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楼主: aomeisoft7
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-5 21:10:16 | 只看该作者
想问一下LZ 关于ONLY if 和 if ONLY 的区别的

比如说: A ONLY if B。应该是说 A能推出B, B是A 的必要条件对吧?

after A, B 是B能推出A的意思么?

那A if ONLY B 是啥意思?
-- by 会员 橘子骨头 (2010/10/5 19:56:51)

A only if B    A能推出B,B是A的必要条件。 要使A成立,必须B成立。
                    比如 : 苹果 only if 水果, 要是苹果,必须得先是水果
A if only B    B能推出A,B是A的充分条件。只要B成立,A就成立。
                    比如:水果 if only 苹果 ,只要是苹果,就一定是水果
after A, B  是B能推出A
发表于 2010-10-5 22:14:29 | 只看该作者
86.    (24835-!-item-!-188;#058&001244)

Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
Concerned about the financial well-being of its elderly citizens, the government of Runagia decided two years ago to increase by 20 percent the government-provided pension paid to all Runagians over 65.  Inflation in the intervening period has been negligible, and the increase has been duly received by all eligible Runagians.  Nevertheless, many of them are no better off financially than they were before the increase, in large part because __________.
A. they rely entirely on the government pension for their income
B. Runagian banks are so inefficient that it can take up to three weeks to cash a pension check
C. they buy goods whose prices tend to rise especially fast in times of inflation
D. the pension was increased when the number of elderly Runagians below the poverty level reached an all-time high
E. in Runagia children typically supplement the income of elderly parents, but only by enough to provide them with a comfortable living
-- by 会员 Helloface (2010/9/24 15:54:20)

E. in Runagia children typically supplement the income of elderly parents, but only by enough to provide them with a comfortable living
孩子给的钱,只使 老人 能维持在温饱水平。比如温饱要500,政府补贴400,孩子就给100
-- by 会员 aomeisoft7 (2010/9/24 17:07:56)

 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-5 23:11:12 | 只看该作者
86.    (24835-!-item-!-188;#058&001244)

Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
Concerned about the financial well-being of its elderly citizens, the government of Runagia decided two years ago to increase by 20 percent the government-provided pension paid to all Runagians over 65.  Inflation in the intervening period has been negligible, and the increase has been duly received by all eligible Runagians.  Nevertheless, many of them are no better off financially than they were before the increase, in large part because __________.
A. they rely entirely on the government pension for their income
B. Runagian banks are so inefficient that it can take up to three weeks to cash a pension check
C. they buy goods whose prices tend to rise especially fast in times of inflation
D. the pension was increased when the number of elderly Runagians below the poverty level reached an all-time high
E. in Runagia children typically supplement the income of elderly parents, but only by enough to provide them with a comfortable living
-- by 会员 Helloface (2010/9/24 15:54:20)

E. in Runagia children typically supplement the income of elderly parents, but only by enough to provide them with a comfortable living
孩子给的钱,只使 老人 能维持在温饱水平。比如温饱要500,政府补贴400,孩子就给100
-- by 会员 aomeisoft7 (2010/9/24 17:07:56)

-- by 会员 keith139 (2010/10/5 22:14:29)


这题和OG的主要区别是 对inflation的定义
这题说 Inflation in the intervening period has been negligible
即使考虑通胀,inflation很小很小,prices tend to rise especially fast in times of inflation,价格增长比inflation快再多,还是很小的。

the annual rate of inflation since the pension increase has been below 5 percent.
发表于 2010-10-5 23:54:07 | 只看该作者
86.    (24835-!-item-!-188;#058&001244)

Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
Concerned about the financial well-being of its elderly citizens, the government of Runagia decided two years ago to increase by 20 percent the government-provided pension paid to all Runagians over 65.  Inflation in the intervening period has been negligible, and the increase has been duly received by all eligible Runagians.  Nevertheless, many of them are no better off financially than they were before the increase, in large part because __________.
A. they rely entirely on the government pension for their income
B. Runagian banks are so inefficient that it can take up to three weeks to cash a pension check
C. they buy goods whose prices tend to rise especially fast in times of inflation
D. the pension was increased when the number of elderly Runagians below the poverty level reached an all-time high
E. in Runagia children typically supplement the income of elderly parents, but only by enough to provide them with a comfortable living
-- by 会员 Helloface (2010/9/24 15:54:20)

