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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-29 17:19:32 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 Christianyang (2010/9/29 17:00:50)

发表于 2010-9-30 08:50:14 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 Christianyang (2010/9/29 17:00:50)

-- by 会员 aomeisoft7 (2010/9/29 17:19:32)

发表于 2010-9-30 17:13:12 | 只看该作者
In January of last year the Moviemania chain of movie theaters started propping its popcorn in canola oil, instead of the less healthful coconut oil that it had been using until then. Now Moviemania is planning to switch back, saying that the change has hurt popcorn sales. That claim is false, however, since according to Moviemania’s own sales figures, Moviemania sold 5 percent more popcorn last year than in the previous year.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument against Moviemania’s claim?

A.    Total sales of all refreshments at Moviemania’s movie theaters increased by less than 5 percent last year.
B.    Moviemania makes more money on food and beverages sold at its theaters than it does on sales of movie tickets.
C.    Moviemania’s customers prefer the taste of popcorn popped in coconut oil to that of popcorn popped in canola oil.
D.    Total attendance at Moviemania’s movie theaters was more than 20 percent higher last year than the year before.
E.    The year before last, Moviemania experienced a 10 percent increase in popcorn sales over the previous year.
Researchers took a group of teenagers who had never smoked and for one year tracked whether they took up smoking and how their mental health changed. Those who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were four times as likely to be depressed at the study’s end than those who did not begin smoking. Since nicotine in cigarettes changes brain chemistry, perhaps thereby affecting mood, it is likely that smoking contributes to depression in teenagers.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

A.    articipants who were depressed at the study’s start were no more likely to be smokers at the study’s end than those who were not depressed.
B.    articipants who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were no more likely than those who began midway through to have quit smoking by the study’s end.
C.    Few, if any, of the participants in the study were friends or relatives of other participants.
D.    Some participants entered and emerged from a period of depression within the year of the study.
E.    The researchers did not track use of alcohol by the teenagers.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-30 17:48:11 | 只看该作者
In January of last year the Moviemania chain of movie theaters started propping its popcorn in canola oil, instead of the less healthful coconut oil that it had been using until then. Now Moviemania is planning to switch back, saying that the change has hurt popcorn sales. That claim is false, however, since according to Moviemania’s own sales figures, Moviemania sold 5 percent more popcorn last year than in the previous year.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument against Moviemania’s claim?

A.    Total sales of all refreshments at Moviemania’s movie theaters increased by less than 5 percent last year.
B.    Moviemania makes more money on food and beverages sold at its theaters than it does on sales of movie tickets.
C.    Moviemania’s customers prefer the taste of popcorn popped in coconut oil to that of popcorn popped in canola oil.
D.    Total attendance at Moviemania’s movie theaters was more than 20 percent higher last year than the year before.
E.    The year before last, Moviemania experienced a 10 percent increase in popcorn sales over the previous year.
-- by 会员 Helloface (2010/9/30 17:13:12)


去年,电影院用canola oil 代替 coconut oil 做爆米花。现在电影院计划 换回原来便宜的 coconut oil, 说是因为换了oil 损害了爆米花销量。结论:他们说法不对,因为根据去年销售额,电影院去年比以前多销售了5%的爆米花

求支持 (就是要指出,爆米花今年的销量的好...)

A.    Total sales of all refreshments at Moviemania’s movie theaters increased by less than 5 percent last year.
B.    Moviemania makes more money on food and beverages sold at its theaters than it does on sales of movie tickets.  和movie ticket对比,无关
C.    Moviemania’s customers prefer the taste of popcorn popped in coconut oil to that of popcorn popped in canola oil.  顾客更喜欢popcorn oil,支持了电影院换油,削弱了作者结论。
D.    Total attendance at Moviemania’s movie theaters was more than 20 percent higher last year than the year before. 电影院人数增加了20%,想对比爆米花只增加了5%,说明爆米花卖的并不好,支持电影院,削弱作者
E.    The year before last, Moviemania experienced a 10 percent increase in popcorn sales over the previous year.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-30 18:21:49 | 只看该作者
Researchers took a group of teenagers who had never smoked and for one year tracked whether they took up smoking and how their mental health changed. Those who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were four times as likely to be depressed at the study’s end than those who did not begin smoking. Since nicotine in cigarettes changes brain chemistry, perhaps thereby affecting mood, it is likely that smoking contributes to depression in teenagers.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

A.    articipants who were depressed at the study’s start were no more likely to be smokers at the study’s end than those who were not depressed.
B.    articipants who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were no more likely than those who began midway through to have quit smoking by the study’s end.
C.    Few, if any, of the participants in the study were friends or relatives of other participants.
D.    Some participants entered and emerged from a period of depression within the year of the study.
E.    The researchers did not track use of alcohol by the teenagers.
-- by 会员 Helloface (2010/9/30 17:13:12)

研究发现:抽烟的人depressed的概率是 不抽烟的人 的4倍。结论:尼古丁改变大脑chemistry,因此改变mood,所以抽烟是他们depression的原因


