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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-8】

发表于 2013-11-7 14:27:19 | 只看该作者


Background: People who have specialized knowledge about a scientific or technical are systematically excluded

Premise: Excluded from juries for trials where the issue is relevant

Conclusion: Thus, trial by jury by jury is not a fair means of setting disputes

(A) Incorrect
(B) Correct
© Unrelated
(D) Unrelated
(E) Unrelated


Background: Reduce the danger from the earthquakes

Premise: Catfish swim erratically before earthquakes

Conclusion: Investigators have proposed monitoring catfish to predict dangerious earthquakes

(E) Correct


Background: City plans to attract new citizens with new housing and new facilities

Premise: Require developers seeking permission

Conclusion: At no cost to the city

(A) Correct


Background: Manufacturers issue cents-off coupons to get consumers to try their brand of product with the hope that the consumers who try their brand will switch their brand loyalty.

Premise: So in the initial marketing of their new brand X, Hartman Industries should issue cents-off coupons,

Conclusion: Attracting a large segment of potential consumers as loyal customers

(B) Correct


Background: State spokesperson:  Many businesspeople who have not been to our state believe that we have an inadequate road system.

Premise: Those people are mistaken

Conclusion: We have spent more money per mile on road improvements than any other state

(E) Correct

发表于 2013-11-7 14:30:06 | 只看该作者


Background: People who have specialized knowledge about a scientific or technical are systematically excluded

Premise: Excluded from juries for trials where the issue is relevant

Conclusion: Thus, trial by jury by jury is not a fair means of setting disputes

(A) Incorrect
(B) Correct
© Unrelated
(D) Unrelated
(E) Unrelated


Background: Reduce the danger from the earthquakes

Premise: Catfish swim erratically before earthquakes

Conclusion: Investigators have proposed monitoring catfish to predict dangerious earthquakes

(E) Correct


Background: City plans to attract new citizens with new housing and new facilities

Premise: Require developers seeking permission

Conclusion: At no cost to the city

(A) Correct


Background: Manufacturers issue cents-off coupons to get consumers to try their brand of product with the hope that the consumers who try their brand will switch their brand loyalty.

Premise: So in the initial marketing of their new brand X, Hartman Industries should issue cents-off coupons,

Conclusion: Attracting a large segment of potential consumers as loyal customers

(B) Correct


Background: State spokesperson:  Many businesspeople who have not been to our state believe that we have an inadequate road system.

Premise: Those people are mistaken

Conclusion: We have spent more money per mile on road improvements than any other state

(E) Correct

发表于 2013-11-21 14:11:10 | 只看该作者
【精练】 1:45
1.People who have specialized knowledge about a
scientific or technical issue are systematically
excluded from juries for trials where the issue is
relevant. Thus, trial by jury is not a fair means of
settling disputes involving such issues.
Which one of the following, if true, most seriously
weakens the argument?
Weaken Question Problem Set  NO.9


(A) The more complicated the issue being litigated,
the less likely it is that a juror without
specialized knowledge of the field involved
will be able to comprehend the testimony
being given.——因果倒置,排除
(B) The more a juror knows about a particular
scientific or technical issue involved in a
trial, the more likely it is that the juror will be
prejudiced in favor of one of the litigating
parties before the trial begins.——bingo!囊括K的M更主观了!
(C) Appointing an impartial arbitrator is not a fair
means of settling disputes involving
scientific or technical issues, because
arbitrators tend to favor settlements in which
both parties compromise on the issues.——话题转移说appointing an impartial arbitrator是不公平的,排除
(D) Experts who give testimony on scientific or
technical issues tend to hedge their
conclusions by discussing the possibility of
(E) Expert witnesses in specialized fields often
command fees that are so high that many
people involved in litigation cannot afford
their services.——话题转移,排除

29. 1:20
To reduce the danger to life and property posed by major earthquakes, scientists have been investigating several techniques for giving advance warning of dangerous earthquakes.  Since catfish swim erratically before earthquakes, some investigators have proposed monitoring catfish to predict dangerous earthquakes.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the usefulness of the proposal?

