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请原谅我哪些钻牛角尖的题目。。T,T 感激。。

发表于 2012-3-26 21:24:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

生活不可能像你想象得那么好,但也不会像你想象得那么糟。我觉得人的脆弱和坚强都超乎自己的想象。有时,我可能脆弱得一句话就泪流满面,有时,也发现自己咬着牙走了很长的路。 ——莫泊桑

转自心经贴某750NN的附件 很喜欢 就放上来了

黄色背景为正确答案 红色是我做错的地方。。 红色绿色标出的部分是偶在读题时候得分析。。

T,,T 泪流满面一下。。。

3. Because of the recent recession in Country A mostmagazines published there have experienced decreases in advertising revenue, so much so that the survivalof themost widely read magazines isin grave doubt. At the same time, however, more people in Country A are reading more magazines thanever before, and the numberof financiallysuccessful magazines in Country A is greater than ever.
Which one of the following, if true, most helps toresole the apparent discrepancy in the information above?
(C) Advertising is the main source of revenue onlyfor the most widely read magazines; other magazines rely on circulation for their revenue.
(D)Because of the recession, people in Country A have cut back on magazinesubscriptions and are reading borrowed magazines.

当时读完题 偶是这么想的
矛盾点在于revenuenumber 然后我的定向就是number是假象
1、如果我number上升 most widely readmagazinesnumber也会上升 那么矛盾就出现在了revenue number之间
2、而且感觉Cother不是很好 因为other不一定就涵盖了哪些financially successful magazines


Questions 5-6
Sales manager: Last year the total number of meals sold in our companyrestaurants was much higherthan it was the year before. Obviously consumers find our meals desirable.
Accountant: If you look at individual restaurants, however, you find that the number of meals soldactually decreasedsubstantially at every one of our restaurants that was in operation both lastyear and the year before. The desirability of our meals to consumers hasclearly decreased, given that this group of restaurants---the only ones forwhich we have sales figures that permit a comparison between last year and theyear before---demonstrates a trend toward fewer sales.

6. Which one ofthe following, if true, most seriously calls into question the accountant’s argument?
(A)The company’s restaurants last year dropped from their menus most of the newdishes that had been introduced the year before.
(E) Most ofthe company’s restaurants that were in operation throughout both last year andthe year before are located in areas where residents experienced a severeoveralldecline in income last year.
我的思路是 总体的多了平均的少了 说明除数→ 也就是饭馆的数量多了啊。。。
当时觉得A很明显T,T 结果错了。。

10. In order to pressure the government of Country Sto become less repressive, some legislators in Country R want to ban allexports from R to S. Companies in R that manufacture telecommunicationequipment such as telephones and fax machines have argued that exports of theirproducts should be exempted from the ban, on the ground that it is impossiblefor a country to remain repressive when telecommunication equipment is widelyavailable to the population of that country.
Which one of thefollowing is an assumption on which the argument given by the manufacturersdepends?
(B) Thetelecommunication equipment that would be imported into S if the exemption wereto be granted would not be available solely to top development officials in S.
(D) Of all exports that could be sent toCountry S, telecommunicationequipment would be the most effective in helpingcitizens of S oppose that countrys repressive government.
这道题其实是忧郁了一下 不知道排除哪一个。。。 就选了个有相似词语的、、、

14. If the government increases its funding for civilian scientificresearch, private patrons and industries will believe that such research hasbecome primarily the government’s responsibility. When they believe thatresearch is no longer primarily their responsibility, private patrons andindustries will decrease their contributions toward research. Therefore, in order to keepfrom depressing the overall level of funding for civilian scientific research,the government should not increase its own funding.
Which one of thefollowing is an assumption on which the argument relies?
(B) Any increase ingovernment funding would displace more private funding for civilian scientificresearch than it would provide.
(D) Civilian scientific research cannot beconducted efficiently with more than one source of funding.
也是犹豫了一下不知道选BD的哪一个。。感觉D是迷惑选项的一种形式。。。T.T 然后我中招了 是不是吖。。。。这道题我能感觉到D不对的地方,,但是说不出来。。

15. Dental researcher: Filling a cavity in a tooth is not a harmless procedure: itinevitably damages some of the healthy parts of the tooth. Cavities are harmfulonly if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cavities, ifleft untreated, never progress to that point. Therefore, dentists should notfill a cavity unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger fromthat cavity.
Which one of thefollowing principles, if valid, most strongly supports the researcher’sreasoning?
(C) Acondition that is only potentially harmful should not be treated using a methodthat is definitelyharmful.
(D)A condition that is typically progressive should not be treated using methodsthat provide only temporary relief.

