Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement? One of the ways that parents can helpchildren be ready for adult life is to ask them to do a part-time job.
Have you ever heard about a boy wasting too much money onuseless toys? Have you ever seen a child knowing nothing about his interest?Have you ever experienced a girl having troubles to communicate with others? (Truth be told,我没看出来这几天问题与做不做兼职有关系,我觉得开头还是正规一点,建议改一下) If you have never had such experiences, youwould never know the importance of a part-time job to a child's view to adultlife. Hence in my eye, it is important for parents to help children be readyfor adult life by asking them to do apart-time job.
To begin with, if a child does not know how difficult (it is) to make money(独立生活比较好,stand on his own feet), he will never value what he has already own(possessed) and will always waste money(养成挥霍的习惯,get into the habit of squandering). My brother, for example,was used to waste money all the time until my aunt asked him to haveapart-time job in KFC. (这里还是主动去找工作比较好,要不弄得好像是被迫的。Until he got a chance to do a part-timejob at KFC as a servant.) Later hetold me that it is the most tough day he has ever had. 6 RMB for one hour madehim depressed and could not help to doubt his ability. He totally understoodthat earning money is not a piece of cake. At the end of the conversation, hepromised me that he will never waste money on anything that is useless. Fromthe instance above, it is easy to draw a conclusion that part-time job makes achild understand that a waste on money should be forbidden. (我觉得这段的内容需要调整,都是一句一句出来的,少一些逻辑和时间顺序。你看看这样写好不好:Through three months assiduous period,he realized that earing money is not an easy case like the thing he thoughtbefore, because he had to try his utmost to finish jobs for just six RMB perhour paying. Finally, he told me that he began to understand the truth thatlife is tough, and promise that he will treasure his life and make it morevaluable. Therefore, we can draw the conclusion that doing a part-time, whateverkind it is, will benefit young people and make them grown-up.)
In addtion(拼写:addition), part-time job helps a child figure out what hisinterest really is. A survey from North Western University shows us that over86 percent freshman felt “nothing to do in collage because interested innothing”. I bet(我觉得这点说打赌缺乏可信度,就直接说大部分都没有经历过兼职) almostmost of those man has never experienced a part-time job. Scientists(Researchers) told usthat it is wise to choose a major after trying tons of(太多了把) various jobs for the reason that jobs can(direct you to the way of your reallyinterest) told you what your real interest is. Havingpassion to do everything in your job means that should not be hesitate tochoose a relevante relevant major.(这句话没太懂,充满激情地去工作意味着不应该在选择相关专业的时候犹豫??) A man interested in literaure literature should not choose a marketing major, because such a choice will lead your future to astray less efficient and uncomfortable.
Besides, child can learn much more skills, such ascommunicating skills, teamwork, dealing withtons of stuff(应该并列,multi-tasking resolving ability) at the same time, and so on, that will beneed in adult life than he ever image in part-time job. In nowadays job market, most company companies always put an item ”experienced worker hasthe priority” in their exploying poster (a majority ofcompanies will put a requisite, that is relevant working experience, as theirtop priority when evaluating applicants.) because, in their views,working experience makes them skillful, and therefore, outstanding.(because, in their philosophy, experienced employees willadapt to work more fast.) |