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gre呀gre的作文~ 非NN~请不要大意的狠拍吧!

发表于 2012-9-6 13:37:06 | 只看该作者
9.4 独立改文
agree/disagreean efficient leader will always try to make everyone feel that he's in part of a decision making

Have you ever been occurred by tons of inspirations? Have you ever enjoyed the sense of belonging in a team? Have you ever been amazed by a originality in a copywriting? If you have never experienced such situation, never will you understand the pleasure of being part of the decision making. (昨天被夸了好开森!窝决定以后就用这个模板了o(**)) Therefore, I hold the view that as a efficient leader, he should always bring his team members the feeling that each of them is in part of a decision making.(嘻嘻,为什么每次咱俩的观点都是反的呀?)

At the very beginning, there is no denying that no one can be more familiar with an individual than himself be. That is to say, nothing is more efficient than to finish the task a man is expert in. Since God and DNA offer everyone various gifts, which the leader may not be aware of, the employees can ask for the tasks that fit them. When a man working with something he is good at or interested in, the occurrence of inspirations can encourge(encourage)enhance/prompt/prodhim to keep working energetically in spite of staying up simply for the wild joy from achievements(这句感觉刚在这怪怪的,如果是在stay up后面就不带转折的意思了,因为熬夜很开心,如果是整个 spite of的伴随状语,就加个逗号吧~. With such passion and professional skills, the whole team will access a better accomplishment contributed by each team members during a short period.

Furthermore, I cannot emphysize(emphasize) the importance(magnitude) of being part of the decision making owing to the raising awareness of ownership instead of widening the gap between an employee and his team. Many famous companies can proof such idea perfectly such as Google and Yahoo. Leaders in Google authorize their employees to decorate their cubes and such styles make(这一句有两个谓语,把make改成making) them feel that works offer them both tasks and cares. As for Yahoo, the leaders locate a suggestion box to encourage the staffsto have more suggestions and thus participant in the decision making. Working in these companies, the employees will work more hard(harder/with more effort) due to the feeling of working for themselves rather than working for the company.

What is more, the more a person participant(persons participance跟后面creativity对应) in the decision making, the more creativity will the team enjoy. To take myself as an example, I used to be a team leader in a competition of the creativity of E-commerce. Our system provided the buyers and the sellers a platform to exchange their needs. In my team, the woman in charge of the marketing part superised(surprised)me with all her inspirations reflected in all the new methods of marketing. Thanks to the marketing part, we won the (加个first更霸气^o^prize in our collage.

In a nutshell, despite the concern that the employees with less experence(experience) in decision making may make even worse, the famous proverb failure teaches success is the best refutation. Hence, I maintain that it is wise for an efficient leader to welcome his team into decision making because of more proficiency, more sense of belonging, and more creativity.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-6 20:05:32 | 只看该作者
9.5 独立

In order to solve the problems of the present and the future, people should review the past.

Have you ever tried the online chatting with camera just like a face-to-face talking? Have you ever solved a problem successfully with several factors taken into consideration? Have you ever used the Internet to collect information for a debate? If you have never experienced such situations, never will you understand the distinction of solvents between past and present, letting alone that of the future. Hence, I hold the view that people should not review the past in order to solve the problems of present and future for three reasons listed as follows.

At the very beginning, there exits no doubt that the more technology has developed, the more convenience we will enjoy. People can solve a problem with the new technology instead of reviewing the experience of the past. To take a comparison, a man wanting to cure his homesick to death needs to talk to his family. He can login in the instant message software and have a online chatting with camera while the same situation happening in the past, he had to post a letter and waited for another several days. That is the reason why latest technology helps to solve problems instantly.

In addition, the close connection between factors raises people’s awareness of caution. What an operation is to a patient is what a current solution is to the problems nowadays. Both of them needs nothing but caution. Tens of cases can proof such idea perfectly such as the scandal of a leader. Only in the past can the watergate affair be hiden for years owing to less connection. Currently, however, leaders are supervised tightly via many methods such as twitter, facebook,  youtube and even paparazzi.

