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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-4 14:07:25 | 只看该作者
54. Journalist: In late 1994, the present government of the
Republic of Bellam came into power. Each year since
then, about thirty journalists have been imprisoned for
printing articles that criticize the government. In 1994,
under the old government, only six journalists were
imprisoned for criticizing the government. So the old
government was more tolerant of criticism by the
press than the new one is.
Politician: But in 1994 only six journalists criticized the
government, and now journalists routinely do.
The politician challenges the journalist’s argument by
doing which of the following?
(A) Presenting data that extend further into the past
than the journalist’s data
(B) Introducing evidence that undermines an
assumption of the journalist’s argument
(C) Questioning the accuracy of the evidence
presented in support of the journalist’s
(D) Pointing out that the argument illegitimately
draws a general conclusion on the basis of a
sample of only a few cases
(E) Stating that the argument treats information
about some members of a group as if it applied
to all members of that group
-- by 会员 haoyuding (2010/10/4 11:05:25)

Journalist:In late 1994, the present government of the Republic of Bellam came into power. Each year since then,about thirty journalists have been imprisoned for printing articles thatcriticize the government. In 1994, under the old government, only six journists were imprisoned for criticizing the government. So the old government was more tolerant of criticism by the press than the new ones.
Politician: But in 1994 only six journalists criticized the government, and now journalists routinely do.

记者说:  1994年晚期,B共和国执政。从那以后每年,大概30个记者因为写批评政府的文章被关入监狱。1994时,在之前政府统治下,只有6个记者因批评政府入狱。结论:旧政府比现在的政府更宽容

The politician challenges the journalist's argument by doing which of the following?
政治学家用下列哪个方法 质疑记者观点
(A)Presenting data that extend further into the past than the journalist's data
提供了 比记者数据 更早的数据。记者的数据提供到了1994年,政治学家的数据也是到1994年,并没有提及比1994年更早的数据
(B)Introducing evidence that undermines an assumption of the journalist's argument

发表于 2010-10-4 14:44:39 | 只看该作者
暂时手边找不到题目,想请问,如果黑脸题的选项中出现“consideration”,它是等同于一个conclusion或者position还是explanation?也就是说,一般在黑脸题的题目中,有背景,原因,结论,那么这个consideration一般是指哪个部分?还是都有可能指。  还有,conclusion,position,judgment的区别是什么?我感觉都是表达一个观点,有时区别不清。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-4 15:10:10 | 只看该作者
暂时手边找不到题目,想请问,如果黑脸题的选项中出现“consideration”,它是等同于一个conclusion或者position还是explanation?也就是说,一般在黑脸题的题目中,有背景,原因,结论,那么这个consideration一般是指哪个部分?还是都有可能指。  还有,conclusion,position,judgment的区别是什么?我感觉都是表达一个观点,有时区别不清。
-- by 会员 Helloface (2010/10/4 14:44:39)


A product that represents a clear technological advance over competing products can generally command a high price.  Becausetechnological advances tend to be quickly surpassed and companies want to make large profits while they still can, many companies charge the greatest price the market will bear when they have such a product.  But large profits on the mew product will give competitors a strong incentive to quickly match the mew product’s capabilities.  Consequently, the strategy to maximize overall profit from a new product is to charge less than the greatest possible price.

In the argument above, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

    The first is an assumption that forms the basis for a course of action that the argument criticizes; the second presents the course of action endorsed by the argument.
    The first is a consideration raised to explain the appeal of a certain strategy; the second is a consideration raised to call into question the wisdom of adopting that strategy.
    The first is an assumption that has been used to justify a certain strategy; the second is a consideration that is used to cast doubt on that assumption.
    The first is a consideration raised in support of a strategy the argument endorses; the second presents grounds in support of that consideration.
    The first is a consideration raised to show that adopting a certain strategy is unlikely to achieve the intended effect; the second is presented to explain the appeal of that strategy.
consideration=意见,理由,原因,论据   本身是没有态度的,也不能专指哪个部分
你看选项都是这样描述的 a consideration raised to, a consideration used to, a consideration that

conclusion 是题干里的结论,只是那一句话。p
position 指 作者持有的态度,也可以指 结论
judgment 和consideration比较像,本身没有态度,后面必须接具体的内容

