drug treatment
※ 主题思路:
OMEGA-6的不好 → 使用OMEGA3 → 但仍发现问题;提出通常方法:
※ 段落大意:
说某地的海鲜中富含欧米茄3这种物质,对这些疾病有明显的治疗效果。举例说了个什么fatty fish之类的食物含有欧米茄3。
※ 题目:
support one solution rather than drug treatmentto解决O6摄入过多
※ 备注:
【背景知识】by bbcxd Omega 3 – Omega 6 Balance Degenerative diseases that involve fats prematurely kill over two thirds of the people currently living in affluent, industrialized nations. 68% of people die from just three conditions that involve fatty degeneration: Cardiovascular disease (43.8%), Cancer (22.4%), and Diabetes (1.8%). These deaths are the result of eating habits based on ignorance and misconceptions. Since we are natural biological organisms, we must attain, maintain and regain good health through natural approaches - through foods and lifestyles in keeping with the biological needs that nature genetically built into us. If we get the right kind of fats in the right amounts and balances, and prepare them using the right methods, they build our health and keep us healthy. Throughout human history mankind has ingested an approximate equal proportion (1/1 ratio) of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids. The Omega 6 and 3 are two of the forty-nine know essential nutrients. As essential nutrients they cannot be synthesized by the body, but must be ingested directly in foods or in the form of dietary supplements. The relationship of equivalence between the two Omegas is critical because they self – check each other in a delicate balance to regulate thousands of metabolic functions through prostaglandin pathways. Nearly every biologic function is somehow interconnected with the delicate balance between Omega 6 and Omega 3. Omega 3’s are intimately involved in the control of inflammation, cardiovascular health, myelin sheath development, allergic reactivity, immune response, hormone modulation, IQ, and behavior. A seemingly minor, yet major change in Omega balance dictated by dietary ingestion has absolute deleterious health effects. The rapid change in dietary fat ingestion within only the last 50 - 100 years has bewildered human biophysiology created to function optimally on equal proportions of dietary omegas. Diets that provide Omega 6 oils at the expense of omega 3 stimulate pro-inflammatory pathways in the body. While Omega 3’s on the other hand stimulates anti-inflammatory pathways. As a result Omega 6 has been coined as “bad” and Omega 3’s as “good”. In fact both are essential for human health and its balance of the two in relation to each other that is important. Dominant Omega 6 in the body can create a situation that promotes chronic inflammation, propagation of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, and auto immunity. The body’s inflammatory response is intimately regulated by Omega 3’s. The inflammatory response was created to respond to acute injury or microbial attack. However, if the inflammatory response is needlessly provoked, damage to tissue and organs of the body occurs. The reduction of Omega 3 in the diet of the industrialized nations has created a situation of chronic inflammation in these people. In this case, the symptom of inflammation precedes the disease. However, as inflammation leads to disease a vicious circle of inflammation of disease is formed.