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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-2】

 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-21 12:34:30 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 CHRISTINE2010 (2011/11/21 11:14:50)

 对噢 忘了 可以可以^^~
发表于 2011-11-21 12:38:26 | 只看该作者


B: The old 6 pack can can suffocate the animals.
P: The proposed plan is to switch the old 6 pack can to the new ones, and the rings of can will disintegrate in 3 days after exposing under the sun.
C: Therefore, the number of animals suffocated by the rings of cans will be eliminated after this switchover.
Pre: Some of these new rings of cans will not disintegrate in 3 days.
      After switchover, new rings of cans can cause more dangerous to the animals.
(A) The switchover to the new plastic rings will
take at least two more years to complete.
--------------------------------------------------------Although the switchover has to take 2 more years to complete, this new plan can be effective as well.
(B) After the beverage companies have switched
over to the new plastic rings, a substantial
number of the old plastic rings will persist
in most aquatic and woodland environments.
--------------------------------------------------------this can be contender at first.
(C) The new plastic rings are slightly less
expensive than the old rings.
--------------------------------------------------------the price is not irrelevant here.
(D) The new plastic rings rarely disintegrate
during shipping of beverage six-packs
because most trucks that transport canned
beverages protect their cargo from sunlight.
--------------------------------------------------------this doesn't help since the cans will eventually be exposed under the sun after shipping, so this plan can still work.
(E) The new plastic rings disintegrate into
substances that are harmful to aquatic
animals when ingested in substantial
quantities by them.
--------------------------------------------------------I think choice E is better than B. since it mentions the side effect of this new plan.


Instead, answer choice (E) is a shell game that attacks a conclusion
that is similar but different than the actual conclusion. Remember, one of the
rules for weakening arguments is to focus on the conclusion, and knowing the
details of the conclusion is part of that focus.

(B) After the beverage companies have switched
over to the new plastic rings, a substantial
number of the old plastic rings will persist
in most aquatic and woodland environments.--------------------说明大量的old plastic rings still exist in woodland environments,所以很容易还会继续suffocate animals.

(E) The new plastic rings disintegrate into
substances that are harmful to aquatic
animals when ingested in substantial
quantities by them.----------------------------------------------------E说new plan will be harmful to the aquatic animals首先文中没有特定指出什么样的animals,其次这个选项并没有说是怎样的harm,即有可能不是suffocated造成的,那么就和结论不符了。
-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/11/21 1:07:15)

恩哼,这题我也有 点小纠结呢,待会仔细看看
发表于 2011-11-21 12:41:59 | 只看该作者
1.Background Information:The plastic rings that hold six-packs of beverage cans together pose a threat to wild animals, which often become entangled in the discarded rings and suffocate as a result. Following our lead, all beverage companies will soon use only those rings consisting of a new plastic that disintegrates after only three days’ exposure to sunlight. Premise:we all complete the switch over from the old to the new plastic rings
Conclusion:the threat of suffocation that plastic rings pose to wild animals will be eliminated.

what happens in the three days before the plastic disintegrates???
(A) The switchover to the new plastic rings will take at least two more years to complete.
--"Once we all complete the switch over" --irrelevant
(B) After the beverage companies have switched over to the new plastic rings, a substantial number of the old plastic rings will persist
in most aquatic and woodland environments.
(C) The new plastic rings are slightly less expensive than the old rings.
--costs are irrelevant
(D) The new plastic rings rarely disintegrate during shipping of beverage six-packs because most trucks that transport canned beverages protect their cargo from sunlight.
--it's about wild animals,not about the shipping process--irrelevant
(E) The new plastic rings disintegrate into substances that are harmful to aquatic animals when ingested in substantial quantities by them.

--aquatic or terrestrial --not mentioned--irrelevant
正确思路~what to do with the old ones???~~~和我想的不一样啊
发表于 2011-11-21 13:49:08 | 只看该作者
55s - weaken
BG:The old ring of 6 pack can is a threat to wild animals.
Premise: A new plan is to switch the old ring to a new plastic ring which can be disintegrated when exposed to sunlight after 3 days.
Conclusion: If other company follow the new plan, the threat will be eliminated.   [Which threat? The threat of suffocation]
Prephase: the wild animals always are injuried by the old rings within 3 days after the rings are discarded.
          OR the new plastic ring contains other toxic substance after being distergrated.

2. 40s-Weaken
BG: There are sharks in the waters around the island. Tiger sharks feed on small sharks. Sometimes, tiger sharks attack tourists.
Premise: Tourism is the second largest industry. The largest one is the fishing industry.
Conclusion: in order to recover economy, they plan to kill the tiger sharks within a mile of the beach.
Prephase: The plan will affect the fishing industry.