E. in Runagia children typically supplement the income of elderly parents, but only by enough to provide them with a comfortable living
孩子给的钱,只使 老人 能维持在温饱水平。比如温饱要500,政府补贴400,孩子就给100
-- by 会员 aomeisoft7 (2010/9/24 17:07:56)

-- by 会员 keith139 (2010/10/5 22:14:29)


这题和OG的主要区别是 对inflation的定义
这题说 Inflation in the intervening period has been negligible
即使考虑通胀,inflation很小很小,prices tend to rise especially fast in times of inflation,价格增长比inflation快再多,还是很小的。

the annual rate of inflation since the pension increase has been below 5 percent.
-- by 会员 aomeisoft7 (2010/10/5 23:11:12)

发表于 2010-10-6 12:07:47 | 只看该作者
Researchers took a group of teenagers who had never smoked and for one year tracked whether they took up smoking and how their mental health changed. Those who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were four times as likely to be depressed at the study’s end than those who did not begin smoking. Since nicotine in cigarettes changes brain chemistry, perhaps thereby affecting mood, it is likely that smoking contributes to depression in teenagers.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

A.    articipants who were depressed at the study’s start were no more likely to be smokers at the study’s end than those who were not depressed.
B.    articipants who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were no more likely than those who began midway through to have quit smoking by the study’s end.
C.    Few, if any, of the participants in the study were friends or relatives of other participants.
D.    Some participants entered and emerged from a period of depression within the year of the study.
E.    The researchers did not track use of alcohol by the teenagers.
-- by 会员 Helloface (2010/9/30 17:13:12)

研究发现:抽烟的人depressed的概率是 不抽烟的人 的4倍。结论:尼古丁改变大脑chemistry,因此改变mood,所以抽烟是他们depression的原因


A.    articipants who were depressed at the study’s start were no more likely to be smokers at the study’s end than those who were not depressed.
抽烟的人 比 不抽烟的人 在研究结束时 更不愿再成为抽烟者了。因为他们发现抽烟使他们depressed,所以他们不愿意再吸烟了,支持了是抽烟造成depression的原因
B.    articipants who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were no more likely than those who began midway through to have quit smoking by the study’s end.
抽了1个月的 没有比 抽了半个月 的人 更想quit smoking。即smoking没有给他们造成影响,削弱结论
C.    Few, if any, of the participants in the study were friends or relatives of other participants.
D.    Some participants entered and emerged from a period of depression within the year of the study.
E.    The researchers did not track use of alcohol by the teenagers.
-- by 会员 aomeisoft7 (2010/9/30 18:21:49)

发表于 2010-10-6 21:13:48 | 只看该作者
(问一道关于逻辑费费的题,一开始就卡住了, 请问有没有逻辑费费的讨论帖 发一个链接给我吧)
1. Although 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well informed about health care, only 20 percent knows enough about DNA. So apparently at least 80 percent of the population does not know enough about medical concepts to make well-informed personal medical choices or to make good public policy decisions about health care.

The argument’s reasoning is questionable because the argument fails to demonstrate that

A.    those people who can understand news stories about DNA are able to make well-informed personal medical choices
B.    more than 20 percent of the population needs to be well informed about health care for good public policy decisions about health care to be made
C.    one’s being able to make well-informed personal medical choices ensures that one makes good public policy decisions about health care
D.    an understanding of DNA is essential to making well-informed personal medical choices or to making good public policy decisions about health care
E.    since 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well informed about health care, at least 70 percent of the population is mistaken in that belief.