逻辑链:为了reduce earthquake的损失,专家就想办法预测地震
思路:就是找catfish不一定就是在地震前swim erratically

(A) In Japan, which is subject to frequent earthquakes, the behavior of catfish has long been associated with earthquakes.——support
(B) Mechanical methods for detecting earthquakes have not proved effective.——irrelevant
(C) Tremors lead to the release of hydrogen sulfide gas into water, thereby causing various fish and shellfish to behave erratically.——说的是震荡带来的属性,irrelevant
(D) Careful construction can reduce the dangers posed by earthquakes.——irrelevant
(E) Even very slight, fleeting tremors cause catfish to swim erratically.——bingo!因为 fleeting tremors就能让catfish乱游,所以会影响预测准确

30. 1:36
A city plans to attract new citizens with new housing and new facilities such as parks, recreation centers, and libraries.  One component of the city's plan is to require that developers seeking permission to build this new housing provide these additional facilities at no cost to the city.
Which of the following, if true, would point to a possible flaw in the city's plan?

其中一个组成部门是希望这些new housing提供additional facilities with no cost

思路:选项包含题目所有stimulus,没有新的information,可能是no cost,也可能是新的facilities并不受欢迎。不管是什么结果,判断计划,最终影响的是“attract new citizens”

(A) Developers would pass along their costs to the buyer, thereby raising the cost of housing units beyond the ability of likely purchasers to afford them.——bingo!成本增加,倒是new citizens的购买力,最终影响结果
(B) Light, nonpolluting industries have located in the area, offering more jobs and better-paying jobs than do the more-established industries in the area.——support
(C) Other towns and cities nearby have yet to embark on any comparable plans to attract new citizens.——new information
(D) Most developers see the extra expense of providing municipal facilities as simply one of the many costs of doing business.——support
(E) Studies show that purchasers of new houses, especially first-time buyers, rank recreational resources as an important factor in deciding to buy a particular house.——support

31. 1:10
Manufacturers issue cents-off coupons to get consumers to try their brand of product with the hope that the consumers who try their brand will switch their brand loyalty.  So in the initial marketing of their new brand X, Hartman Industries should issue cents-off coupons, thereby attracting a large segment of potential consumers as loyal customers.
Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the likelihood that the marketing strategy recommended above will have the result that is claimed?
逻辑链:为了吸引更多地客户变成loyalty customers,厂商在推出新产品X时发型了折价券,因此可以吸引大批购买者成为loyalty customers。
思路:也许customers只是折价券的爱好者,选项包含,折价券并不能产生loyalty customers的因素

(A) Many consumers are unlikely to try new brands of products unless offered an inducement to do so.——其实这个无关,有无折价券对这个没有影响。现在讨论的是有关于折价卷strategy的问题
(B) The consumers whose purchases are strongly influenced by cents-off coupons tend not to become loyal customers of any particular brand.——bingo!人只是为券吸引,并不真正对brand感兴趣,就不会成为loyalty customers
(C) Many grocery stores attract customers by doubling the face value of manufacturer's coupons.——算是support了
(D) Typically less than one-third of the coupons issued by a manufacturer are redeemed by consumers.——无关
(E) A marketing campaign that uses cents-off coupons is most effective when combined with a television advertising campaign.——扯太远了!

32. 1:30
State spokesperson:  Many businesspeople who have not been to our state believe that we have an inadequate road system.  Those people are mistaken, as is obvious from the fact that in each of the past six years, our state has spent more money per mile on road improvements than any other state.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the reasoning in the spokesperson's argument?

