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楼主: 199249712
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请原谅我哪些钻牛角尖的题目。。T,T 感激。。

发表于 2012-4-30 22:14:01 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-1 13:07:53 | 只看该作者
哼什么吖。。。 大叔你在撒娇吗。。。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-1 13:09:00 | 只看该作者
之后做了两个小分队 现在是13:08

总结了两篇RC。。。一切正确率都是我的幻觉。。。 哎。。。 不能大意啊。。。
发表于 2012-5-1 14:46:56 | 只看该作者
嗯,我warning在前这篇越障很难 我自己那天计时读过后也有很多地方没看懂,不过论文章大意的话,我觉得你听了Sean Carrol那个演讲你就明白了。

之后做了两个小分队 现在是13:08
-- by 会员 199249712 (2012/5/1 13:09:00)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-1 14:49:35 | 只看该作者
嗯,我warning在前这篇越障很难 我自己那天计时读过后也有很多地方没看懂,不过论文章大意的话,我觉得你听了Sean Carrol那个演讲你就明白了。

之后做了两个小分队 现在是13:08
-- by 会员 199249712 (2012/5/1 13:09:00)

-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/5/1 14:46:56)

好的好的 谢谢姐姐我晚上就看。。那阵读的我郁闷的 egg。。。brain。。。。
发表于 2012-5-1 17:05:16 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-1 17:17:01 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 teddybearj4 (2012/5/1 17:05:16)

抱抱teddy 好有缘分被发现啦。。因为偶懒得再开帖了。。。。。。。 嘻嘻
发表于 2012-5-1 20:27:24 | 只看该作者
20:26 连总结带瞎逛的到了现在 终于分类完毕OGCR RC还剩不几篇 都是前面的 不太想弄了。。
不总结了! 砸桌子ing。。 做GWD练PACE去
3+1+0 很开心诶阅读全对=0=

仔细改了下错题 3道SC都是上次没错的。。。果然做题的时候不仅要做题技巧还要集中精力啊
最后计划。。看一篇NYT 然后看姐姐给的连接 最后背背单词睡了。。。 睡懒觉果然好 晚上好清醒
琳姐今天特逗。。说手机让一黑摸去了。。然后跑到了小巷子里 她还不敢去追、 扯着扯着就扯到了南加州的枪案上0 0 RIP。。。。 想起来偶麻麻当时看到新闻后各种纠结 冲我嚷嚷一天你就别出去了。。。 麻麻今天生日。。麻麻生日快乐 劳动节生日 啧啧。。。一看就是苦命人 生我这么个糟心的闺女,,,
发表于 2012-5-1 23:29:28 | 只看该作者
16: GWD-29-Q8 模考错误
Which of the following, if true, provides evidencethat most logically completes the argument below?

According to a widely held economichypothesis,imposingstrict environmental regulations reduces economic growth.  This hypothesis is undermined by the factthat the states with the strictest environmental regulations also have thehighest economic growth.  This fact doesnot show that environmental regulations promote growth, however, since ______.

A.     those states withthe strictest environmental regulations invest the most in education and jobtraining

B.     even those states that have only moderately strictenvironmental regulations have higher growth than those with the least-strictregulations

C.     many states that are experiencing reduced economic growthare consideringweakening their environmental regulations

D.     after introducing stricter environmental regulations, manystates experienced increased economic growth

E.      even those states with very weak environmentalregulations have experienced atleast some growth

一道常识题- -

Common sense: Investment in Education and Job Training promotes growth in Economy.

C only says the those government are CONSIDERING deregulation. It does not prove that deregulation PROMOTES or WILL PROMOTE growth.

There is another facet of the problem one needs to consider: the main conclusion.

The author agrees with the widely held hypothesis and he is trying to refute an undermining evidence (most strict regulation is associated with the highest growth.) His conclusion is that "This fact does not show that environmental regulations promote growth," and your job is to find a premise which supports this main conclusion.

If you choose C, you are against the author's conclusion.                                    
发表于 2012-5-2 00:04:37 | 只看该作者
The monkey and the mouse 转自economics
     China’s film market is proving tough for foreign studios to crack              Apr 28th 2012              | SHANGHAI                    | from the print edition          


       Made in China?      
FOR years China’s home-grown hero, Monkey King, has had to compete on screen with the growing influence of an American mouse named Mickey. As Walt Disney and other foreign studios seek to enter China’s film market, and a new Disneyland theme park rises in Shanghai, the mouse’s position might look strong. But the monkey still holds plenty of cards.
China is now the world’s second-biggest film market after America. It has a booming home-grown film industry, making historical dramas and romantic comedies, but foreign blockbusters are the big money-earners. Although most films are pirated on release and viewed online and on dodgy DVDs, the rising middle classes are increasingly willing to fork out for a night at the cinema. Last year China’s box-office take rose by more than 30%, to over $2 billion, according to the Motion Picture Association of America. The number of cinema screens in China has doubled in five years, to nearly 11,000—again, second only to America. China’s box-office revenues may overtake America’s by 2020.
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 Yet China will not grant Hollywood the access it desires. Until recently only 20 foreign films could be screened at Chinese cinemas each year. In February the number increased to 34—though only if the extra 14 are shown in 3D or large format.
So, to guarantee their films are released in China, American studios are trying another ploy: seeking a Chinese partner. Co-productions are not classed as imports and so bypass the 34-a-year quota. They may have better luck being distributed, too.
A number of co-productions are under way. Walt Disney recently announced its first partnership with DMG Entertainment in Beijing to produce “Iron Man 3”, starring Robert Downey junior. This week, during a visit to the Beijing International Film Festival, James Cameron, a director, said he is looking for co-production opportunities in China for sequels to his film “Avatar”. The film remains the highest-grossing of all time in China. Chinese audiences also love Mr Cameron’s “Titanic”: the newly released 3D version took $105m in its first two weeks of release, double the takings in North America over the same period. But Hollywood’s dealings with China have been marred by allegations of corruption. On April 24th Reuters reported that America’s Securities and Exchange Commission had launched an investigation into whether American studios made illegal payments to Chinese officials.
China is difficult in other ways too. From the language barrier to hiring the cast (a percentage of whom must be Chinese), studios must adapt and some try to avoid offending China, even when their films are not co-productions. The invading army in a remake of “Red Dawn”, an American film, was changed from Chinese to North Korean in post-production.
But making a film that Chinese and Western audiences both want to watch is tricky. The 2010 remake of “Karate Kid” swapped Japanese karate for kung fu, yet the film performed badly in China, where audiences did not warm to a bully-boy depiction of the Chinese. And what will the need for Chinese-government approval do to the quality of co-productions made for the American market?
Dan Mintz, head of DMG Entertainment in Beijing and co-producer of “Iron Man 3”, describes China as both Hollywood’s saviour and its worst nightmare. Co-productions will not necessarily be filmed in China. The key is that Chinese producers will provide funding. But co-produced films are scrutinised by censors at both script and post-production stages. Films must comply or risk being bounced from cinemas, which would be business suicide in a market where nine-tenths of revenue comes from box-office receipts (in America, it is closer to 30%).
Government rhetoric suggests that the fledgling domestic market needs protection from American imports, at least long enough for it to grow in strength. Shanghai Film Group’s 3D remake of “Havoc in Heaven”, starring one Monkey King, was released in January and made just $8m at the box office. DreamWorks Animation’s “Kung Fu Panda 2” made more than $90m. The mouse may be commercially mighty, but the monkey has bureaucrats. And, for the time being, they are stronger.
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