PharmaCorp, which manufactures the drug Aidistan, claims that Aidistan is more effective than the drug Betatol in treating Puma Syndrome. To support its claim PharmaCorp cites the fact that one of every two victims of Puma Syndrome is treated successfully with Aidistan alone, as opposed to one out of every three treated with Betatol alone. However, PharmaCorp's claim can not be taken seriously, in light of the fact that the presence of Gregg's Syndrome has been known to render Puma Syndrome more resistant to any treatment. Which of the following, if true, would most support the allegation that PharmaCorp's claim can not be taken seriously? A)Among people who suffer from both Puma Syndrome and Gregg's Syndrome, fewer are treated with Aidistan than with Betatol. B)Among people who suffer from both Puma Syndrome and Gregg's Syndrome, fewer are treated with Betatol than with Aidistan. C)Gregg's Syndrome reduces Aidistan's effectiveness in treating Puma Syndrome more than Betatol's effectiveness in treating the same syndrome. D)Betatol is less effective than Aidistan in treating Gregg's Syndrome. E)Neither Aidistan nor Betatol is effective in treating Gregg's Syndrome. 这道题我选的是C,可是答案是A;我觉得C也很有道理阿。。。麻烦楼主看看~多谢啦 -- by 会员 sjoe23 (2010/10/8 22:55:50)
厂家认为 Aidistan 比 Betatol 药 治疗Puma Syndrome更有效。因为 单独使用Aidistan治愈率1/2,单独使用Betatol治愈率1/3。然而,作者反对,因为Gregg's Syndrome使Puma Syndrome更难治,有抗药性。 求反对厂家,支持作者
A)Among people who suffer from both Puma Syndrome and Gregg's Syndrome, fewer are treated with Aidistan than with Betatol. 同时患有Gregg和Puma的人,更多的人使用Betatol。(说明Betatol比Aidistan有效,因为Gregg使Puma变的更难治了)
C)Gregg's Syndrome reduces Aidistan's effectiveness in treating Puma Syndrome more than Betatol's effectiveness in treating the same syndrome. Gregg减少Aidistan的药效 比减少Betatol的药效多。 (只说G减少了药效,但是减少药效后的aidistan和betatol的药效还是无法比较。比如Aidistan初始有50%药效,减了20%,还有30%的药效。Betatol初始有33%的药效,减了10%药效,剩下23%的药效。最后Aidistan还是比Betatol有用。一定程度上还支持了厂家。 |