Museums that house Renaissance oil paintings typically store them in envbironments that
are carefully kept within narrow margins of temperature and humidity to inhibit any deteri-
oration. Laboratory tests have shown that the kind of oil paint used in these paintings
actually adjusts to climatic changes quite well. If, as some museum directors believe,
paint is the most sensitive substance in these works, then by relaxing the stan-
dards for temperature and humidity control, museums can reduce energy costs
without risking damage to these paintings. Museums would be rash to relax those
standards, however, since results of preliminary tests indicate that gesso, a compound
routinely used by Renaissance artists to help paint adhere to the canvas, is unable to
withstand significant variations in humidity.

In the argument above, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
A.     The first is an objection that has been raised against the position taken by the argument; the second is the position taken by the argument.
B.     The first is the position taken by the argument; the second is the position that the argument calls into question.
C.     The first is a judgment that has been offered in support of the position that the argument calls into question; the second is a circumstance on which that judgment is,
in part based.
D.     The first is a judgment that has been offered in support of the position that the argument calls into question; the second is that position.
E.      The first is a claim that the argument calls into question; the second is the position taken by the argument.

这题选D judgment后面都有that从句,that的内容才是judge的内容
position 指作者的态度

发表于 2010-10-4 17:28:36 | 只看该作者
Scientists have made genetic modifications to cotton to increase its resistance to insect pests. According to farmers’ report, the amount of insecticide needed per acre to control insect pests was only slightly lower for those who tried the modified seed than for those who did not. Therefore, since the modified seed costs more than ordinary seed without producing yields of higher market value, switching to the modified seed would be unlikely to benefit most cotton farmers economically.

Which of the following would it be most useful to know in order to evaluate the argument?

A.    Whether farmers who tried the modified cotton seed had ever tried growing other crops from genetically modified seed.
B.    Whether the insecticides typically used on ordinary cotton tend to be more expensive than insecticides typically used on other crops.
C.    Whether for most farms who grow cotton it is their primary crop
D.    Whether the farmers who have tried the modified seed planted as many acres of cotton, on average, as farmers using the ordinary seed did.
E.    Whether most of the farmers who tried the modified seed did so because they had previously had to use exceptionally large quantities of insecticide.
科学家改良棉花增加其抗虫性。每亩需要的农药的量 用改良的比没用改良的要 少。因此,改良的种子比一般的种子要贵,却不能产出更高的市场价值,用改良种子不能使棉农获益。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-4 19:30:12 | 只看该作者
Scientists have made genetic modifications to cotton to increase its resistance to insect pests. According to farmers’ report, the amount of insecticide needed per acre to control insect pests was only slightly lower for those who tried the modified seed than for those who did not. Therefore, since the modified seed costs more than ordinary seed without producing yields of higher market value, switching to the modified seed would be unlikely to benefit most cotton farmers economically.

Which of the following would it be most useful to know in order to evaluate the argument?

A.    Whether farmers who tried the modified cotton seed had ever tried growing other crops from genetically modified seed.
B.    Whether the insecticides typically used on ordinary cotton tend to be more expensive than insecticides typically used on other crops.
C.    Whether for most farms who grow cotton it is their primary crop
D.    Whether the farmers who have tried the modified seed planted as many acres of cotton, on average, as farmers using the ordinary seed did.
E.    Whether most of the farmers who tried the modified seed did so because they had previously had to use exceptionally large quantities of insecticide.
科学家改良棉花增加其抗虫性。每亩需要的农药的量 用改良的比没用改良的要 少。因此,改良的种子比一般的种子要贵,却不能产出更高的市场价值,用改良种子不能使棉农获益。
-- by 会员 Helloface (2010/10/4 17:28:36)

E指出 换改良棉花的农民,以前都是use exceptionally large quantities 用的特别特别多农药的
所以换了改良棉花,就能省农药了。题目说的was only slightly lower农药稍微用的少,针对的是普通用药量的农民。

最好还是看OG12 Q69官方的类似的一道题
Scientists have modi?ed feed corn genetically, increasing its resistance to insect pests. Farmers who tried out the genetically modi?ed corn last season applied less insecticide to their corn ?elds and still got yields comparable to those  they would have gotten  with ordinary corn. Ordinary corn seed, however, costs less,  and what these farmers saved on insecticide rarely exceeded their extra costs for seed. Therefore,  for most feed-corn farmers, switching to genetically modi?ed seed would be unlikely to increase pro?ts.