(A) In the spokesperson's state, spending on road improvements has been increasing more slowly over the past six years than it has in several other states.——修的慢所以人家不来?扯
(B) Adequacy of a state's road system is generally less important to a businessperson considering doing business there than is the availability of qualified employees.——质疑了前提,排除
(C) Over the past six years, numerous businesses have left the spokesperson's state, but about as many businesses have moved into the state.——说到了商人的状态,与原因无关
(D) In general, the number of miles of road in a state's road system depends on both the area and the population of the state.——仅说道路况的转台,无关
(E) Only states with seriously inadequate road systems need to spend large amounts of money on road improvements.——bingo!因为路不好,所以修嘛
发表于 2014-3-3 21:57:09 | 只看该作者
Premise: people who have specialized knowledge was excluded from juries for trials where the issue is relevant
Conclusion: is not a fair means
Prephrase: it is necessary because people will be affected
A.        support
B.        cORRECT
C.        irrelevant
D.        experts irrelevant
E.        fee is not the case here

Background: to reduce the danger of life and property by major earthquake, scientist have been investigating several technique to advance warning
Premise: catfish swim erratically before earthquake
Conclusion: monitor catfish to predict
Prephrase: other factor will cause catfish to swim , therefore catfish is not  the
D. background
E. correct

Premise: city plan is to require developers to build the new housing  provide addition facilities free charge.
Conclusion : to attract new citizens with new housing and facilities
Prephrase: will not attract the new citizens/ buyer will paid more money
A.        correct
B.        Irrelevant
C.        Out of scope
D.        Support
E.        Background

Premise: manufacturers issue coupons to attract consumer to be loal
Conclusion: to attract consumer-> brand x should issue coupons
Prephrase: competitors will use same methoud/ will not become loya
A.        support
B.        correct
C.        background out of scope
D.        irrelevant
E.        background

Premise: many businesspeople who have not been to our states believe that we have inadequate road . However, more money per mile on road improvement than other states
Conclusion: those people are mistaken
Prephrase: because the road on our states was very inadequate so we have to spend more money.
A.        irrelevant
B.        irrelevant
C.        irrelevant
D.        irrelevant
E.        Correct
发表于 2014-4-7 14:18:14 | 只看该作者
Premise: People who have specialized knowledge about a scientific or technical issue are systematically
excluded from juries for trials where the issue is relevant.
Conclusion:trial by jury is not a fair means of settling disputes involving such issues.
prephrase: 证明specialized knowledge about a scientific or technical issue 是fair必不可少的(错)
(A) The more complicated the issue being litigated,
the less likely it is that a juror without
specialized knowledge of the field involved
will be able to comprehend the testimony
being given.----选错了,选了A,--strengthen,选项意思是如果那些有专业知识的人被排除出陪审团,那么陪审员就更难理解一些证据,因此加强了这是一个unfair的trial
(B) The more a juror knows about a particular
scientific or technical issue involved in a
trial, the more likely it is that the juror will be
prejudiced in favor of one of the litigating
parties before the trial begins.----Correct,正好与结论相反,指出了科技知识知道越多越有偏见,那说明应该把有这些知识的人排除在外,才能不偏见也就是:excluded→fair与结论相反,有因无果,削弱
(C) Appointing an impartial arbitrator is not a fair
means of settling disputes involving
scientific or technical issues, because
arbitrators tend to favor settlements in which
both parties compromise on the issues.-----irrelevant;说另一种方法unfair对于这种方法是否能削弱结论的程度没有影响
(D) Experts who give testimony on scientific or
technical issues tend to hedge their
conclusions by discussing the possibility of
(E) Expert witnesses in specialized fields often
command fees that are so high that many
people involved in litigation cannot afford
their services.-----irrelevant,文章也没提到费用

2. 17‘’
Premsie: catfish swim erratically before earthquakes
Conclusion: monitoring catfish is a way to predict dangerous earthquakes.
prephrase: catish swim erratically when there is no earthquakes but just a small interfere

premise: developers seeking permission to build this new housing provide these additional facilities at no cost to the city.
Conclusion: this plan can attract new citizens
prephrase: new citizens burden these cost of new housing and facilities

premise: cent-off campaign can lead customers to switch their brand loyalties.
Conclusion:cents-off coupons of X can  attract a large segment of potential consumers as loyal customers
prephrase: these customers who change their brand loyalties cannot be loyal customers.

