Fermat died without any written proof } Fermat's theorem is NOT provable -----> Fermat was lying or making mistake (he alleged to have proved it) no one has been able to prove
Laura: someone recently proved ----> Fermat's theorem is provable ----> Fermat was NOT lying or .... (by claiming he had proved it)
You know, Laura's argument is unsound. By noting that someone is able to prove, we CANNOT conclude that Fermat himself was able to prove. Perhaps he was unable to prove, and he told a lie in claiming that he had proved it.
On the other hand, Joseph's argument is sound (I mean the last arrow, from Fermat's theorem is NOT provable to Fermat was lying or making mistake (he alleged to have proved it)), because if Fermat was honest, his theorem must be provable. Therefore, by noting that his theorem is not provable, Joseph concludes that Fermat was dishonest.
A = "Fermat's theorem is NOT provable" B = "Fermat was lying or ..."
Joseph: A----->B A是B的充分(sufficient)条件,B是A的必要(necessary)条件 Laura: No A -----> No B
以上,抽象一下吧。就说一个命题"A--->B"(由A推出B),这里面:A是B的充分(sufficient)条件,B是A的必要(necessary)条件 逆命题是"B--->A",否命题是"no A ----> no B",逆否命题是"no B ---> no A" 一个命题和他的逆否命题,是等效的。 "A--->B" 等效于 "no B ---> no A"
那么上面,Joseph的"A--->B"能站住脚,而Laura提出的是这个命题的否命题"no A ----> no B",未必站得住脚。当且仅当A和B互为充要条件的时候,才能站住脚。
(btw:sorry后面这片我不知道怎么用英文说,我是小时候学奥数学的逻辑,用的中文。我是喜欢把那些长串英文用数学符号表示,就像解数学应用题设x, y variables一样,然后模式化推理,就像列方程解方程一样。这样比较准确快捷,因为不用通过英文长串语言去思考,就节省了大脑很多内存。)
Questions49-50 Joseph: My encyclopedia saysthat the mathematician Pierre de Fermat died in 1665 without leaving behind anywritten proof for a theorem that he claimed nonetheless to have proved. Probably this alleged theorem simplycannot be proved, since---as the article points out---no one else has beenable to prove it. Therefore it is likely that Fermat was either lying or elsemistaken when he made his claim. Laura: Your encyclopedia is outof date. Recently someone has in fact proved Fermat’s theorem. And since thetheorem is provable, your claim---that Fermat was lying or mistaken---clearlyis wrong. 50. Which one of the followingmost accurately describes a reasoning error in Laura’s argument? (A) It purports to establishits conclusion by making a claim that, if true, would actually contradict thatconclusion. (B) Itmistakenly assumes that the quality of a person’s character can legitimately betaken to guarantee the accuracy of the claims that person has made. (C) It mistakes something that is necessary for itsconclusion to follow for something that ensures that the conclusion follows. (D) It uses the term “provable”without defining it. (E) It fails to distinguishbetween a true claim that has mistakenly between believed to be false and afalse claim that has mistakenly been believed to be true. ………………错误率好稳定啊 5/5/4 这道。。开始是属于完全没有思路的内种。。。 选项都太抽象啦 姐姐看这个结果正确吗。。。求确认。。求姐姐的思路。。。 A+B=C something that ensures that the conclusion follows. B× 所以A+B=!C B就成了 something that is necessary for its conclusion so It mistakes something that is necessary for itsconclusion to follow for something that ensures that the conclusion follows.-- by 会员 199249712 (2012/3/28 19:01:50)