54.一个商店卖手提袋,有装A的,有B的,有装C的(记不得是什么了,但不重要),但至少有装一种东东,给你一个表格:装A,B的有5个,装B和C的有5个,装C和A的有6个,装A,B,C的有3个,所有的包中,装A的共30个,装B的共24个,装C的共20个,问一共有多少个包。 其实就是9月jj的变形题,用30+24+32-5-5-6-3*2就可算出来,共64个,里面的数字是我自己凑的,但是最后结果好像就是64个。 解:64 我的答案: 30+24+32-5-5-6+3=70 72.(this one I absolute don't remember the details, sorry) JiHe problem - number of P is twice as M, MP together is 1/2 of M only, total number of MP together is 5000, ask P only. Answer 10,000 - reasoning M-only has 1 unit, MP together 2 units, and P only 4 units (because (4+2)=2x(1+2) 解:25000 Tachao解答:应该是集合问题(类似1) P + M = (P only) + (M only) + 2(MP together) 我觉得有问题 MP together 应该是指MP的交集部分 so M only = 10000 M = M only + MP together = 15000 P = P only + MP together = 2M ==> 30000=P only + 5000 so P only = 25000 注意only的作用
这两道集合问题大家看看吧! |