premise:in each of the past six years, our state has spent more money per mile on road improvements than any other state.
Conclusion: That our state has inadequate road system is wrong.
Prephrase: even though the state has more improvements ,its road system is still poor and left behind any other states.
发表于 2014-5-1 12:06:08 | 只看该作者
P:people who have specialized knowledge about a scientific or technical issue are excluded from juries for trials where the issue is relevant.
C:trial by jury is not a fair means of settling disputes involving such issues.
(A) The more complicated the issue being litigated,
the less likely it is that a juror without
specialized knowledge of the field involved
will be able to comprehend the testimony
being given. 说问题复杂程度,那如果不那么复杂,juror可以理解,不trial则是不公平的啊,juror能不能理解是不无关的吧
(B) The more a juror knows about a particular
scientific or technical issue involved in a
trial, the more likely it is that the juror will be
prejudiced in favor of one of the litigating
parties before the trial begins. 正解,说明讲这类juror排除是很合理、很公平的。
(C) Appointing an impartial arbitrator is not a fair
means of settling disputes involving
scientific or technical issues, because
arbitrators tend to favor settlements in which
both parties compromise on the issues.无关
(D) Experts who give testimony on scientific or
technical issues tend to hedge their
conclusions by discussing the possibility of
error. 加强了,这样的话没有专业知识则很容易被误导,则这类trial的处理上不是很fair
(E) Expert witnesses in specialized fields often
command fees that are so high that many
people involved in litigation cannot afford
their services. 无关,与费用无关。


Background: earthquick cause damage to life and property, scientists investigate techniques for giving advance warning of dangerous earthquakes.
P:catfish swim erratically before earthquakes
C:monitor catfish to predict dangerous earthquakes.
Pre:要保证catfish在其他情况下不会swim erratically啊
(A) In Japan, which is subject to frequent earthquakes, the behavior of catfish has long been associated with earthquakes. 不能削弱,加强
(B) Mechanical methods for detecting earthquakes have not proved effective. 无关
(C) Tremors lead to the release of hydrogen sulfide gas into water, thereby causing various fish and shellfish to behave erratically. 不能削弱,即使很多鱼都会反常,用catfish来预测也不能说是不合理的。
(D) Careful construction can reduce the dangers posed by earthquakes. 无关
(E) Even very slight, fleeting tremors cause catfish to swim erratically. 正解, 说明了即使是很轻的震动,catfish都会有反常表现,即它不是一个很好的预测dangerous earthquakes的指示物。

P:A city plans to attract new citizens with new housing and new facilities
One component of the city's plan is to require that developers build this new housing provide these additional facilities at no cost to the city.
Pre:削弱plan。指出flaw in the plan,即让plan不能达到预想效果。
(A) Developers would pass along their costs to the buyer, thereby raising the cost of housing units beyond the ability of likely purchasers to afford them. 正解,可以指出plan的flaw,plan 要求no cost to the city, 则cost to developer就会高,则卖给消费者价格高,消费者就不会来买,则plan没有起到attract的作用。
(B) Light, nonpolluting industries have located in the area, offering more jobs and better-paying jobs than do the more-established industries in the area.虽然这个可以attract新居民,但不能说明the plan不能attract
(C) Other towns and cities nearby have yet to embark on any comparable plans to attract new citizens.其他城市用了不代表我用了就不能attract
(D) Most developers see the extra expense of providing municipal facilities as simply one of the many costs of doing business. 可以加强,因为说developer是愿意不将cost推给城市的,则plan可以很好的实施进行。
(E) Studies show that purchasers of new houses, especially first-time buyers, rank recreational resources as an important factor in deciding to buy a particular house.加强,说明plan可以达到臆想中结果。

该题有个关键点,即题干中没有明确的结论,从问句中的flaw in the city's plan要可以推出,要求我们找到flaw,其结果可以让plan不能达到预想中的结果,即可以削弱plan的效果。