What is more, with the upgrade of tools, people can use solve problems quickly rather than wasting money and time. Thanks to the greatest invention Internet, people can hug the whole world with a click on mouse. To take myself as an example, I used to be a team leader in our collage debate. We searched tons of informations for the topic via Internet while the opponent believed books in library were more authoritative. Finally, due to the abundant information, we won the prize. Therefore, I cannot emphysize the importance of upgraded tools, which may not show up in the past, too much.

In a nutshell, despite someone’s concern that the experience accumulated in the past is a valuable reference, they may fail to figure out the replacement offered by tools and technology. As a result, I maintain that people should not review the past to solve the problems exit in the present and future because of the convenience brought by technology, the closer connection, and the upgrading tools.
发表于 2012-9-6 22:34:56 | 只看该作者
In order to solve the problems of the present and the future, people should review the past.

红色错误 蓝色建议 高亮精彩 绿色逻辑

Have you ever (+been)tried(+of,  注意tired 是adj.) the online chatting with camera just like a face-to-face talking? Have you ever solved a problem successfully with several factors taken into consideration?(第二个have you用的很牵强的感觉,而且和前后两个平行关系也没有处理好,前后两个比较具体,而这个过于抽象了) Have you ever used the Internet to collect information for a debate? If you have never experienced such situations, never will you understand the distinction of solvents between past and present, letting alone that of the future. (这个是要做结果状语从句么?意思看不太懂额。。)Hence, I hold the view that people should not review the past in order to solve the problems of present and future for three reasons listed as follows.

At the very beginning, there exits no doubt that the more technology has developed, the more convenience we will enjoy(两个时态关系没有处理好,建议前面改成一般现在时,后面的保持不变). People can solve a problem with the new technology instead of reviewing the experience of the past. To take a comparison, a man wanting to cure his homesick to death (口语化,不正式,建议去掉)needs to talk to his family. He can login in the instant message software and have a online chatting with camera while the same situation happening in the past, he had to post a letter and waited for another several days. That is the reason why latest technology helps to solve problems instantly.


In addition, the close connection between factors raises people’s awareness of caution. What an operation is to a patient is what a current solution is to the problems nowadays. Both of them needs nothing but caution. Tens of cases can proof such idea perfectly such as the scandal of a leader. Only in the past can the watergate (水门事件是个好例子!)affair be hiden(hidden) for years owing to less connection. Currently, however, leaders are supervised tightly via many methods such as twitter, facebook, youtube and even paparazzi.
(额,这段的论证感觉和题目木有关系,什么个情况?leader的丑闻曝光对于solve problem好像没有直接的关系)

What is more, with the upgrade of tools, people can use solve problems quickly rather than wasting (rather than 平行标志, waste)money and time. Thanks to the greatest invention(+of) Internet, people can hug the whole world with a click on mouse. (生动赞)To take myself as an example, I used to be a team leader in our collage debate. We searched tons of informations for the topic via Internet while the opponent believed books in library were more authoritative. Finally, due to the abundant information, we won the prize. Therefore, I cannot emphysize(emphasize) the importance of upgraded tools, which may not show up in the past, too much.

In a nutshell, despite someone’s concern that the experience accumulated in the past is a valuable reference, they may fail to figure out the replacement offered by tools and technology(这个让步句写的很好). As a result, I maintain that people should not review the past to solve the problems exit in the present and future because of the convenience brought by technology, the closer connection, and the upgrading tools.



发表于 2012-9-7 00:46:05 | 只看该作者
In order to solve the problems of the present and the future, people should review the past.

