In order to solve the problems of the present and the future, people should review the past.
红色错误 蓝色建议 高亮精彩 绿色逻辑
Have you ever
(+of, 注意tired 是adj.) the online chatting with camera just like a face-to-face talking?
Have you ever solved a problem successfully with several factors taken into consideration?(第二个have you用的很牵强的感觉,而且和前后两个平行关系也没有处理好,前后两个比较具体,而这个过于抽象了) Have you ever used the Internet to collect information for a debate? If you have never experienced such situations, never will you understand the distinction of solvents between past and present,
letting alone that of the future. (这个是要做结果状语从句么?意思看不太懂额。。)Hence, I hold the view that people should not review the past in order to solve the problems of present and future for three reasons listed as follows.
At the very beginning, there exits no doubt that the more technology
has developed, the more convenience we
will enjoy(两个时态关系没有处理好,建议前面改成一般现在时,后面的保持不变). People can solve a problem with the new technology instead of reviewing the experience of the past. To take a comparison, a man wanting to cure his homesick
to death (口语化,不正式,建议去掉)needs to talk to his family. He can login in the instant message software and have a online chatting with camera while the same situation happening in the past, he had to post a letter and waited for another several days. That is the reason why latest technology helps to solve problems instantly.
(这一段的点是说新科技帮助人们解决问题,因此追忆过去没有用处。点是好的,但是我觉得没有说的太明白,建议之前面和最后面化都直接点名一下你的主要论点)In addition, the close connection between factors raises people’s awareness of caution.
What an operation is to a patient is what a current solution is to the problems nowadays. Both of them needs nothing but caution. Tens of cases can proof such idea perfectly such as the scandal of a leader. Only in the past can the
watergate (水门事件是个好例子!)affair be
hiden(hidden) for years owing to less connection. Currently, however, leaders are supervised tightly via many methods such as twitter, facebook, youtube and even paparazzi.
(额,这段的论证感觉和题目木有关系,什么个情况?leader的丑闻曝光对于solve problem好像没有直接的关系)
What is more, with the upgrade of tools, people can use solve problems quickly rather than
wasting (rather than 平行标志, waste)money and time. Thanks to the greatest invention
(+of) Internet, people can
hug the whole world with a click on mouse. (生动赞)To take myself as an example, I used to be a team leader in our collage debate. We searched tons of informations for the topic via Internet while the opponent believed books in library were more authoritative. Finally, due to the abundant information, we won the prize. Therefore, I cannot
emphysize(emphasize) the importance of upgraded tools, which may not show up in the past, too much.
In a nutshell,
despite someone’s concern that the experience accumulated in the past is a valuable reference, they may fail to figure out the replacement offered by tools and technology(这个让步句写的很好). As a result, I maintain that people should not review the past to solve the problems exit in the present and future because of the convenience brought by technology, the closer connection, and the upgrading tools.
-- by 会员 瓜瓜不瓜 (2012/9/6 22:34:56)