(A) Even if not all the tiger sharks that come close to the beaches are killed, the existence of the program would reassure tourists.—support
(B) Business owners who depend on tourism are willing to pay most of the cost of implementing the program.irrelevant

(C) Tourists come to Tenare Island for its beaches, even though the island features a number of other tourist attractions.irrelevant
(D) The small sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commercially important to the island's fisheries.
(E) Not all tourists who come to Tenare Island enjoy swimming or surfing. irrelevant

Premise: E’s consumers seldom choose imported apples because they prefer the unique texture of local apples.
Conclusion: The neighboring country K plan to sell their apples at half the price of local apples.
Prephase: E’s consumers will not be attracted by the low price. OR they believe the low price mean the low quality.
(A) Most of the varieties of apples grown in Ertland were originally derived from common Kosolian varieties.——support
(B) Consumers in Ertland tend to spend about the same proportion of their income on fresh fruits and vegetables as do consumers in Kosolia.irrelevant
(C) At times in the past, Ertland has exported significant quantities of apples to Kosolia. irrelevant
(D) Some varieties of apples grown in Kosolia can be harvested throughout most of the year, whereas the varieties grown in Ertland can be harvested only during two months of the year. ——support
(E) Profiles of Ertland-grown apples are high enough in Ertland that growers, wholesalers, and retailers there could easily afford to reduce the price at which these apples are sold.——weaken
发表于 2011-11-21 14:06:26 | 只看该作者
今天又几道题不确定 但是排除法蒙对了
发表于 2011-11-21 16:26:18 | 只看该作者

P:old plastic rings out threat on the environment-->there is a new plastic rings that can degrade when exposing to the sunlight for three days.
C:the use of the new (no New)plastic rings will decrease[elimate] the harm to the wild animals.
weaken:most of the discarded plastic rings are buried in the soil.
(A) The switchover to the new plastic rings will take at least two more years to complete.[repeat the statement in the passage]
(B) After the beverage companies have switched over to the new plastic rings, a substantial number of the old plastic rings will persist
in most aquatic and woodland environments.[irrelevant with the place]【R】
(C) The new plastic rings are slightly less expensive than the old rings.[irrelevant with the cost]
(D) The new plastic rings rarely disintegrate during shipping of beverage six-packs because most trucks that transport canned
beverages protect their cargo from sunlight.[support]
(E) The new plastic rings disintegrate into substances that are harmful to aquatic animals when ingested in substantial
quantities by them.[R]【错了啊。。。读题读太快了,不仔细啊。。。还有就是单词啊。这题好阴险】

P:tiger shark sometimes feed on fish but sometimes will feed on people, this thing harm the tourism industry in the island-->the tourism industry is the second tax revenue source to its fishing industry.
C:The mayor decide to kill the tiger shark with one mile of the island.
ask:calls into question the likelihood that implementation of the mayor's proposal.?
kill the shark will enderger the fishing industry.A:
(A) Even if not all the tiger sharks that come close to the beaches are killed, the existence of the program would reassure tourists.-->not directly attack the proposal
(B) Business owners who depend on tourism are willing to pay most of the cost of implementing the program.-->irrelevant with the payment
(C) Tourists come to Tenare Island for its beaches, even though the island features a number of other tourist attractions.-->not directly attack the the -->not directly attack the proposal
(D) The small sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commercially important to the island's fisheries.-->R
(E) Not all tourists who come to Tenare Island enjoy swimming or surfing.-->same as C

P:Country E never import lots of apple,because its unique texture.-->Country K wants to sell its apple to E, because its apple is cheaper than the apple in E.
weaken this proposal: the people in E still prefer to buy the apple in E though the price already higher than apples imported.
(A) Most of the varieties of apples grown in Ertland were originally derived from common Kosolian varieties.-->irrelevant with the varieties.
(B) Consumers in Ertland tend to spend about the same proportion of their income on fresh fruits and vegetables as do consumers in Kosolia.-->irrelevant comparison.
(C) At times in the past, Ertland has exported significant quantities of apples to Kosolia.-->irrelevant with export to K.
(D) Some varieties of apples grown in Kosolia can be harvested throughout most of the year, whereas the varieties grown in Ertland can be harvested only during two months of the year.-->support
(E) Profiles of Ertland-grown apples are high enough in Ertland that growers, wholesalers, and retailers there could easily afford to reduce the price at which these apples are sold.-->R

P:someone propose change the entrance of the station from the main revenue to an other side of the road-->C:the new entrance will lead to high rent revenue from the retailer store in it and without any negative effects.
support:that change will not decrease the rent revenue of the old entrance retailer.
(A) More train commuters are employed in businesses located on Main Street than in businesses located on the adjoining side street.-->weaken
(B) A reliable survey of Flowertown's commuters showed that virtually none of them would use the train any less frequently if the station's entrance were moved.-->R.Reject the factors that may attack the proposal.
(C) The high-rent block of Flowertown's Main Street includes several buildings whose owners currently seek to replace long-standing tenants lost in recent months.-->weaken
(D) If the station's entrance were moved, the train company would need to begin costly renovations to its Main Street entrance space.-->weaken
(E) Ridership on Flowertown trains declined only slightly from 1970 to 1985 while other train companies lost large numbers of commuters.-->irrelevant with the companies