红色错误 蓝色建议 高亮精彩 绿色逻辑

Have you ever (+been)tried(+of,  注意tired 是adj.) the online chatting with camera just like a face-to-face talking? Have you ever solved a problem successfully with several factors taken into consideration?(第二个have you用的很牵强的感觉,而且和前后两个平行关系也没有处理好,前后两个比较具体,而这个过于抽象了) Have you ever used the Internet to collect information for a debate? If you have never experienced such situations, never will you understand the distinction of solvents between past and present, letting alone that of the future. (这个是要做结果状语从句么?意思看不太懂额。。)Hence, I hold the view that people should not review the past in order to solve the problems of present and future for three reasons listed as follows.

At the very beginning, there exits no doubt that the more technology has developed, the more convenience we will enjoy(两个时态关系没有处理好,建议前面改成一般现在时,后面的保持不变). People can solve a problem with the new technology instead of reviewing the experience of the past. To take a comparison, a man wanting to cure his homesick to death (口语化,不正式,建议去掉)needs to talk to his family. He can login in the instant message software and have a online chatting with camera while the same situation happening in the past, he had to post a letter and waited for another several days. That is the reason why latest technology helps to solve problems instantly.


In addition, the close connection between factors raises people’s awareness of caution. What an operation is to a patient is what a current solution is to the problems nowadays. Both of them needs nothing but caution. Tens of cases can proof such idea perfectly such as the scandal of a leader. Only in the past can the watergate (水门事件是个好例子!)affair be hiden(hidden) for years owing to less connection. Currently, however, leaders are supervised tightly via many methods such as twitter, facebook, youtube and even paparazzi.
(额,这段的论证感觉和题目木有关系,什么个情况?leader的丑闻曝光对于solve problem好像没有直接的关系)

What is more, with the upgrade of tools, people can use solve problems quickly rather than wasting (rather than 平行标志, waste)money and time. Thanks to the greatest invention(+of) Internet, people can hug the whole world with a click on mouse. (生动赞)To take myself as an example, I used to be a team leader in our collage debate. We searched tons of informations for the topic via Internet while the opponent believed books in library were more authoritative. Finally, due to the abundant information, we won the prize. Therefore, I cannot emphysize(emphasize) the importance of upgraded tools, which may not show up in the past, too much.

In a nutshell, despite someone’s concern that the experience accumulated in the past is a valuable reference, they may fail to figure out the replacement offered by tools and technology(这个让步句写的很好). As a result, I maintain that people should not review the past to solve the problems exit in the present and future because of the convenience brought by technology, the closer connection, and the upgrading tools.



-- by 会员 瓜瓜不瓜 (2012/9/6 22:34:56)

怎么说,这个topic是个很general的topic,所以论证时候最好还是要从大面上说,例子可以用来反驳,但是不能就通过科技来证明you should or should not review the past, 文章写得没什么问题啦。就是这个充分条件和必要条件 的方向要弄清.
发表于 2012-9-7 18:15:19 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 瓜瓜不瓜 (2012/9/6 22:34:56)
-- by 会员 N只梨花压海棠 (2012/9/7 0:46:05)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-7 21:18:50 | 只看该作者
9.6 独立

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important problems in today's world will be solved in our lifetime.

Have you ever brust into tears about the died people in Iraq? Have you ever been shocked by the pain a cancer patient is sufferring? Have you ever been distressed about the extinction of white-flag dolphin? If you have never experienced these, never will you understand the seriousness of such situation. As far as I am concerned, I highly cast the doubt on the statement that the most important problems today, wars, incurable disease, and the destruction to nature, can be solved within our lifetime.

At the very beginning, I cannot emphysize the importance of harmony too much, which is too far to touch. Owing to some contradictions born in nature such as the conflict for area, the greedy of human nature, the dispute of the difference between religions and anything else, wars are unavoidable. To take the Middle East as an example, residents there have suffered from the fire of wars too much. Wars take place in all ages and never ends, from the ancient times fighting for waters to present struggling for petroleum, from the fight thousands years ago just for the Holy City to the dispute nowadays for human right. If the people there for thousands years have no idea about the wars, how can we pin our hope on the short period of our lifetime?

