite to others is important because of the equality of human nature, the respect from others and a better future.
发表于 2012-8-12 08:50:13 | 只看该作者

When it comes to the argument that one should never be impolite to another person, some may hold an opposite view for the reason that those who do bad is not worthy to be treated impolitely. Unfortunately, they fail to take the factor, why the so-called bad person behave bad, into consideration. From my perspective, I totally support the argument for three reasons listed as follows.

At the very beginning, just as the Declaration of Independence goes, every man
are created equally (equal 应该是这么用). Treating someone impolitely means discrimination, which is behavior going against the human nature(或许直接goes against 比较好,behavior 去掉). Just image what will be like if a white man is treat a black skinned man rudely and call him “Negro”. With such impolite impoliteness, the famous speech is just like a spark thrown into some dry woods and (前后时态一致)was ended up with a revolution. Hence, treating others impolitely and violating human nature may come up with an uncontrollable consequence.

In addition, being polite to others means respecting others and, in this way, gaining respect from others. Only by gaining the respect from others can we make friends with others and, as a result,
broaden our horizons. I cannot emphasize the importance of a broad horizon more since a widely horizon means never judging others just based on one’s own views. You can disagree with others but never be impolite to others owing to the distinguishdiscrepancy. In this way, making friends and being polite promote each other mutually and one will never be a narrow person as a result.

What is more, considering the concerns mentioned above that there is no necessity to treat those who behave bad, why not we focus on the reason why they did bad at first? If they were educated nicely and was taught in a different way, they may be act much differently. To take my brother who is successful engineer currently
,去掉) as an example, he was a naught boy and always had a fight with his friend. My uncle encouraged him to pay his attention on the broken machines thrown by him and my brother fixed it while thehis 这个friend 已经离得太远了,都忘了是谁了) friend was punished by his father and he has been in prison as a thief.
To draw a conclusion, I insist on my opinion that always being polite to others is important because of the equality of human nature, the respect from others and a better future.




发表于 2012-8-12 19:00:29 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-12 19:57:04 | 只看该作者
To improve the quality of education university should spend more money on salary for professor.

When it comes to the argument that education quality can be improved by giving professor a higher salary, some may support is based on the reason that money may be the best encouragement for the professor under such economy crisis circumstance. However, it seems that they fail to take stress brought by money into consideration. Hence, as far as I am concerned, I hold an opposite view that spending more money on salary for professor may not improve the quality of education for three reasons listed as follows.

To begin with, without the higher standard equipment, professors cannot teach students in a direct and efficient way. Some equipment such as the big screen may help students to understand what the professor was taught more easily. To take my school as an example, it provides us with the wifi covering the whole school so that we can search what we like wherever. Thanks to the wifi, we have recorded many ideas sparking in the brain for a second and have got some awards because of the new idea. In contrast, my friend in another school could not even finish his paper because of the bad network.

In addition, comparing to the high salary, a survey may work since the knowledge is not that accessible owing to the teaching style. A professor may have no idea about whether the way he spreading knowledge is popular among his students. It is the importance of a survey that tells every professor that which style is welcomed in teaching a certain subject. Just image the difference between the professor who always reads books without a connection with his students and the professor who teaches actively with some experiment and practice. Judging from the comparison, I cannot emphasize the importance of a survey building a bridge between professor and student any more.

What is more, the more time professor spend on the education, the higher quality of education the university will have. Considering the concerns mentioned above that professors are encouraged much with a higher salary, professors may have the pressure to come up with more papers and decrease the time to educate students. On the contrary, given by more time instead of more money, professors will teach the students themselves without teaching assistant. Statistics from China Daily shows that, in China, over 80 percent professors hire a teaching assistant and more than 40 percent of whom have never taught students a class just for the reason that professors spend most of their time on research.

To draw a conclusion, I insist that spending more money on salary for professor may not result in a improvement of education quality in a university due to the lack of equipment, connection, and the time for the professor to teach in person.
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