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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-5】

发表于 2012-8-10 14:55:38 | 只看该作者
1 34
Premise: high tax causes low technology;
Premise Low technology cause losing voice in the world;
Conclusion: To maintain life value requires keeping tax lower than 30%.
Inference: 1 - There is a gap between losing voice and maintain of life value.
2 – To weaken this argument, any options that attack the conditional reasoning is correct answer.

2 34
Conclusion: Plants grow in urban house is lower than those in rural house.
Evaluation:  Any option which weakens the conclusion when the answer is Yes and strengthens the conclusion when the answer is No will be a correct answer, let’s check:
Answer D raises another cause to the effect, so it weakens the conclusion.
3 34
Premise: painting marking along the edges would improve the safety of traffic.
Conclusion: The accident rate in city before painting is lower than in city after painting.
Inference: Explain the situation.
Answer E makes sense since nobody drives on those road before paining. (more cars drive on this road.)
4 37
Premise: more consumption on the meat caused many times more consumption on grain.
Conclusion: Since domestic grain production doesn’t increase, G need to import meat or grain or both.
Assumption: per capita consumption is a key element, so the possible assumption is the population in G maintains the same number these years or even higher number.
E. is another explanation that the increased meat consumption will not rapidly decrease the consumption of grain.

5 43
Premise: No parking caused tour building damage.
Conclusion: More parking places reduce the building damage by tour bus.
Inference: 1 - The parking place is enough for tour bus.
2 - There is no more tour bus.
Answer C said, the more parking place caused less exhaust by tour bus.
发表于 2012-8-22 14:58:37 | 只看该作者
1)43”weaken except
P: high tax ->neg incentive for tech innovation ->fall behind international arms race ->lose voice in world affairs.
C: maintain value and life -> must, tax highest, no more than 30%
3)people who earn very much should pay more tax.
5)A. 30%-45% works and won’t deter tech innovation. Wk
B. tech innovation is not directly linked to how much tax should they pay. Wk
C. 逻辑链断了一截。Wk
D. same as C. Wk
E. if anything, supports.

2)BI: SD, urban is more than rural
P: air filtered. plants grow. Urban is slower than rural
C: how much of the difference is due to SD
3)are there other parts in the air that affect the growth speed?

2)BI:roads painted on the edges do good to people.
P:GC painted edges
C:accident rate went up
3)roads are too winding…?

2)BI:long been self-sufficient. Income go up, meat consumption go up, one meat = several grain
P:income go up, grain production not go up
C:G gotta import grain/meat or both.
3)consumption of grain will not decrease

2)BI:buildings damaged by exhaust of tour buses. No parking, driving around
P:parking’s good for 1/3
C:exhaust go down significantly
3)besides sending tourists around, buses don’t do other driving.

发表于 2012-8-30 16:48:11 | 只看该作者
Time: 41”
Background Information: High tax on income→negative technological innovation→fall behind in international arms race→lose power in world affairs.
Premise: maintain values system and way of life
Conclusion: highest tax bracket to exceed 30% of income
Prephrase: Attacking necessary condition
E-----irrelevant (right)
Time: 33’
Background Information: U has more SD → Plant grow slowly
Premises: experiments both in U and R

Conclusion:Plant in U grow slowly

Prephrase: Other conditions should be eliminated
Time: 39’
Background Information: Painting on edges, clear edge help to drivers to see, more safety
Premises: Painting on edge markings

Conclusion:Accident increase

Prephrase: Other conditions cause accident

Time: 25’
Background Information: G and M less, I increase, M increase, several G to M
Premises: I increase, G not change

Conclusion:Import E or M or both

Prephrase: M not increase

Time: 35’
Background Information: B damage by exhaust from tour buses, little parking space, idling cause more exhaust
Premises: Parking space increase

Conclusion:Damage decrease

Prephrase: M not increase
为毛bible 可以做对,G做不对,泪~

Time: 39’
Background Information: Painting on edges, clear edge help to drivers to see, more safety
Premises: Painting on edge markings

Conclusion:Accident increase

Prephrase: Other conditions cause accident

Time: 25’
Background Information: G and M less, I increase, M increase, several G to M
Premises: I increase, G not change

