15. lucyzl517 11/3 North America 710 AWA/RC/MATH 11月3日 北美JJ 回报CD http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=22&ID=204426&page=1 67. 18 wooden track, the average length is 12 feet. how many 9 feet track should be placed to make the average length 10 feet. 解:36 设需要放x个feet track,(18*12+9x)/(18+x)=10,求得x=36 68. ps. 0<a<b, what is the max. common factor of r^a*s^b and r^b*s^a 我选的r^a*s^a 解:rasa 求最大公因数
16. yiyigl 11/4 North America 730 MATH/AWA/RC america 11/4 JJ - 730 m49 v40 http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=22&ID=204731&page=1 69. 60% of students were vaccinated with Rxx and 70% wtih Mxx, what is the % of students vaccinated with both. (KEY-didn't say how many wasn't vaccinated at all.) A-10% B-25% C-45% D-65% E-80% (my asnwer is C because is has to be between 30% and 60%) 解:C 因为V是0.6,M是0.7,V交M最大可是0.6,最小可是0.3.在选项中只有C(0.45)在0.3—0.6之间 0.3=0.7+0.6-1 70. Machine A makes 7000 products in 8hrs, B makes 7000 in 2hrs. One day A worked twice as long as B, ask what's the ratio of A's product to the total products? answer 33.3% 解:1/3 设B的工作时间为t,根据题意得:A的工作时间就为2t A products: (7000/8)*2t B products (7000/2)t 求 A/(A+B)=1/3 71.f[x] is defined to the closest number equal or less x, f[y]=2, f[x/3]=? answer 0 解:0 72.(this one I absolute don't remember the details, sorry) JiHe problem - number of P is twice as M, MP together is 1/2 of M only, total number of MP together is 5000, ask P only. Answer 10,000 - reasoning M-only has 1 unit, MP together 2 units, and P only 4 units (because (4+2)=2x(1+2) 解: 25000 Tachao解答:應該是集合問題(類似1) P + M = (P only) + (M only) + 2(MP together) MP together 應該是指MP的交集部分 so M only = 10000 M = M only + MP together = 15000 P = P only + MP together = 2M ==> 30000=P only + 5000 so P only = 25000 注意only的作用 73. DS 8^2x < 4^(y+1)? 1) x<y+1 2) 3x<2y My asnwer is E. Try to substitute different numbers satisfy both condition and the asnwers could be <,=, or >. 解:E 原不等式化简得26x<22(y+1) 得3x<y+1 条件1,2都不充分 74. Asking the total distance of a tiangle, whose 3 points are (-4, 3) (3,4) and (-1,1) on the XY-plane. It aslo said something about the points were on a lake, come with a drawing too. Answer 17. (-4, 3) to (3,4) is 50^2 the other two are 5 each. The total is estimated. 解:501/2+5+131/2 题目主要考察两点距离公式:[(y2-y1)2+(x2-x1)2]1/2 三条线断的距离分别为501/2、5、131/2 相加得周长 75.DS X is left of Y and Z, is XYZ<0? 1) XY<0 2) YX<0 E because the asnwer depends the relative position of Y and Z. 解:题干有问题,待补充 76. DS 700 of tickets were sold, and ticket price to the students is half that to the none-students, ask how many were sold to Students? 1)Total revinue is $2500 2) The total price of 1 student and 1 none-student ticket is $6. 解:C 设学生票价格为p 非学生票的价格为2p 学生票一共卖出了x张,非学生票一共卖出了700-x张 题目主要求x 1 得 px+2p(700-x)=2500 两个未知数,单独求不出 2 得 p+2p=6 单独求不出x 1+2可求得x 77. DS A 3-digit integer, what is the unit digit? 1)product of all units = 54 (or 56) 2)sum of all unit >16. (sorry this was my last question which I didn't have time to read close enough to figure out.) but not hard though. 解:待补充和讨论 78. PQ=77, ask P-Q? 1) 1< /Q<1.6 2) don't remember, but the answer was C 解:待补充 79.There is one more I remember, but couldn't draw - 4 lines interect each other forming a "#" not necessarily //. 4 corner w, x, y and z. ask x+z=? 1) w=95 2)z=125 Answer is D for sure 解:待补充 类似于GWD1-22 求x+y
四边形四个内角的和等于360度, 四个外角的和也等于360度, 题中x, y, z, w分别是四个外角, 所以已知z和w就可以求出x+y 即 x+y=360-z-w [attachimg]52149[/attachimg]
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