以下是引用freegirl在2003-10-2 20:43:00的发言:
Codex Berinensis, a Florentine copy of an ancient Roman medical treatise, is undated but contains clues to when it was produced. Its first eighty pages are by a single copyist, but theremaining twenty pages are by three different copyists, which indicate some significant disruption. Since a letter in handwriting identified as that of the fourth copyist mentions a plague that killed many people in Florence in 1148, Codex Berinensis was probably produced in that year.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the hypothesis that codex Berinensis was produced in 1148? (A) Other than Codex Berinensis, there are no known samples of the handwriting of the first three copyists. (B) According to the account by the fourth copyists, the plague went on for ten months. (C) A scribe would be able to copy a page of text the size and style of Codex Berinensis in a day. (D) There was only one outbreak of plague in Florence in the 1100’s. (E) The number of pages of Codex Berinnesis produced by a single scribe becomes smaller with each successive change of copyist.
来说说我的理解吧. CB这本书是记载医疗的一本文献,但是这本文献却没有完成日期. 但是却提供了一些线索. 比如说, 这本书是非分明个人完成的, 只有在最后一个人记录时提到了1148年瘟疫. 所以这本CB 可能是1148年完成的. 下面哪个支持了推论.
CB不可能在1148年前完成的,这一点没有疑问. CB还有两种可能, 1148年, 或者1148年后完成的. 由于1100年代只有一次瘟疫,而且是由最后一个记录员记录的(后面没有记录了),所以,CB不会是在1148年后完成的. 由此,D支持了推论. |