2012年4月7日 总结 【*距考试仅剩33天*】 What I did today:(19:45--0:00) 1 半套TPO,still with low scores 不过我貌似找到原因了 2 听写了一篇老托听力(本来计划两篇,未实现) 3 修改Alex和stone昨天的小分队作文 4 泛听、、 Other things: 大约浪费了一个多小时的时间,bath、search the Internet、finish some assignment、、、 Unfinished task: 1 整理5道口语题 2 背单词(一会睡前再看看好了、) ———————————————— 这几天虽然做题做得很不爽,不过感觉还能学到很多科目的知识,还是有收获的。 然后Say sth embarrassing~ I had got to return to my university this morning(April 7th) and got up before 6 o'clock to take a bus... In order to make good use of my time, I managed to listen to Toefl PartC listening materials on the way. However, as I listened to the materials, I fell asleep spontenously on the bus. As soon as I was awake from my dream, I found that I missed the stop!!! I ran to my school as quickly as I could but still late for class... 然后贴上今天的番茄、做得不好、、╮(╯▽╰)╭
2012-4-8 今天晚上满满的斗志,却是又一次被TPO打击到了,听力错了将近一半。虽然在做听力的时候被舍友打断了好几次,影响了听一些内容和心情,但是我猜想如果去掉这些打扰的我又能多对几道题呢?听不懂还是听不懂,漏掉细节还是漏掉细节。。。 今天的小分队任务、综合写作也做的很差劲,听不出来说的什么,或许是自己看到恐龙的题材就恐惧……all in all,就是很不好。 贴上今天的番茄,真心对不住Daisy姐姐夸我的话、今天实在是有点没状态呢、 我要赶快调整,up up up!~