Conclusion:Import E or M or both

Prephrase: M not increase

Time: 35’
Background Information: B damage by exhaust from tour buses, little parking space, idling cause more exhaust
Premises: Parking space increase

Conclusion:Damage decrease

Prephrase: M not increase
为毛bible 可以做对,G做不对,泪~
发表于 2012-9-28 16:17:32 | 只看该作者
Politician: All nations that place a high tax on
income produce thereby a negative incentive
for technological innovation, and all nations in
which technological innovation is hampered
inevitably fall behind in the international arms
race. Those nations that, through historical
accident or the foolishness of their political
leadership, wind up in a strategically
disadvantageous position are destined to lose
their voice in world affairs. So if a nation wants
to maintain its value system and way of life, it
must not allow its highest tax bracket to exceed
30 percent of income.

Premise: high tax       low technological innovation       fall behind      lose voice in world affairs
Conclusion: allow high tax30% 是maintain value 的必要条件
Each of the following, if true, weakens the
politician’s argument EXCEPT:
(A) The top level of taxation must reach 45 percent
before taxation begins to deter inventors and
industrialists from introducing new
technologies and industries. Weaken
(B) Making a great deal of money is an
insignificant factor in driving technological
innovation. Weaken
(C) Falling behind in the international arms race
does not necessarily lead to a strategically
less advantageous position. weaken
(D) Those nations that lose influence in the world
community do not necessarily suffer from a
threat to their value system or way of life. Weaken
(E) Allowing one’s country to lose its
technological edge, especially as concerns
weaponry, would be foolish rather than
merely a historical accident. Irrelevant
17.    (27669-!-item-!-188;#058&003302)

Urban air contains more sulfur dioxide than does rural air, and plants in cities typically grow more slowly than do plants in rural areas.  In an experiment to see how much of the difference in growth is due to sulfur dioxide, classes in an urban and a rural school grew plants in greenhouses at their schools and filtered the greenhouse air to eliminate sulfur dioxide.  lants in the urban greenhouse grew more slowly than those in the rural greenhouse.

Which of the following, if true, would it be most important to take into account in evaluating the result?

(A) The urban school was located in a part of the city in which levels of sulfur dioxide in the air were usually far lower than is typical for urban areas.
(B) At both schools, the plants in the greenhouses grew much more quickly than did plants planted outdoors in plots near the greenhouses.
(C) The urban class conducting the experiment was larger than the rural class conducting the experiment.
(D) Heavy vehicular traffic such as is found in cities constantly deposits grime on greenhouse windows, reducing the amount of light that reaches the plants inside.
(E) Because of the higher levels of sulfur dioxide in the air at the urban school, the air filters for the urban school's greenhouse were changed more frequently than were those at the rural school.

18.    (27717-!-item-!-188;#058&003330)

Many small roads do not have painted markings along their edges.  Clear edge markings would make it easier for drivers to see upcoming curves and to judge the car's position on the road, particularly when visibility is poor, and would therefore seem to be a useful contribution to road safety.  However, after Greatwater County painted edge markings on all its narrow, winding roads, the annual accident rate along those roads actually increased slightly.
本来edge marking可以提升安全系数,但是在g国家paint it后,事故率上升。
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the increase in accident rate?

(A) Greatwater County has an unusually high proportion of narrow, winding roads.irrelevant
(B) In bad weather it can be nearly as difficult for drivers to see the road as it is at night.fact但是不能解释
(C) Prior to the painting of the edge markings, Greatwater County's narrow, winding roads already had a somewhat higher accident rate than other Greatwater County roads.irrelevant
(D) Many of the accidents on narrow, winding roads involve a single vehicle veering off the road, rather than the collision of two vehicles. 其他因素导致的
(E) After the markings were painted on the roads, many drivers who had gone out of their way to avoid driving on those roads at night no longer did so. Correct

19.    (27995-!-item-!-188;#058&003473)