In addition, there is no doubt that the fight for disease will last forever. The medicine today cannot cure the incurable disease such as cancer, HIV and some other disease, letting alone the newly showing disease. Besides, with the development of technology, the fight between virus and antibiotics is upgrading. With so much problems to conquer, I am not sure whether the technology can shoulder. To take myself as an example, I always get cold in the winter. Every year I have to be injected by the upgraded antibiotics. When I was a pupil, the antibiotics was numbered as Number 2 while it was Number 6 last winter. According to my doctor, since the virus of flu changes in every year, scientists are still not able to find a permanent solution.

What is more, the destruction to nature sometimes can be permanent, especially for those animals and trees have extincted. Statistics from the magazine Vista show that a specie of mammals has extincted within four years and the speed is still raising. Such destruction cannot be made up. Tens of cases can proof such idea perfectly. The white-flag dolphin, honored as the pandas in water, has extincted due to the famous dam. Repairable as the nature be, the speed of destroy is too rapid to catch up with.

In a nutshell, inspite of someone’s concern that the new technology in the future can make everything in order, they may fail to clarify that technology may make it even worse in some situation just like the two sides of a coin. Hence, I maintain that the most important problems, namely the lasting wars, the upgrading disease, and the irreparable damage to nature, cannot be solved within our lifetime.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-7 21:19:15 | 只看该作者
9.6 综合

Both the lecture and the professor discuss the phenomenon that people, especially the young, read less literature today. The lecture lists three phenomenon and results while the professor treats them as flawed.

To begin with, the lecture states that people today are reading less literature and thus leads to less benefits such as imagination. The professor, however, considers such statement as narrow since the meaning of book can be much wider. People today are reading various kinds of books such as science, history, politics and history. All these helps to expand people's imagination. In other words, not only the literature equals to good books.

Besides, the lecture complains that people today spend much more time on watching TV and listening to songs and therefore lowers the level of culture. The professor, however, thinks that music and movie do not means a low level of culture. To take the movie and songs as an example, they offer people same enjoyment of culture owing to a more avilable access to culture currently.

Last but not least, the lecture worries about the talented writers lacking of audiences. On the contrary, the professor maintains it unfair to balame the audiences. Comparing to the past, books today are much more difficult to understand. Under such circumastance, the audiences have the right to choose an easier way to touch the culture.
发表于 2012-9-7 22:51:38 | 只看该作者
9.6 综合
小西综合加油哦,争取弄个30 ~o~

Both the lecturewriter/author比较好,这样就是和professor对应了and the professor discuss the phenomenon that people, especially the young, read less literature today. The lecture lists three phenomenonphenomena用复数形式 and results while the professor treats them as flawed.

To begin with, the lecture states that people today are reading less literature and thus leads(这个动词主语不是people,而是整个这件事,所以在前面加个which)to less benefits such as imagination. The professor, however, considers such statement as narrow since the meaning of book can be much wider. People today are reading various kinds of books such as science, history, politics and history(这个重复啦). All these helps to expand(搭配不当expand ones horizon, imagination is enhanced/cultivated people's imagination. In other words, not only the literature equals to good books.

Besides, the lecture complains that people today spend much more time on watching TV and listening to songs and therefore lowers(跟之前的leads感觉一样 the level of culture. The professor, however, thinks that music and movie do not means a low level of culture. To take the movie and songs as an example, they offer people same enjoyment of culture owing to a more avilableavailable access to culture currently.

Last but not least, the lecture worries about the talented writers lacking of audiences. On the contrary, the professor maintains it unfair to balameblame the audiences. Comparing to the past, books today are much more difficult to understand. Under such circumastance(circumstance), the audiences have the right to choose an easier way to touch the culture.