啊啊啊 绿色标出来的部分T.T 我觉得C绝对不行啊。 一个是不完全无害 一个是绝对有害。。这怎么能对呢。。。T,T
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发表于 2012-3-26 22:20:28 | 只看该作者
FACT1: the survival of the most widely read magazines isin grave doubt
FACT2:The number of financiallysuccessful magazines in Country A is greater than ever
NOTICE 这题为两个fact都找了理由
fact1的理由是:the recent recession in Country A mostmagazines published there have experienced decreases in advertising revenue。
fact2的理由是: more people in Country A are reading more magazines thanever before
Advertising is the main source of revenue onlyfor the most widely read magazines; other magazines rely on circulation for their revenue.
author把报纸分为2类,一类是the most widely read magazines,另一类是others,其中others中的一部分成功了,且比例很大。
这选项只提到了报纸订阅和解的报纸之间的关系,而没有提到两个the most widely read magazines 和others.属无关选项。
发表于 2012-3-26 22:31:05 | 只看该作者
premise1: the number of meals soldactually decreased substantially at every one of our restaurants that was in operation both last year and the year before.
premise2:sales figures permit a comparison between last year and the year before
conclusion: The desirability of our meals to consumers hasclearly decreased.
答案直接削弱premise 2.sales figures  between last year and the year before 不可比,因为市场环境不一样,有没有觉得很像argument?
A说去年取消了前年的菜式,不是正好加强了Accountant的结论, meal吸引度下降了?
发表于 2012-3-26 22:38:55 | 只看该作者
第10题 D不是必要性假设,理解必要性假设,可以选用摘自sdacar的这一个比喻:
For the difference between sufficient assumption and necessargy assumption, here is an analogy:

Suppose you have city A and city B, separated by a river H.  If there are multiple bridges over the river H, each bridge is sufficient but not necessary to connect city A with city B. What is necessary is that at least one bridge over river H is working.

If there is only one bridge over the river H, then that bridge is both sufficient and necessary to connect city A with city B.

If there there are two rivers C and D separate the cities A and B, and there is one bridge over C and many bridges over D, then the bridge over C is necessary (but not sufficient) to connect city A and B, while all the individual bridge over D is neither necessary nor sufficient to connect city A with city B. What is necessary is that at least one bridge over D is working!
即使 negative D,  Of all exports that could be sent toCountry S, telecommunication equipment would not be the most effective in helpingcitizens of S oppose that country’s repressive government. 也不能否定结论。
What if it is the second or third effective?

14题,上邪自己尝试negative一下,如果negative 选项后,结论不成立,那么这就是必要性假设。
发表于 2012-3-26 22:52:31 | 只看该作者
Background:Filling a cavity in a tooth is not a harmless procedure: it inevitably damages some of the healthy parts of the tooth.
Premise:Cavities are harmful only if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cavities, if left untreated, never progress to that point.
Conclusion:Therefore, dentists should not fill a cavity unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger from that cavity.
background 告诉我们 filling a cavity是有害的, 然后说cavities 很多不会危害健康,所以 牙医不应该fill a cavity 知道 cavity危害神经。
cavities 很多不会危害健康 是potentially harmful。
Thus, a condition that is only potentially harmful should not be treated using a methodthat is definitelyharmful.呵呵,其中有几题yiayia也错过,一定要好好分析错误的原因。 像牙医的最后一题,很有可能是没有读懂题意就选了。anyway, CR=reading+reasoning.
发表于 2012-3-27 04:00:25 | 只看该作者

Sales manager: "total number of meals sold in our company restaurants"     N(total) ↑
Accountant: "the number of meals sold at individual restaurants with available data"        Ni ↓  (for i=1, 2, ...k, in which data is available)

Accountant's premise is above     Ni ↓  (for i=1, 2, ...k, in which data is available)
Accountant's conclusion is: "The desirability of our meals to consumers has clearly decreased"

Choice E provides an alternative cause:
NOT   desirability to consumers
BUT    (population income)i ↓        (for i=1, 2, ...k, in which Ni data is available)

Because people have less income, they have less purchasing power. So the decline in population income is an alternative cause.  Also, this choice carefully notes that "(restaurants) that were in operation throughout both last year and the year before", which clearly specifies the objects for the consideration - for i=1, 2, ...k, in which Ni data is available.

premise1: the number of meals soldactually decreased substantially at every one of our restaurants that was in operation both last year and the year before.
premise2:sales figures permit a comparison between last year and the year before
conclusion: The desirability of our meals to consumers hasclearly decreased.
答案直接削弱premise 2.sales figures  between last year and the year before 不可比,因为市场环境不一样,有没有觉得很像argument?
A说去年取消了前年的菜式,不是正好加强了Accountant的结论, meal吸引度下降了?
-- by 会员 yiayia (2012/3/26 22:31:05)

发表于 2012-3-27 04:15:02 | 只看该作者

第10题 D不是必要性假设,理解必要性假设,可以选用摘自sdacar的这一个比喻:
For the difference between sufficient assumption and necessargy assumption, here is an analogy:

Suppose you have city A and city B, separated by a river H.  If there are multiple bridges over the river H, each bridge is sufficient but not necessary to connect city A with city B. What is necessary is that at least one bridge over river H is working.

