to rxf9703
感觉几个有问题的题目,有些是不会,有些题目也理解不了,大家帮看看: 71.f[x] is defined to the closest number equal or less x, f[y]=2, f[x/3]=? answer 0
这一题我认为是条件或答案有误 我想应该是f(x)=2 然後判定x近似於2 所以f(x/3)=f(2/3)= "closet interger"=1 ---->更正为0 因为题目说要 the closest integer equal or less than x我眼花没看到
因为x至少要大於1.5才能使f(x)=2 大於1.5的数除3无论如何最近的整属应该都是1才对
72.(this one I absolute don't remember the details, sorry) JiHe problem - number of P is twice as M, MP together is 1/2 of M only, total number of MP together is 5000, ask P only. 这题我也不了解 大家讨论吧 Answer 10,000 - reasoning M-only has 1 unit, MP together 2 units, and P only 4 units (because (4+2)=2x(1+2) 74. Asking the total distance of a triangle, whose 3 points are (-4, 3) (3,4) and (-1,1) on the XY-plane. It also said something about the points were on a lake, come with a drawing too.
Answer 17. (-4, 3) to (3,4) is 50^2 the other two are 5 each. The total is estimated. 我想是问三角形周长<作者可能也算错了 另外两边不是each5 只有一个是5 答案should be √50+√13+5近似於15.6 79.There is one more I remember, but couldn't draw - 4 lines intersect each other forming a "#" not necessarily //. 4 corner w, x, y and z. Ask x+z=? 1) w=95 2)z=125 Answer is D for sure 这题应该是说四条线交成一个井字 可是彼此不必然平行 然後WXYZ分别是这个封闭的四边行内角 但是没有图我还是解不出来的 看有没有好心的NN会来补充机经了^^
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-7 21:12:15编辑过] |