1.注意单词拼写哦,还有单复数,太多了ETS也是要扣分的,上次婷婷就因为这个丢了分,给个评语说grammar faults= =

2.动词leads, lowers感觉不太对

发表于 2012-9-8 23:20:34 | 只看该作者


Have you ever brustburst into tears about the diedpeople in Iraq? Have you ever been shocked by the pain a cancer patient is(这里is 需要去掉) sufferringsuffering? Have you ever been distressed about the extinction of white-flagdolphin? If you have never experienced these, never will you understand theseriousness of such situation. As far as I am concerned, I highly cast thedoubt on the statement that the most important problems today, wars, incurabledisease, and the destruction to nature, can be solved within our lifetime.第一段的排比很精彩!

At the very beginning, I cannot emphysize theimportance of harmony too much, which is too far to touch. Owing to somecontradictions born in nature such as the conflict for area, the greedy ofhuman nature, the dispute of the difference between religions and anythingelse, wars are unavoidable. To take the Middle Eastas an example, residents there have suffered from the fire of wars too much.Wars take place in all ages and never ends, from the ancient times fighting forwaters to present struggling for petroleum, from the fight thousands years agojust for the Holy
to the disputenowadays for human right. If the people there for thousands years have no ideaabout the wars, how can we pin our hope on the short period of our lifetime? GRE很善用排比呀~~内容很充实,这段写的不错

In addition, there is no doubt that the fightfor disease will last forever. The medicine today cannot cure the incurabledisease such as cancer, HIV and some other
disease(复数), letting alone the newlyshowing disease. Besides, with the development of technology, the fight betweenvirus and antibiotics is upgrading. With so muchmany problems to conquer, I amnot sure whether the technology can shoulder. To take myself as an example, Ialways get cold in the winter. Every year I have to be injected by the upgradedantibiotics. When I was a pupil, the antibiotics was numbered as Number 2 whileit was Number 6 last winter. According to my doctor, since the virus of fluchanges in every year, scientists are still not able to find a permanent solution.

What is more, the destruction to naturesometimes can be permanent, especially for those animals and trees have
extincted(extinct本身就是形容词,不用加ED). Statistics from the magazine Vista show that aspecie of mammals has extincted within four years and the speed is stillraising(这句话说得有点别扭呀~~可以考虑这样改:a certain specia of mammals becomes extinct for every four years. Such destruction cannot be made up. Tens(tons?) of cases can proof such idea perfectly. The white-flag dolphin,honored as the pandas in water, has extincted due to the famous dam. Repairableas the nature be, the speed of destroy is too rapid to catch up with.

In a nutshell, inspite of someone’s concernthat the new technology in the future can make everything in order, they mayfail to clarify that technology may make
it(it无指代吧这里) even worse in some situation just like the twosides of a coin. Hence, I maintain that the most important problems, namely thelasting wars, the upgrading disease, and the irreparable damage to nature,cannot be solved within our lifetime.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-9 18:13:22 | 只看该作者
9.8 综合 麻烦婷婷啦~  第三个点没有听的太清楚,所以不知道编的靠谱不,求第三段重重的拍!

Both the writer and the professor discussing about is whether it is benefical to have the commercial for fossils. The writer considers such behavior will lead to three negetive aspects while the professor notes the positive aspects as overweighted.

To begin with, the writer states that the trade of fossils may reduce the public access to view the fossils and thus they will lose the interests. The professor, however, treats such opinion as flawed since if it is the public university and library that be the owners, they will not show the fossils to the public either.

In addition, the writer worries about the scientists that they may have less chance to study the extinct forms owing to less important and rarest fossils that have been bought by the millionaires. On the contrary, the professor thinks there is no need to worry about the scientist because it is the scientists to identify the fossils. And fossils should pass through the scientists' hand first. As a result, they will not miss out the important details after the examination.

Besides, the writer complains that the less professional collectors often destroy the valuable fossils. The professor, in contrast, points out that since the exploring are often raised by universities, it is better to own some destroyed fossils than to give up the fossils still underground.
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