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偶在之前的机经里面找到介个了 应该是跟这个月出现的一样的吧、、、、
9. 抵押贷款(post collateral)
1. 文章主旨:
解释出现post collateral的原因。
2. 段落大意:
P1. 说银行贷款时往往碰到两类公司,Low-cost company和High-cost company。说了下Low-cost company公司风险低,借了钱还的概率比较高。但是在实际中,外表上看银行是区分不了这两类公司的。economist 有一个 hypothetical model, 内容主要说: when firms apply for a bank loan, 他们需要知道自己的operating costs,但是operating cost会被其他因素影响,因此还需要向bank 申请evaluation, bank要对他们进行investigation.
P2. High-cost firms不容易被approved, while Low-cost firm更容易被approved。对于High-cost company,一旦失败了,损失会非常严重。所以他们的风险相对高所以不倾向于是用post collateral,所以如果有公司敢用post collateral, 对于银行就是一个signal: 我们是low cost的公司(其实隐含的就是说low cost也相对low risk)。Low-cost公司实际上不必要审查,由于银行不审查区别不了才这么做。因为银行evaluate的时候他两边都得evaluate,那些人力费啊什么的肯定要有人埋单,但他又只对approved的收费,所以Low-cost companies就间接的付了那些没有approved的high cost companies' evaluation expenses。这实际上相当于Low-cost公司补贴High-costfirms。(括号解释:银行只对批准了贷款的公司收费是防止这种情况发生:银行对所有的公司收费,但是其实没有对所有的公司进行审查,就直接告诉一部分公司他们是因为审查没有通过才没能拍比准贷款。)于是为了躲避审查,给抵押就是一个好办法。从而low cost firms公司都愿意给抵押,而high-cost公司大多不愿意。
P3. 开始讲抵押。因此,to distinguish from the high cost firm, Low-cost companies will 跟银行弄一个collateral。collateral 的风险成本很大,所以high cost firm基本上不会collateral, 因为high-cost company项目失败可能性高,自己都没信心所以不愿意给抵押(这句话逻辑有点乱)。而low cost firm 因为本身low cost,不特别在乎其带来的风险. 所以到后来,就只有low cost firm 弄collateral(质押),而且他们只要弄了collateral银行就基本上不会对他们进行eveluation.但low cost公司给抵押也要一定程度的,至少抵押多到high cost firm不愿给的程度。用这个方法其实是个signal,就是我们有信心我们的project会成功,这样就不需要evaluation,也不需要交钱了。
3. 题目:
Q1. 银行为什么做作风险评估(evaluation)?
答案有 银行分不出贷款风险高低 其他的印象不深了
Q2. 以下哪个说法正确?
答案全是围绕两种类型公司写的,容易排除掉三个,剩下两个纠结了一会。时间不多了 点了一个就过了。
Q3. low cost 公司为什么要给抵押? (可以秒选)
躲避对higher cost firms公司的变相补贴 (本月V40狗主确认)(v39再确认)
Q4. 问了下列哪个说法正确?(争议题)
A. higher cost firms公司比low cost firm更有可能进行欺骗性的抵押(本月700+狗主选择)(本月720 V36狗主)
B. low cost 比 highcost对他们的工程更确信 (本月V40狗主选择,不确定)
C. low cost firms are more likely to take on risky projects
V1有一道,我认为可以秒选了,就是infer的,high cost company is more likely to collateral deceitfully than low cost company。基本就是这样的一个选项,高风险公司比低风险的更容易欺诈性抵押以获取贷款。(本月720 V36狗主)
V2 Q4我选了b,仅供参考!(本月750狗主)
V3 higher cost firms公司比low cost firm更有可能进行欺骗性的抵押 选项中有skeptical 好像 确认 (本月狗主V39 Q49 720)
Q5. 银行只对批准贷款的公司作风险评估,为什么?
银行只对决定放款的收charge 为什么 防止bank收完钱后不调查(本月狗主V39 Q49 720)
Q6. high cost firms 在什么情况下会去做质押?
Q7. 问bank charge fee的考括号里imply什么? (可以秒选)
好像是说bank charge fee 的时候要charge company approved不然bank 可以通过charge fee赚钱而且不用真的去evaluation。(本月两位V40狗主确认)
原文表述:大致意思是如果银行对于所有的investigation都charge的话,那么银行就可以什么样的公司也不去做调查,只等着charge fee了 (本月750 V40狗主补充)
Q8. 银行关注抵押贷款的什么?
我选了有 operation cost 第一段中说了银行要对operation cost investigate
(本月狗主V39 Q49 720)
4. 备注:
此逻辑链让讨厌国际金融的雪菲森森滴爱上了finance~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
感谢reallyfly童鞋原创:欲看原帖(~ ̄▽ ̄)→))* ̄▽ ̄*)o [手指戳戳]
Topic: Explain how the firm avoids the fee by posting collateral
Style: Explain
Author attitude: none
1. Evaluation cost when applying the loan
1. Two types of firm: low operating cost firm(LCF) and high operating cost firm(HCF)
2. The firm know if project is likely success or not -> The firm knows itself as LCF or HCF when applying loan
3. The Bank still cannot tell because of other factors. All firms look identical to bank
4. Bank needs investigation/evaluation -> cost of investigation
2. Who pays the cost
1. Bank needs to evaluate both types of firm
2. Bank only charges the fee when the loan is approved
3. HCF->less likely to get loan -> bank did not recoup the fee
4. LCF->more likely to get loan -> LCF pays the fee to the bank
5. LCF subsidizes the HCF
3. How to avoid the fee
1. LCF distinguish themselves by offering to post collateral
2. Posting collateral is costly to the firm =>
1. only LCF is willing to take such risk
2. HCF will not because high risk of losing the collateral
3. => only LCF posts collateral, HCF does not
4. => bank can distinguish between the two firms =>
1. willing to post collateral -> LCF -> not need for investigation -> LCF avoidthe fee
2. not willing to post collateral -> HCF ->need evaluation -> HCF pay the fee
Collateral - Generally, the term collateral refers to assets pledged by a borrower to secure a loan. The lender can seize these assets if the borrower does not make the agreed-upon payments on the loan, so the lender has some protection if the borrower defaults. Therefore, the use of collateral can make it easier for firms to obtain loans to finance their investments.