P:Manufacturers issue cents-off coupons to get consumers to try their brand of product with the hope that the consumers who try their brand will switch their brand loyalty.
C:Hartman Industries should issue cents-off coupons, thereby attracting a large segment of potential consumers as loyal customers.
Pre:削弱。吸引来了不一定就可以成为loyal customers。前提也只是with the hope
(A) Many consumers are unlikely to try new brands of products unless offered an inducement to do so. 不能削弱,反而说明了有inducement所以可以可以吸引到很多顾客。
(B) The consumers whose purchases are strongly influenced by cents-off coupons tend not to become loyal customers of any particular brand. countender正解,可以说明不会成为loyalty
(C) Many grocery stores attract customers by doubling the face value of manufacturer's coupons.无关
(D) Typically less than one-third of the coupons issued by a manufacturer are redeemed by consumers.不能削弱,即使很少一部分redeem但是只要redeem了,即他们是potential consumers,就有可能变成loyalty
(E) A marketing campaign that uses cents-off coupons is most effective when combined with a television advertising campaign.无关。

P:we spend more money per mile on road improvements than any other state.
C:so the believe that we have an inadequate road system is mistaken.
(A) In the spokesperson's state, spending on road improvements has been increasing more slowly over the past six years than it has in several other states.花费的增长慢不说明问题,我花费多按照spokeman的思维就是会比别人的道路完善。
(B) Adequacy of a state's road system is generally less important to a businessperson considering doing business there than is the availability of qualified employees.无关
(C) Over the past six years, numerous businesses have left the spokesperson's state, but about as many businesses have moved into the state.无关
(D) In general, the number of miles of road in a state's road system depends on both the area and the population of the state.contender,说明了即使你花费多,你的mile数量任然是不够的,因为要考虑population。但是不好的一点是,我们并不知道population的数量是大是小。
(E) Only states with seriously inadequate road systems need to spend large amounts of money on road improvements. 正解,你花费多正好说明了你inadequate。
发表于 2014-10-24 21:13:21 | 只看该作者
[color=Red]exdude ɪɡ'zud]
vt. 散发;流出;使渗出
vi. 流出;渗出;发散

litigated ['lɪtɪɡet] vt. 在法庭相争;提出诉讼;vi. 对簿法庭
condusion 结论

p:某领域的专家从陪审团流出,当issue 相关的时候


发表于 2014-10-25 17:06:28 | 只看该作者
29  E
30  A
31  B
32  E
发表于 2015-8-13 14:48:38 | 只看该作者
P: People who have specialized knowledge about a scientific or technical issue are excluded from juries for trials where issue is relevant
C: trial by jury is not a fair means of setting disputes involving such issues
Prep: trail by jury is a fair means of setting such issues
B: Strengthen
C: Strengthen
D: Strengthen
E: Strengthen

P: Catfish swim erratically before earthquake
C: Scientists predict earthquake by observing catfish
Prep: Catfish swim erratically in many situations/ Time
A: Strengthen
B: Strengthen
D: Irrelevant
E: Strengthen

P: Build new facilities
C: By seeking developers to build it at no cost to the city
Prep: Seeking developers needs money; I really do not understand the question…. Just guess the logic link
B: Irrelevant
C: Irrelevant
D: Irrelevant
E: Irrelevant

P: New brand X issues cents-off coupons
C: It would attract customers who would become loyal customer
Prep: The product X has bad quality, so customers wont buy it again
A: Not weaken or strengthen
C: Irrelevant
D: Irrelevant/ slight strengthen
E: Irrelevant

P: Our state has spent more money in road improvement than others
C: Our road condition is better
Prep: More money=Bad road condition
A: Not strengthen or weaken
B: Irrelevant
C: Irrelevant
D: Irrelevant to number of road

发表于 2015-8-18 12:40:31 | 只看该作者
重看了好几遍...Thus, trial by jury is not a fair means of
settling disputes involving such issues. 的意思原来是TbyJ 不是一个公正的方法。
那么消弱就要说排除specialized tech.的人有什么好处咯。
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