Gortland has long been narrowly self-sufficient in both grain and meat. However, as per capita income in Gortland has risen toward the world average, per capita consumption of meat has also risen toward the world average, and it takes several pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat.  Therefore, since per capita income continues to rise, whereas domestic grain production will not increase, Gortland will soon have to import either grain or meat or both.
income increase leads meat consumption increase and several pounds grain produce one pound meat
Conclusion: G has to import either grain or meat or both
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

(A) The total acreage devoted to grain production in Gortland will soon decrease.
(B) Importing either grain or meat will not result in a significantly higher percentage of Gortlanders' incomes being spent on food than is currently the case.无关
(C) The per capita consumption of meat in Gortland is increasing at roughly the same rate across all income levels.无关
(D) The per capita income of meat producers in Gortland is rising faster than the per capita income of grain producers.无关
(E) People in Gortland who increase their consumption of meat will not radically decrease their consumption of grain. correct

20.    (28411-!-item-!-188;#058&003617)

For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been damaged by exhaust from the many tour buses that come to the city.  There has been little parking space, so most buses have idled at the curb during each stop on their tour, and idling produces as much exhaust as driving.  The city has now provided parking that accommodates a third of the tour buses, so damage to Palitito's buildings from the buses' exhaust will diminish significantly.

旅行车产生废气是由于没有parking space,city provide parking place然后damage就没有了
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument?

(A) The exhaust from Palitito's few automobiles is not a significant threat to Palitito's buildings.weaken
(B) Palitito's Renaissance buildings are not threatened by pollution other than engine exhaust. Weaken
(C) Tour buses typically spend less than one-quarter of the time they are in Palitito transporting passengers from one site to another. Weaken
(D) More tourists come to Palitito by tour bus than by any other single means of transportation. Irrelevant
(E) Some of the tour buses that are unable to find parking drive around Palitito while their passengers are visiting a site. Support
发表于 2012-10-4 09:47:52 | 只看该作者
B: The high tax of income produce causes the failure of technology.
P: These nations with the fall behind technology don't have voices in the world.
C: Therefore, the nation needs to control its tax no higher than 30% of its income produce if it wants to retain its position in the world.
Prephrase: All nations have the similar tax of income produce.
                30% of tax of income is the only method to maintain the position, namely, eliminating other possible factors.

(A) The top level of taxation must reach 45 percent

before taxation begins to deter inventors and
industrialists from introducing new
technologies and industries.--------------------------------------weaken
(B) Making a great deal of money is an
insignificant factor in driving technological
--------------------------------------if making money is insignificant, then the conclusion is weakened.
(C) Falling behind in the international arms race
does not necessarily lead to a strategically
less advantageous position.
--------------------------------------this is to weaken. Loss voice推倒不出来postion降级。
(D) Those nations that lose influence in the world
community do not necessarily suffer from a
threat to their value system or way of life.
--------------------------------------这个怎么感觉和之前的Q3,Q5一样呢,mistaken relationship.而且原文说得是maintain life and value---必要条件(no higher tax)。这里lose influence不一定推出value of life treat.不算weaken把???
(E) Allowing one’s country to lose its
technological edge, especially as concerns
weaponry, would be foolish rather than
merely a historical accident.


-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/11/24 2:20:21)

我参加这个小分队的练习有几天了  我发现你们的提炼都好精简的~~~~~学习 学习!!!!!
发表于 2012-10-5 20:12:22 | 只看该作者
精炼 45s weaken&support


premise:maintain its value system and life style=MVL

conclusion:tax income should keep lower than 30 percent of the income=TLI


there are not other factors that influence the MVL


A weaken the argument

B weaken the argument

C weaken the argument

D weaken the argument

E support the argument

本题总结:逻辑链还是要依据基本的思考顺序进行。多个元素的出现加大了难度,但是仍要一一列出。另外,要尊重原文的意思,注重运用词句的变换表达进行逻辑的连接。比如原文认为fall behind in arms race=wind up in a strategically disadvantageous position,还有非5约等于结论。

