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楼主: 199249712
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请原谅我哪些钻牛角尖的题目。。T,T 感激。。

 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-27 09:52:08 | 只看该作者
啊啊啊 我超喜欢这些思路!!~~

偶先去上专业课晚点就把自己的改错总结放上来 mua~~
发表于 2012-3-27 12:08:39 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-27 13:12:16 | 只看该作者
3. Because of the recent recessionin Country A mostmagazines published there have experienced decreases in advertising revenue, so much so that thesurvivalof themost widely read magazinesisin grave doubt. At the same time, however, more people in Country A are reading more magazines thanever before, and the numberof financiallysuccessfulmagazines in Country A is greaterthan ever.
Which one of the following, if true, most helps toresole the apparentdiscrepancy in the information above?
(C) Advertising is the main source of revenueonlyfor the most widely read magazines;other magazines rely on circulation fortheir revenue.
(D)Because of the recession, people in Country A havecut back on magazinesubscriptions and are reading borrowed magazines.

分析:错的原因果然是找错了paradox。。我一直认为是同一种 mostwidely readmagazines
杂志的revenue&number的矛盾 昨天一直拗不过来这个弯 愣是想不通为什么是两个杂志比。。。  yiayia哥的分析好棒!
Advertising is the main source of revenue onlyfor the most widely readmagazines; other magazines rely on circulation for their revenue.

Questions 5-6
Sales manager: Last year the total numberof meals sold in our companyrestaurants was much higherthan it was the year before. Obviously consumers find ourmeals desirable.
Accountant: If you look at individualrestaurants, however, you find that the number ofmeals soldactually decreasedsubstantiallyat every one of our restaurants that was in operation both lastyear and theyear before. The desirability of our meals to consumers hasclearly decreased,given that this group of restaurants---the only ones forwhich we have salesfigures that permit a comparison between last year and theyearbefore---demonstrates a trend toward fewer sales.

6. Which one ofthe following, if true, most seriously calls into question the accountant’s argument?
(A)The company’s restaurants last year dropped fromtheir menus most of the newdishes that had been introduced the year before.
(E) Most ofthe company’s restaurants that werein operation throughout both last year andthe year before are located in areaswhere residents experienced a severeoveralldeclinein income last year.

答案直接削弱premise 2.sales figures between last year and the year before 不可比,因为市场环境不一样,有没有觉得很像argument?
A说去年取消了前年的菜式,不是正好加强了Accountant的结论, meal吸引度下降了?

10. In order to pressure the government of Country Sto become lessrepressive, some legislators in Country R want to ban allexports from R to S.Companies in R that manufacture telecommunicationequipment such as telephonesand fax machines have argued that exports of theirproducts should be exemptedfrom the ban, on the ground that it is impossiblefor a country to remainrepressive whentelecommunication equipment is widelyavailable to the population of thatcountry.
Which one of thefollowing is an assumption on which the argument given by themanufacturersdepends?
(B) Thetelecommunication equipment that wouldbe imported into S if the exemption wereto be granted would not be availablesolely to top development officials in S.
(D) Of all exports that could be sent toCountry S, telecommunication equipment would be the most effective in helpingcitizens of S oppose that country’s repressive government.

14. If the government increasesits funding for civilian scientificresearch, private patrons and industrieswill believe that such research hasbecome primarily the government’sresponsibility. When they believe thatresearch is no longer primarily theirresponsibility, private patrons andindustries will decrease their contributionstoward research. Therefore, in order tokeepfrom depressing the overall level of funding for civilian scientific research,thegovernment should not increase its own funding.
Which one of thefollowing is an assumption on which the argument relies?
(B) Any increase ingovernment funding would displace moreprivate funding for civilian scientificresearch than it would provide.
(D) Civilian scientific research can not be conducted efficiently with morethan one source of funding.

15. Dental researcher: Filling a cavity in a tooth is not a harmless procedure: itinevitably damagessome of the healthy parts of the tooth. Cavities are harmfulonly if the decayreaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cavities, ifleft untreated, neverprogress to that point. Therefore, dentists should notfill a cavity unless thenerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger fromthat cavity.
Which one of thefollowing principles, if valid, most strongly supports theresearcher’sreasoning?
(C) Acondition that is only potentially harmfulshould not be treated using a methodthat is definitelyharmful.
(D)A condition that is typically progressive should notbe treated using methodsthat provide only temporary relief.

