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- 2020-11-22
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- 1970-1-1
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P1: The reasons that some firms are more successful at introducing radical product innovations than others
-many researchers: firm sizes
-authors: the firms’ willingness to cannibalize their own investments
研究结果-support the alternate view(authors')
研究结论-a need to reconsider conventional wisdom on firm size, cannibalization, and organizational synergy.
P2: S的主要观点
-creative destruction创新对经济和公司经营的影响
-large firms innovate more “intensively” than small firms do
-decidedly mixed
G&A:large firms have many advantages over small ones in their ability to produce radical innovations
-economies of scale in research and development
-spread risks widely
-greater access to financial resources
Others: large firms are less likely to produce radical innovations
-more bureaucratic
-slower to react
-less willing to take risks
Bell shaped relationship:
-Medium-sized firms are positioned best for radical product innovation
U shaped:
-medium- sized firms have the liabilities of large and small firms and few of their strengths.