   1=high tax

   2=negative to technological innovation


   3=fall behind arms race or wind up in a strategically disadvantageous position

   5=lose voice in world affairs




B 这个选项攻击了高税收会负面影响技术革新的前半部分,因为税收降低个人收入,税越高钱越少。而B选项认为高税收不会必然导致科技革新,因为革新者不在乎得到钱的多少

C 这个选项攻击了国际武器竞争中落后等于策略上处于下风这一认识。而如果它们不相等,推理链就断了。

D 这一选项利用了结论和非5并不完全相等这一漏洞。

E 强调是领导者无能导致了无法维持原有的价值观和生活方式。在题目中,无论是领导者错还是历史问题导致均符合题目的意思。因此是支持。


1.75s justify the conclusion

premise:urban,rural--grew plant,rural--prohibit sulfur

conclusion:urban ---slower

other factors are all the same.


A irrelevant information

B irrelevant information

C irrelevant information

D this is important,because maybe it is the lacking of light that makes the urban ones grew slower.

E repeat the information listed in the question stem

2.37s paradox

BG:clear edge markings are helpful for drivers

paradox:greatwater country do it and the accident rate increase slightly

other factors lead to this miserable fact


A irrelevant

B the markings consider the night case and the bad weather

C strenghten the paradox

D strenghten the paradox

E correct

3. 47s assumption

premise:per capita income increase, per capita meat consumption increase, while the total plant amount will not change and one pounds of meat needs several pounds of plants

conclusion:this country has to import meat or plant

What if raise the price of meat? so the price must not change


A strenghten the argument but not useful

B this already conflicts the argument

C irrelevant

D irrelevant

E correct

4.58s support

premise:parking space has been enlarged

conclusion:the building damage by exhaust will be diminished significantly

cars know where it is and park inside


A irrelevant

B irrelevant

C every car spend fewer time in Palitito,this is useful to execute the plan.

D irrelevant

E special case is not convincing


发表于 2012-10-21 15:27:36 | 只看该作者
1. 第一遍 45'' 没有读懂     题干:不削弱的选项
internationaly arm race?
nations place high tax will have a incentive for innovation, and thus will far behind in the international race.
nations shouldn't allow highest tax bracket to exceed 30% of income
thus a nation could maintain its value system and way of life.
A B C D weaken

2、urban 城市的    rural  乡村的
evaluate  37''
urban air has more SD, so plants grow slower that in rural area
the experiment  grow plants in greenhouses, and plants grow more slowly in urban than in rural.
other infactor in urban areas may hamper the plants from growing. it is must be something campared between urban and rural greenhouse.
A B irrelevant
C how large the experiment has nothing to do with the grow speed
D right

3. explain  27''
B: painted marking could have a useful contribution to road safety.
after painted edge marking on the roads, the accident rate is higher than before. and why?

4. assumption 39''
capita income
capita income and comsumption of meat rises
several ponds of grain = one pond of meat
capita income rises but grain production not
the nation will have to import grain or meat or both
E is right
ACD irrelevant
B ?

5. 39'' support
because of little parking space, most buses  idles at the curb and produces much exhaust as driving
the city has provide parking for a third of the cars
the damage to building there will diminish
ACE irrelevant
D is right

最后一道题中的D,more by bus than by other means of transportation, 为什么看到这句话我的第一感觉就是人们主要是坐公交车,不自觉的就加入了自己的主观感受,直接把意思就理解错了,需要克服的干扰很多啊!!!
发表于 2012-10-22 21:50:14 | 只看该作者
Background: high tax produces a negative incentive for technological innovation and fall behind in arms race.
Premise:  nations with historical leadership or foolishness of political leadership will lose their advantage in world affairs.
Conclusion: nation should avoid the tax exceeding 30% percent of income and maintain its value.
Nation whose tax exceeds 30% still can maintain its value.
发表于 2012-10-24 09:33:27 | 只看该作者
B:THE tax will hamper the technology development. The history accidental and foolish policitical idea damage the technology
A:the tax income should be limited within 30% to keep the competent ability.
Weak the tax limitation
P-1:the limitation will cause the H and F damage
P-2:doubt the validity of the relationship is absolutely wrong.
a.    weak, but just slightly
b.    irrelevant
c.    fallen means not too much to the advantage positon,greatly weak
d.    irrelevant
e.    irrelevant. Alike with d

2.the s affects the plant grow, Two places was put into consideration,green house in the urban and rural area,
A: the urban grow more slowly
Evaluate the argument, which should be taken into account.
p-1.the other reason might happens
p-2.the process is not clear enough
a.    support
b.    irrelevant, did not happen in the background
c.    irrelevant, factors not mentioned in the B
d.    important,right
e.    irrelevant.