这道彻底懂了!!! 词的表达真的很重要啊
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-27 13:12:48 | 只看该作者
再次感谢Yiayia哥 baby姐姐写出你们的思路给偶…………
发表于 2012-3-27 15:45:55 | 只看该作者

In order to pressure the government of Country S tobecome less repressive, some legislators in Country R want to ban all exportsfrom R to S. Companies in R that manufacture telecommunication equipment
such as telephones and fax machines have argued that exports of their productsshould be exempted from the ban, on the ground that it is impossible for acountry to remain repressive when telecommunication
equipment is widely available to the population of that country.

Highlighted portion is the premise. premise是个条件命题,条件是"when telecommunication
equipment is widely available to the population of that country",那assumption,就得是说"when"这个前提条件成立。

(B) The telecommunication equipment that would be imported into S if the
exemption were to be granted would not be available solely to top government officials in S.


第10题 D不是必要性假设,理解必要性假设,可以选用摘自sdacar的这一个比喻:
For the difference between sufficient assumption and necessargy assumption, here is an analogy:

Suppose you have city A and city B, separated by a river H.  If there are multiple bridges over the river H, each bridge is sufficient but not necessary to connect city A with city B. What is necessary is that at least one bridge over river H is working.

If there is only one bridge over the river H, then that bridge is both sufficient and necessary to connect city A with city B.

If there there are two rivers C and D separate the cities A and B, and there is one bridge over C and many bridges over D, then the bridge over C is necessary (but not sufficient) to connect city A and B, while all the individual bridge over D is neither necessary nor sufficient to connect city A with city B. What is necessary is that at least one bridge over D is working!
即使 negative D,  Of all exports that could be sent toCountry S, telecommunication equipment would not be the most effective in helpingcitizens of S oppose that country’s repressive government. 也不能否定结论。
What if it is the second or third effective?

14题,上邪自己尝试negative一下,如果negative 选项后,结论不成立,那么这就是必要性假设。
-- by 会员 yiayia (2012/3/26 22:38:55)

-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/27 4:15:02)

-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/27 4:50:03)

但如何negative是个技巧,需要练习。像B选项就是The telecommunication equipment that would be imported into S if the
exemption were to be granted would  be available solely to top government officials in S.
如果如上所述,on the ground when后面的条件不成立,结论也不成立。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-27 17:27:19 | 只看该作者
21. Historian:
background:We can learn about the medical history of individuals throughchemical analysis of their hair. It is likely, for example, that Isaac Newton’spsychological problems were due to mercury poisoning; traces of mercury werefound in his hair.
Analysis is now being done on a lock of Beethoven’shair. Although no convincing argument has shown that Beethoven ever had avenereal disease, some people hypothesize that venereal disease caused hisdeafness. Since mercury was commonly ingested in Beethoven’s time totreat venereal disease, if researchers find a trace of mercury in his hair, wecan conclude thatthis hypothesis is correct.

Which one of thefollowing is an assumption on which the historian’s argument depends?

(A)None of the mercury introduced into the body can be eliminated.
(B) Some people in Beethoven’s time did not ingestmercury.

Mercury治愈venereal disease
贝多芬头发含有Mercury 贝多芬得了venereal disease

1、 Mercury不会随着时间消失  消失了就检测不到这个病了也就说明不了什么问题了
2、 别的病不拿Mercury来治

后来对了答案后 理解的结果是:
Mercury不是一种普遍现象 如果吃Mercury是普遍现象那么也就不能说明venereal diseaseMercury的特殊性
那我也可以因此理解为:some特殊群体没事就吃Mercury。。跟我人民大众治病良方无关0 0
yiayia哥帮我解释一下这里词的用法好不好。。我感觉我对词的精准性一直理解地不是很到位 包括上一组的那个牙医的题 你一讲我突然就明白了那个inevitably & definitely 之前打死也想不通。。偶最近也在看bible。。不过还在理解中T.T 一直内化不了成自己的知识体系 求传授……5555……】

所以说A本身的假设就是个错误 因为Mercury根本不能eliminated.呢??


