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OG-184 XDJM帮忙 我的脑筋这几天有问题?

发表于 2003-10-2 17:04:00 | 只看该作者

OG-184 XDJM帮忙 我的脑筋这几天有问题?

Codex Berinensis, a Florentine copy of an ancient Roman medical treatise, is undated but contains clues to when it was produced. its first eighty pages are by a single copyist, but the remaining twenty pages are by three different copyists, which indicate some significant disruption. Since a letter in handwriting identified as that of the fourth copyist mentions a plague that killed many people in Florence in 1148, Codex Berinesis was probably produced in that year.

answer. d :There was only one outbreak of plague in Florence in the 1100's

我觉得奇怪。原文已经说了第四个抄录者提到的瘟疫是发生在1148年(the fourth copyist mentions a plague that killed many people in Florence in 1148),d的解释有什么意义呢? 即使有其他瘟疫爆发,不影响原文的结论阿?

我考虑时注意到原文有提到四个抄录者之间有中断(indicate some significant disruption),因此如果要支持原文结论这部药典是成文于1148年,思路应该是说明这四个抄录者的中断不会太长以至于与1148年相隔太久。因此我选了答案c:  A scribe would be able to copy a page of text the size and style of Codex Berinensis in a day.

各位XDJM和NN, 我的思路问题在哪里呢?
发表于 2003-10-2 20:43:00 | 只看该作者


Codex Berinensis, a Florentine copy of an ancient Roman medical treatise, is undated but
contains clues to when it was produced. Its first eighty pages are by a single copyist, but theremaining twenty pages are by three different copyists, which indicate some significant
disruption. Since a letter in handwriting identified as that of the fourth copyist mentions a
plague that killed many people in Florence in 1148, Codex Berinensis was probably produced in that year.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the hypothesis that codex Berinensis was produced in 1148?
(A) Other than Codex Berinensis, there are no known samples of the handwriting of the first
three copyists.
(B) According to the account by the fourth copyists, the plague went on for ten months.
(C) A scribe would be able to copy a page of text the size and style of Codex Berinensis in a
(D) There was only one outbreak of plague in Florence in the 1100’s.
(E) The number of pages of Codex Berinnesis produced by a single scribe becomes smaller
with each successive change of copyist.

其实,此文着重在conclusion: Codex Berinesis was probably produced in that year
正是因为significant disruption, 无法确认他的年代。
我们要将 第四个人提到 的 1148 与 第四个人完成的 Codex Berinesis's production year 联系起来。(1100's 饱含了99年, plague 又与 codex berinesis's medical treaties 直接相关。)
如果有别的 plague 的话,就无法说 1148 决定了 production year 啦。
还有,问的是support 而不是 assumption, support 只要支持就行了。 不象 assumption 那么严密。

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-2 21:21:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用freegirl在2003-10-2 20:43:00的发言:

呵呵 。。。 有劳freegirl MM了!


我现在已经知道为什么会做错这题了。原文 Since a letter in handwriting identified as that of the fourth copyist mentions a plague that killed many people in Florence in 1148 中的 in 1148 修饰的是letter 而不是 plague。 说的是第四个人于1148年提到有一场瘟疫,而不是说他提到在1148年发生了一场瘟疫。这样就很明显要选答案D了。

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-2 21:26:46编辑过]
发表于 2003-10-3 12:45:00 | 只看该作者

[求助]火急!寻求GWD-2套VERBAL 第21题

我觉得 in 1148 还是修饰的 a plague, 有什么区别吗?
 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-3 17:07:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用freegirl在2003-10-3 12:45:00的发言:
我觉得 in 1148 还是修饰的 a plague, 有什么区别吗?

发表于 2003-10-5 00:34:00 | 只看该作者

正是因为没有发生别的 plague, 才会有结论说 Codex Berinesis's production year is 1148.
如果有别的 plague 在1100's 年内发生,Codex Berinesis's production year 就有可能不是1148 呀,而是1198 什么的。 这个答案有点象排他因。
不好意思,晚了两天,我忙着理清什么是fyhllj 说的 “对当关系“, 给耽误了。
 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-5 01:44:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用freegirl在2003-10-5 0:34:00的发言:
正是因为没有发生别的 plague, 才会有结论说 Codex Berinesis's production year is 1148.
如果有别的 plague 在1100's 年内发生,Codex Berinesis's production year 就有可能不是1148 呀,而是1198 什么的。 这个答案有点象排他因。
不好意思,晚了两天,我忙着理清什么是fyhllj 说的 “对当关系“, 给耽误了。


我觉得这题是我们的理解方式不一样。题目中说根据第四个抄录者的一封信来猜测药典可能成文的时间,因此如果那封信中提到说1148年的瘟疫,那就一定是发生于1148年。 或者从另一个角度想,如果1148年是修饰plague,那么可能的是这封信写于1180年,然后提到1148年发生的plague,即使1100's中只有1148年这次的plague也无法确定药典是成文于1148年。

发表于 2003-10-5 13:35:00 | 只看该作者
关于 in 1148 的理解,重点在于这场瘟疫是发生在1148年, 还是这封信的完成时间是1148年, 根据题意,应该是前者,这样推理过程就非常明白了
1 药典几个人完成,有了中断
2 中断的原因是什么呢,根据结论,和瘟疫有关
3 letters的内容通常情况下提的都是当时身边发生的事情,注意是letters而不是药典
4 如果其他年份有瘟疫的话,可能是其他年份的瘟疫造成了中断
3 现在d选项,排除了其他年份的瘟疫,所以增强了1148年的这场瘟疫中断了进程的说服力
发表于 2004-6-20 23:11:00 | 只看该作者


OG的解释是The passage points out that teh changes in copyists indicates that something prevented the first three copyists from completing the work. The passage then identifies this disruptive factor as the plague of 1148, thus dating the production of the Codex. The question asks you to identify information that would support this dating.

Choice D is the best answer because if there had been other outbreaks of plague in the relevant period, one of these, instead of the plague of 1148, might have disrupted the manuscript's production. This information therefore supports the hypothesis.



发表于 2004-6-21 12:28:00 | 只看该作者

"its first eighty pages are by a single copyist, but the remainingtwenty pages are by three different copyists, which indicate somesignificant disruption."

头一个人抄了80 页, 剩下的20页3个人抄完.运用common sense, 如果不是有什么重大问题,抄20页纸应该不是问题.Thisimplies that the first, second, and third all somehow died or disabled,so they couldn't continue to finish the work.

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