Which of the following would it be most useful to know in order  to evaluate the argument?
(A)      Whether there are insect pests that sometimes reduce  feed-corn yields, but against which commonly used insecticides and the genetic modi?cation are equally ineffective
(B)     Whether the price that farmers receive for feed corn has remained  steady over the past few years
(C)     Whether the insecticides typically used  on feed corn tend to be more expensive  than insecticides typically used on other crops
(D)     Whether most of the farmers who tried the genetically modi?ed corn last season applied more insecticide than was actually necessary
(E)     Whether, for most farmers who plant feed corn, it is their most pro?table crop

发表于 2010-10-4 19:40:16 | 只看该作者
Q4.    p1-cr     2.    (24227-!-item-!-188;#058&000711)

Economist:  On average, the emergency treatment for an elderly person for injuries resulting from a fall costs $11,000.  A new therapeutic医疗的 program can significantly reduce an elderly person's chances of falling.  Though obviously desirable for many reasons, this treatment program will cost $12,500 and thus cannot be justified.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the conclusion of the argument?

(A) Among elderly people who had followed the program for only a few months, the number of serious falls reported was higher than it was for people who had followed the program for its recommended minimum length of one year.
(B) Falls resulting in serious injuries are less common among elderly people living in nursing homes than they are among elderly people who live alone at home.
(C) A frequent result of injuries sustained in falls is long-term pain, medication for which is not counted among the average per-person costs of emergency treatment for elderly people's injuries from such falls.    
(D) The new therapeutic program focuses on therapies other than medication, since overmedication can cause disorientation and hence increase the likelihood that an elderly person will have a serious fall.
(E) A significant portion of the cost of the new therapeutic program is represented by regular visits by health care professionals, the costs of which tend to increase more rapidly than do those of other elements of the program.

 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-4 20:10:14 | 只看该作者
Q4.    p1-cr     2.    (24227-!-item-!-188;#058&000711)

Economist:  On average, the emergency treatment for an elderly person for injuries resulting from a fall costs $11,000.  A new therapeutic医疗的 program can significantly reduce an elderly person's chances of falling.  Though obviously desirable for many reasons, this treatment program will cost $12,500 and thus cannot be justified.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the conclusion of the argument?

(A) Among elderly people who had followed the program for only a few months, the number of serious falls reported was higher than it was for people who had followed the program for its recommended minimum length of one year.
(B) Falls resulting in serious injuries are less common among elderly people living in nursing homes than they are among elderly people who live alone at home.
(C) A frequent result of injuries sustained in falls is long-term pain, medication for which is not counted among the average per-person costs of emergency treatment for elderly people's injuries from such falls.    
(D) The new therapeutic program focuses on therapies other than medication, since overmedication can cause disorientation and hence increase the likelihood that an elderly person will have a serious fall.
(E) A significant portion of the cost of the new therapeutic program is represented by regular visits by health care professionals, the costs of which tend to increase more rapidly than do those of other elements of the program.

-- by 会员 magemily (2010/10/4 19:40:16)

(C) A frequent result of injuries sustained in falls is long-term pain, medication for which is not counted among the average per-person costs of emergency treatment for elderly people's injuries from such falls.    
跌倒受伤治疗的时间很长,后期的药物治疗费用 没有计算在紧急治疗费用11,000美元当中。
发表于 2010-10-4 20:12:55 | 只看该作者



C: 受伤常常导致长期疼痛,那些治疗还没有算在紧急治疗费用内。

 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-4 20:21:40 | 只看该作者



C: 受伤常常导致长期疼痛,那些治疗还没有算在紧急治疗费用内。

-- by 会员 Helloface (2010/10/4 20:12:55)

发表于 2010-10-4 20:39:24 | 只看该作者


p.s. 头像的那套图我也有收集~~~^^
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