3.B:the road mark help drivers to see upcoming curves and locate his or her own position and thus reduce the traffic accident
A: the new mark on the road was not realize the expection of former thoughts.
P-1:the new make the driver uncomfortable
p-2:the driver can’t clarify the difference happened in the situation
a.     according to the author
b.    Irrelevant.based infor on the author
c.    Weak the argument in the stem
d.    Irrelevant, the single car accicent at most weak the argument promises
e.    Right . the problem of the driver

4.B. the C needs g and m, and g and m can convert . the assumption of g and m are increasing the C will become a import more g and m.
A: promises
p-1. the money can afford the needs
p-2. the no population decrease enough provides are in C
B.    SUPPORT, no economic burden
C.    Support, no increase per consumption
D.    Meat consumption increase faster than the g
E.    Both the m and g will increase. Most supportive.right

5.B: the traffic stay In the city cause architecture damage by emit toxic gases. The city plan to increase their working stay on the curb instead provide parking places.
A:the support of the plan will become successful.
p-1. the city will benefit when the cars stay in the park and stop its engine.
p-2.the damage was really caused by the gases. The car will obey the plan
a.    weak ,the plan is waste of resources
b.    support the promises only.
c.    The engine stops for a long time. right
d.    Weak the plan will become true
e.    Weak the plan will not carried out
发表于 2012-11-17 11:00:16 | 只看该作者
1.weaken EXCEPT
Premise:high tax->low technology innovation->fall behide the international competition->lose voice in world affairs.
Conclusion:maintain the nation's value and way of life->not allow its highest tax exceed 30% of income.
The answer should be irrelevant or strenghten the argument above. Any answers that prove prohibiting tax over 30% is not the only way to maintain the nation's value can weaken the arugment.
4)选项分析:choose E
A.weaken.this weakens the conclusion.
B.weaken but not very sure.
***in the argument:higher tax->lower income->lower incentive to innovation
    in the answer:     higher tax->lower income->not lower incentives to innovation.
C.weaken.this weakens the premise and thus weakens the conclusion.
E.this sounds irrelevant.

Background: Urban air contains more sulfur than rual air does and plants grow more slowly in urban than in rural.
Obejective: To see how much of the difference in growth is due to sulfur dioxide.
Plan: Growing plants in an urban and a rural  in greenhouse without sulfur respectively->lants grow more slowly in urban greenhouse.
The goal is to see how much sulfur can influence,so any answers that fails achieve the goal can strengthen the argument.
4)选项分析:choose D
B.the difference can be explained by the greenhouse air, but not the sulfur.
D.if ture weakens the argument, if wrong, strenghten the argument.

Background: Painted marketing is a useful contribution to road sefaty.
Paradox: After G painted marketing on its narrow road the accident rate increased slightly.
There must be some reason that can account for the rising accident rate. If drivers are likely to drive in the narrow road which they previously avoid to drive, this can explain the paradox.
4)选项分析:choose E

2)logical lines:
Background:G is self-suffient. Rising per captal income ->rising meat consumption.
Premise: It takes several pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat.
Conclusion:  Capital income continue rising->G have to import meat or grain.
The argument assumes that the consumption of the grain will not decrease. If it decreases, G can use more grain to produce meat without importing from other country.
4)Analysis:choose E

2)logical lines:
Background:Buildings in P have been damaged by exhaust from tours bus. P has little parking areas and tour buses idled at the curb which create as much exhuast as driving.
Objective:Reduce the exhuast from the bus
Planroviding parking that can accomodate a third of the tour bus.
The answer should help the plan to achieve the objective. If the plan works , it will reduce the number of bus idling at the curb and thus reduce the exhuast from the tour buses.
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