24. The interstitial nucleus, a subregion of thebrain’s hypothalamus, is typically smaller for male cats than for female cats.A neurobiologist performed autopsies on male cats who died from disease X, adisease affecting no more than .05 percent of male cats, and found that thesemale cats had interstitial nuclei that were as large as those generally foundin female cats. Thus, the size of the interstitial nucleus determines whetheror not male cats can contract disease X.

Which one of the following statements, if true, mostseriously weakens the argument?

(D)Of 1,000 autopsies on male cats who did not contract disease X, 5 revealedinterstitial nuclei larger than those of the average male cat.
(E) The hypothalamus is known not to be causallylinked to disease Y, and disease X is a subtype of disease Y.

【正常的】男猫’sH< 【正常的】女猫’s H
【得X病】男猫’s H>【正常的】女猫’s H
给出了两个事实 如何反驳?偶觉得应该举反例。。。
所以偶选了D o(╯□╰)o
D说明了【不得X病】男猫’s H也有>【正常的】女猫’s H

E is the best answer.
Disease X is the subtype isdisease Y, if disease Y has no link with hypothalamus, X must have no link withhypothalamus.

X属于Y 。。YH无关。。X就要与H无关吗。。? 0 0
偶觉得这个实在是……………… 理解无能→ 比如猫科大部分爬树 狮子不爬树 难道就说明了狮子不属于猫科吗。。。
发表于 2012-3-27 23:18:05 | 只看该作者
negative B:All the people in Beethoven’s time did ingest mercury.
如此的话,存在mercury不能证明贝多芬患有venereal disease,因为所有人都ingest mercury,贝多芬可能不是为了治病。

发表于 2012-3-28 02:17:45 | 只看该作者

In order to pressure the government of Country S tobecome less repressive, some legislators in Country R want to ban all exportsfrom R to S. Companies in R that manufacture telecommunication equipment
such as telephones and fax machines have argued that exports of their productsshould be exempted from the ban, on the ground that it is impossible for acountry to remain repressive when telecommunication
equipment is widely available to the population of that country.

Highlighted portion is the premise. premise是个条件命题,条件是"when telecommunication
equipment is widely available to the population of that country",那assumption,就得是说"when"这个前提条件成立。

(B) The telecommunication equipment that would be imported into S if the
exemption were to be granted would not be available solely to top government officials in S.


第10题 D不是必要性假设,理解必要性假设,可以选用摘自sdacar的这一个比喻:
For the difference between sufficient assumption and necessargy assumption, here is an analogy:

Suppose you have city A and city B, separated by a river H.  If there are multiple bridges over the river H, each bridge is sufficient but not necessary to connect city A with city B. What is necessary is that at least one bridge over river H is working.

If there is only one bridge over the river H, then that bridge is both sufficient and necessary to connect city A with city B.

If there there are two rivers C and D separate the cities A and B, and there is one bridge over C and many bridges over D, then the bridge over C is necessary (but not sufficient) to connect city A and B, while all the individual bridge over D is neither necessary nor sufficient to connect city A with city B. What is necessary is that at least one bridge over D is working!
即使 negative D,  Of all exports that could be sent toCountry S, telecommunication equipment would not be the most effective in helpingcitizens of S oppose that country’s repressive government. 也不能否定结论。
What if it is the second or third effective?

14题,上邪自己尝试negative一下,如果negative 选项后,结论不成立,那么这就是必要性假设。
-- by 会员 yiayia (2012/3/26 22:38:55)

-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/27 4:15:02)

-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/27 4:50:03)

但如何negative是个技巧,需要练习。像B选项就是The telecommunication equipment that would be imported into S if the
exemption were to be granted would  be available solely to top government officials in S.
如果如上所述,on the ground when后面的条件不成立,结论也不成立。
-- by 会员 yiayia (2012/3/27 15:45:55)

谢谢yiayia,学到了!感觉我现在做CR有点局限性,就是总习惯于正向思考,prephrase答案,就像解数学题直接从题目出发严格计算出答案那样(话说我现在狂喜欢用解数学应用题的思路解CR)。这样,我第一遍看选项的时候,看到跟我想的方向不太对上眼的,就直接kill,然后就一不小心全都kill掉了。正像你说的“正向思维有时候不如反向思维清晰”,如果我看选项的时候用negation techniques去分析,就很容易选定B. 看来我要习惯于这种方法,扩宽思路

btw: 就说 "If A occurs, then B occurs" 这种命题取非就是 "exist a situation, in which A occurs but B does not occur"
这似乎是数学问题,数学上用的符号是:倒立的A (all)  --  镜像的E (exist)
发表于 2012-3-28 02:57:29 | 只看该作者