 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-6 21:16:53 | 只看该作者
Researchers took a group of teenagers who had never smoked and for one year tracked whether they took up smoking and how their mental health changed. Those who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were four times as likely to be depressed at the study’s end than those who did not begin smoking. Since nicotine in cigarettes changes brain chemistry, perhaps thereby affecting mood, it is likely that smoking contributes to depression in teenagers.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

A.    articipants who were depressed at the study’s start were no more likely to be smokers at the study’s end than those who were not depressed.
B.    articipants who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were no more likely than those who began midway through to have quit smoking by the study’s end.
C.    Few, if any, of the participants in the study were friends or relatives of other participants.
D.    Some participants entered and emerged from a period of depression within the year of the study.
E.    The researchers did not track use of alcohol by the teenagers.
-- by 会员 Helloface (2010/9/30 17:13:12)

研究发现:抽烟的人depressed的概率是 不抽烟的人 的4倍。结论:尼古丁改变大脑chemistry,因此改变mood,所以抽烟是他们depression的原因


A.    articipants who were depressed at the study’s start were no more likely to be smokers at the study’s end than those who were not depressed.
抽烟的人 比 不抽烟的人 在研究结束时 更不愿再成为抽烟者了。因为他们发现抽烟使他们depressed,所以他们不愿意再吸烟了,支持了是抽烟造成depression的原因
B.    articipants who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were no more likely than those who began midway through to have quit smoking by the study’s end.
抽了1个月的 没有比 抽了半个月 的人 更想quit smoking。即smoking没有给他们造成影响,削弱结论
C.    Few, if any, of the participants in the study were friends or relatives of other participants.
D.    Some participants entered and emerged from a period of depression within the year of the study.
E.    The researchers did not track use of alcohol by the teenagers.
-- by 会员 aomeisoft7 (2010/9/30 18:21:49)

-- by 会员 keith139 (2010/10/6 12:07:47)

发表于 2010-10-6 21:36:19 | 只看该作者
(问一道关于逻辑费费的题,一开始就卡住了, 请问有没有逻辑费费的讨论帖 发一个链接给我吧)
1. Although 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well informed about health care, only 20 percent knows enough about DNA. So apparently at least 80 percent of the population does not know enough about medical concepts to make well-informed personal medical choices or to make good public policy decisions about health care.

The argument’s reasoning is questionable because the argument fails to demonstrate that

A.    those people who can understand news stories about DNA are able to make well-informed personal medical choices
B.    more than 20 percent of the population needs to be well informed about health care for good public policy decisions about health care to be made
C.    one’s being able to make well-informed personal medical choices ensures that one makes good public policy decisions about health care
D.    an understanding of DNA is essential to making well-informed personal medical choices or to making good public policy decisions about health care
E.    since 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well informed about health care, at least 70 percent of the population is mistaken in that belief.

-- by 会员 Brooksxue (2010/10/6 21:13:48)

A.    those people who can understand news stories about DNA are able to make well-informed personal medical choices
懂DNA的 可以 make well-informed personal medical choices
没有说只有懂DNA的菜可以make well-informed personal medical choices

D.    an understanding of DNA is essential to making well-informed personal medical choices or to making good public policy decisions about health care
重点在is essential to
懂DNA是make well-informed personal medical choices的基础
只有懂DNA才能make well-informed personal medical choices
而懂DNA的只有20%,因此才能说明make well-informed personal medical choices的只会少于20%
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-6 21:42:07 | 只看该作者
(问一道关于逻辑费费的题,一开始就卡住了, 请问有没有逻辑费费的讨论帖 发一个链接给我吧)
1. Although 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well informed about health care, only 20 percent knows enough about DNA. So apparently at least 80 percent of the population does not know enough about medical concepts to make well-informed personal medical choices or to make good public policy decisions about health care.

The argument’s reasoning is questionable because the argument fails to demonstrate that

A.    those people who can understand news stories about DNA are able to make well-informed personal medical choices
B.    more than 20 percent of the population needs to be well informed about health care for good public policy decisions about health care to be made
C.    one’s being able to make well-informed personal medical choices ensures that one makes good public policy decisions about health care
D.    an understanding of DNA is essential to making well-informed personal medical choices or to making good public policy decisions about health care
E.    since 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well informed about health care, at least 70 percent of the population is mistaken in that belief.

-- by 会员 Brooksxue (2010/10/6 21:13:48)

A.    those people who can understand news stories about DNA are able to make well-informed personal medical choices
知道DNA的人知道怎么医疗选择。new stories这个概念是题干里没有的,而且这个选项也缺少了making good public policy decisions about health care。这就是和D的区别
D.    an understanding of DNA is essential to making well-informed personal medical choices or to making good public policy decisions about health care
发表于 2010-10-6 21:50:35 | 只看该作者
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