If there is only one bridge over the river H, then that bridge is both sufficient and necessary to connect city A with city B.

If there there are two rivers C and D separate the cities A and B, and there is one bridge over C and many bridges over D, then the bridge over C is necessary (but not sufficient) to connect city A and B, while all the individual bridge over D is neither necessary nor sufficient to connect city A with city B. What is necessary is that at least one bridge over D is working!
即使 negative D,  Of all exports that could be sent toCountry S, telecommunication equipment would not be the most effective in helpingcitizens of S oppose that country’s repressive government. 也不能否定结论。
What if it is the second or third effective?

14题,上邪自己尝试negative一下,如果negative 选项后,结论不成立,那么这就是必要性假设。
-- by 会员 yiayia (2012/3/26 22:38:55)

发表于 2012-3-27 04:31:41 | 只看该作者
14. If the government increases its funding for civilian scientific research, private patrons and industries will believe that such research has become primarily the government’s responsibility. When they believe that research is no longer primarily their responsibility, private patrons and industries will decrease their contributions toward research. Therefore, in order to keep from depressing the overall level of funding for civilian scientific research, the government should not increase its own funding.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?

(A) Governments should bear the majority of the financial burden of funding for civilian scientific research.

(B) Any increase in government funding would displace more private funding for civilian scientific research than it would provide.
(C) Private donations toward research are no longer welcomed by researchers whose work receives government funding.
(D) Civilian scientific research cannot be conducted efficiently with more than one source of funding.
(E) funding for civilian scientific research is currently at the highest possible level.

I go with B. Is B the correct answer?
My diagram below

(F1 = funding from the government, F2 = funding from private patrons and industries)

Premise:  if F1
↑,  then F2  
Conclusion:  in order to let F(total) not
,  should not make F1

Since   F(total) = F1 + F2
The conclusion requires: the decrease in F2 outweighs the increase in F1
Hence Choice B.

D is out-of-scope. We are interested in "
keep from depressing the overall level of funding", which is F(total). We do not care whether the research can be conducted efficiently.  
发表于 2012-3-27 04:50:03 | 只看该作者

In order to pressure the government of Country S tobecome less repressive, some legislators in Country R want to ban all exportsfrom R to S. Companies in R that manufacture telecommunication equipment
such as telephones and fax machines have argued that exports of their productsshould be exempted from the ban, on the ground that it is impossible for acountry to remain repressive when telecommunication
equipment is widely available to the population of that country.

Highlighted portion is the premise. premise是个条件命题,条件是"when telecommunication
equipment is widely available to the population of that country

(B) The telecommunication equipment that would be imported into S if the
exemption were to be granted would not be available solely to top government officials in S.


第10题 D不是必要性假设,理解必要性假设,可以选用摘自sdacar的这一个比喻:
For the difference between sufficient assumption and necessargy assumption, here is an analogy:

Suppose you have city A and city B, separated by a river H.  If there are multiple bridges over the river H, each bridge is sufficient but not necessary to connect city A with city B. What is necessary is that at least one bridge over river H is working.

If there is only one bridge over the river H, then that bridge is both sufficient and necessary to connect city A with city B.

If there there are two rivers C and D separate the cities A and B, and there is one bridge over C and many bridges over D, then the bridge over C is necessary (but not sufficient) to connect city A and B, while all the individual bridge over D is neither necessary nor sufficient to connect city A with city B. What is necessary is that at least one bridge over D is working!
即使 negative D,  Of all exports that could be sent toCountry S, telecommunication equipment would not be the most effective in helpingcitizens of S oppose that country’s repressive government. 也不能否定结论。
What if it is the second or third effective?

14题,上邪自己尝试negative一下,如果negative 选项后,结论不成立,那么这就是必要性假设。
-- by 会员 yiayia (2012/3/26 22:38:55)

-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/27 4:15:02)

发表于 2012-3-27 05:03:17 | 只看该作者
Background:Filling a cavity in a tooth is not a harmless procedure: it inevitably damages some of the healthy parts of the tooth.
Premise:Cavities are harmful only if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cavities, if left untreated, never progress to that point.
Conclusion:Therefore, dentists should not fill a cavity unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger from that cavity.
background 告诉我们 filling a cavity是有害的, 然后说cavities 很多不会危害健康,所以 牙医不应该fill a cavity 知道 cavity危害神经。
cavities 很多不会危害健康 是potentially harmful。
Thus, a condition that is only potentially harmful should not be treated using a methodthat is definitelyharmful.呵呵,其中有几题yiayia也错过,一定要好好分析错误的原因。 像牙医的最后一题,很有可能是没有读懂题意就选了。anyway, CR=reading+reasoning.
-- by 会员 yiayia (2012/3/26 22:52:31)

not harmless, inevitably damages   = definitely harmful
harmful only if ... = potentially harmful
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