(就说 "If A occurs, then B occurs" 这种命题取非就是 "exist a situation, in which A occurs but B does not occur")

Historian: If we find Hg in his hair, then we can conclude .....
(If 太阳从西边出来,then  yiayia是美女)
如果我们对A选项作取非验证,"some of Hg in the body could be eliminated",你认为那样头发中就有可能根本不存在Hg,这样的话"we find Hf in his hair"不成立。——问题在于,这不能否认Historian的命题,就像你说“太阳不从西边出来”这不能反驳我那个命题。

而正确答案B选项,如果取非: All people at that time ingested Hg.
If we find Hg in his hair, we CANNOT conclude ....

21. Historian:
background:We can learn about the medical history of individuals throughchemical analysis of their hair. It is likely, for example, that Isaac Newton’spsychological problems were due to mercury poisoning; traces of mercury werefound in his hair.
Analysis is now being done on a lock of Beethoven’shair. Although no convincing argument has shown that Beethoven ever had avenereal disease, some people hypothesize that venereal disease caused hisdeafness. Since mercury was commonly ingested in Beethoven’s time totreat venereal disease, if researchers find a trace of mercury in his hair, wecan conclude thatthis hypothesis is correct.

Which one of thefollowing is an assumption on which the historian’s argument depends?

(A)None of the mercury introduced into the body can be eliminated.
(B) Some people in Beethoven’s time did not ingestmercury.

Mercury治愈venereal disease
贝多芬头发含有Mercury 贝多芬得了venereal disease

1、 Mercury不会随着时间消失  消失了就检测不到这个病了也就说明不了什么问题了
2、 别的病不拿Mercury来治

后来对了答案后 理解的结果是:
Mercury不是一种普遍现象 如果吃Mercury是普遍现象那么也就不能说明venereal diseaseMercury的特殊性
那我也可以因此理解为:some特殊群体没事就吃Mercury。。跟我人民大众治病良方无关0 0
yiayia哥帮我解释一下这里词的用法好不好。。我感觉我对词的精准性一直理解地不是很到位 包括上一组的那个牙医的题 你一讲我突然就明白了那个inevitably & definitely 之前打死也想不通。。偶最近也在看bible。。不过还在理解中T.T 一直内化不了成自己的知识体系 求传授……5555……】

所以说A本身的假设就是个错误 因为Mercury根本不能eliminated.呢??


24. The interstitial nucleus, a subregion of thebrain’s hypothalamus, is typically smaller for male cats than for female cats.A neurobiologist performed autopsies on male cats who died from disease X, adisease affecting no more than .05 percent of male cats, and found that thesemale cats had interstitial nuclei that were as large as those generally foundin female cats. Thus, the size of the interstitial nucleus determines whetheror not male cats can contract disease X.

Which one of the following statements, if true, mostseriously weakens the argument?

(D)Of 1,000 autopsies on male cats who did not contract disease X, 5 revealedinterstitial nuclei larger than those of the average male cat.
(E) The hypothalamus is known not to be causallylinked to disease Y, and disease X is a subtype of disease Y.

【正常的】男猫’sH< 【正常的】女猫’s H
【得X病】男猫’s H>【正常的】女猫’s H
给出了两个事实 如何反驳?偶觉得应该举反例。。。
所以偶选了D o(╯□╰)o
D说明了【不得X病】男猫’s H也有>【正常的】女猫’s H

E is the best answer.
Disease X is the subtype isdisease Y, if disease Y has no link with hypothalamus, X must have no link withhypothalamus.

X属于Y 。。YH无关。。X就要与H无关吗。。? 0 0
偶觉得这个实在是……………… 理解无能→ 比如猫科大部分爬树 狮子不爬树 难道就说明了狮子不属于猫科吗。。。
-- by 会员 199249712 (2012/3/27 17:27:19)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-28 08:43:53 | 只看该作者
懂了!! baby姐姐的if太到位了
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