A.    articipants who were depressed at the study’s start were no more likely to be smokers at the study’s end than those who were not depressed.
抽烟的人 比 不抽烟的人 在研究结束时 更不愿再成为抽烟者了。因为他们发现抽烟使他们depressed,所以他们不愿意再吸烟了,支持了是抽烟造成depression的原因
B.    articipants who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were no more likely than those who began midway through to have quit smoking by the study’s end.
抽了1个月的 没有比 抽了半个月 的人 更想quit smoking。即smoking没有给他们造成影响,削弱结论
C.    Few, if any, of the participants in the study were friends or relatives of other participants.
D.    Some participants entered and emerged from a period of depression within the year of the study.
E.    The researchers did not track use of alcohol by the teenagers.
发表于 2010-9-30 18:57:48 | 只看该作者

p.s. 那题如果不知道refreshments的意思,可能就不会做了,555我当时就是。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-30 19:24:19 | 只看该作者

p.s. 那题如果不知道refreshments的意思,可能就不会做了,555我当时就是。
-- by 会员 Helloface (2010/9/30 18:57:48)

好感动啊~~  很多题我也是看了前人的讨论再总结的
 这一个星期来发现 做逻辑真的不在题目多 ,弄清楚一题比 草草的做10题有用

 “ 逻辑的词汇是很重要,但是出题面太广,很多自然科学的名词也没办法针对记。建议看PERP的逻辑破解题目,做多了发现很多题本质是一样的,只是换了表面。而且他们出题就只有几个套路。首先,要分清逻辑的几个分类:支持,削弱,解释,推理,假设,黑脸。
   然后在OG或PREP把属于一类的题放在一起看,比如 推理题。你会发现,正确答案里面是绝对不会有 题目里没有出现过的概念的。这样你再做题的时候,判断出是推理题,选项里只要看到 题目里没有的概念,马上判为无关项。
   解释题,一般都是对比“以前和现在有什么不同,或城A和城B有什么区别,etc”, 问为什么。答案里是绝对会指出“ 这2个对比概念的区别的”,如“现在比以前怎样怎样,城A比城B怎样”,而无关项都是“只谈以前如何,或城A如何,或 以前和现在一样的一种状态”,而没有谈区别
   假设题,一定要取非 削弱结论
   题目的背景,结论,推理,这3个结构要看清楚。背景条件是绝对的真理,选项要是反驳背景条件是绝对错误的。 支持,削弱,都是针对的“结论”,针对推理的过程~”
发表于 2010-9-30 19:41:37 | 只看该作者


Recent estimates predict that between 1982 and 1995 the greatest increase in the number of people employed will be in the category of low-paying service occupations. This category, however, will not increase its share of total employment, whereas the category of high-paying service occupations will increase its share.

If the estimates above are accurate, which of the following conclusions can be drawn?  

(A) In 1982 more people were working in low-paying service occupations than were working in high-paying service occupations.
(B) In 1995 more people will be working in high-paying service occupations than will be working in low-paying service occupations.
(C) Nonservice occupations will account for the same share of total employment in 1995 as in 1982.
(D) Many of the people who were working in low-paying service occupations in 1982 will be working in high-paying service occupations by 1995.
(E) The rate of growth for low-paying service occupations will be greater than the overall rate of employment growth between 1982 and 1995.

 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-30 20:00:21 | 只看该作者


Recent estimates predict that between 1982 and 1995 the greatest increase in the number of people employed will be in the category of low-paying service occupations. This category, however, will not increase its share of total employment, whereas the category of high-paying service occupations will increase its share.

If the estimates above are accurate, which of the following conclusions can be drawn?  

(A) In 1982 more people were working in low-paying service occupations than were working in high-paying service occupations.
(B) In 1995 more people will be working in high-paying service occupations than will be working in low-paying service occupations.
(C) Nonservice occupations will account for the same share of total employment in 1995 as in 1982.
(D) Many of the people who were working in low-paying service occupations in 1982 will be working in high-paying service occupations by 1995.
(E) The rate of growth for low-paying service occupations will be greater than the overall rate of employment growth between 1982 and 1995.

-- by 会员 左摇右摆 (2010/9/30 19:41:37)


这是因为低收入在1982基数大,占的share大,要增加share,单纯的 绝对增加值greatest increase in the number of people是不够的。

(A) In 1982 more people were working in low-paying service occupations than were working in high-paying service occupations.
(B) In 1995 more people will be working in high-paying service occupations than will be working in low-paying service occupations.
(C) Nonservice occupations will account for the same share of total employment in 1995 as in 1982.
(D) Many of the people who were working in low-paying service occupations in 1982 will be working in high-paying service occupations by 1995.无关
(E) The rate of growth for low-paying service occupations will be greater than the overall rate of employment growth between 1982 and 1995. 推不出来。。
发表于 2010-10-1 16:14:38 | 只看该作者
An arrest made by a Midville police officer is provisional until the officer has taken the suspect to the police station and the watch commander has officially approved the arrest. Such approval is denied if the commander judges that the evidence on which the provisional arrest is based is insufficient. A government efficiency expert has found that almost all provisional arrests meet standards for adequacy of evidence that watch commanders enforce. The expert therefore recommends that the watch commander’s approval should no longer be required since the officers’ time spent obtaining approval is largely wasted. This recommendation should be rejected as dangerous, however, since there is no assurance that the watch commanders’ standards will continue to be observed once approval is no longer required.

In the editorial, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

A.    The first is a recommendation made by the editorial; the second acknowledges a potential objection against that recommendation.
B.    The first is a proposal against which the editorial is directed; the second is a judgment reached by the editorial concerning that proposal.
C.    The first provides evidence in support of a recommendation that the editorial supports; the second is the conclusion reached by the editorial.
D.    The first is a position that the editorial challenges; the second is a judgment that was made in support of that challenged position.
E.    The first is a recommendation that the editorial questions; the second provides evidence against that recommendation.

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