发表于 2011-11-21 16:53:40 | 只看该作者
1. Old rings put threat on wild animals

Because animal will entangle the rings and suffocate

New rings can disintegrate after 3 days exposure to sunlight

CONCLUSION: if all company use new rings, this threat will be eliminated

WEAKEN: animal usually entangle rings within 3 days OR there is insufficient sunlight

(A) The switchover to the new plastic rings willtake at least two more years to complete. IRRELEVANT to how long the rings will be switched completely

(B) After the beverage companies have switchedover to the new plastic rings, a substantialnumber of the old plastic rings will persistin most aquatic and woodland environments. CORRECT

(C) The new plastic rings are slightly lessexpensive than the old rings. IRRELEVANT to the costs

(D) The new plastic rings rarely disintegrateduring shipping of beverage six-packsbecause most trucks that transport cannedbeverages protect their cargo from sunlight. CANNOT COMPLETELY WEAKEN THIS ARGUMENT

(E) The new plastic rings disintegrate intosubstances that are harmful to aquaticanimals when ingested in substantialquantities by them. HERE WE TALKE ABOUT THE THREAT OF SUFFOCATION

2. Tiger shark attach tourist -> interfere the tourism industry -> tourism industry in second industry only surpassed by fishing industry

CONCLUSION: in order to help economy, tiger shark should be killed

WEAKEN: whether this program will affect the first industry, fishing industry.

(A) Even if not all the tiger sharks that come close to the beaches are killed, the existence of the program would reassure tourists. SUPPORT

(B) Business owners who depend on tourism are willing to pay most of the cost of implementing the program. SUPPORT

(C) Tourists come to Tenare Island for its beaches, even though the island features a number of other tourist attractions. SUPPORT

(D) The small sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commercially important to the island's fisheries. CORRECT, this program will affect the fishing industry

(E) Not all tourists who come to Tenare Island enjoy swimming or surfing. IRRELEVANT TO TOURISM TO REFERENCE. and maybe support the argument.

3. E never import any apples

Because people prefer E grown apples

K apple growers want to export apples to E, by selling K apples at half price of E apples

Weaken: Apple growers in K do not have price advantages; Apple growers in E can cut down E apple’s price easily

(A) Most of the varieties of apples grown in Ertland were originally derived from common Kosolian varieties. SUPPORT E apples were derived from K, and K apples are cheap.

(B) Consumers in Ertland tend to spend about the same proportion of their income on fresh fruits and vegetables as do consumers in Kosolia. Irrelevant

(C) At times in the past, Ertland has exported significant quantities of apples to Kosolia. SUPPORT

(D) Some varieties of apples grown in Kosolia can be harvested throughout most of the year, whereas the varieties grown in Ertland can be harvested only during two months of the year. SUPPORT E apples are not available during the whole year

(E) Profiles of Ertland-grown apples are high enough in Ertland that growers, wholesalers, and retailers there could easily afford to reduce the price at which these apples are sold. CORRECT

4. Moving station’s entrance from current location to low rent side street

Conclusion: train company could pay for renovation without negative impact on its tight budget

SUPPORT: the number of customer won’t reduce

(A) More train commuters are employed in businesses located on Main Street than in businesses located on the adjoining side street. WEAKEN

(B) A reliable survey of Flowertown's commuters showed that virtually none of them would use the train any less frequently if the station's entrance were moved. SUPPORT

(C) The high-rent block of Flowertown's Main Street includes several buildings whose owners currently seek to replace long-standing tenants lost in recent months. IRRELEVANT

(D) If the station's entrance were moved, the train company would need to begin costly renovations to its Main Street entrance space. WEAKEN costly renovations

(E) Ridership on Flowertown trains declined only slightly from 1970 to 1985 while other train companies lost large numbers of commuters. IRRELEVANT to this comparison

4. PZ1000 has fewest IPA of any car in its class

CONCLUSION: PZ1000 is the safest cars

GAP: what if all cars in the class, which PZ1000 belongs, have most IPA than other kinds of cars

(A) The Highway Traffic Safety Institute report listed many cars in other classes that had more injuries per accident than did the PZ 1000. SUPPORT

(B) In recent years many more PZ 1000s have been sold than have any other kind of car in its class. IRRELEVANT to how many PZ1000 are sold

(C) Cars in the class to which the PZ 1000 belongs are more likely to be involved in accidents than are other types of cars. CORRECT

(D) The difference between the number of injuries per accident for the PZ 1000 and that for other cars in its class is quite pronounced. IRRELEVANT

(E) The Highway Traffic Safety Institute issues reports only once a year. IRRELEVANT

发表于 2011-11-21 17:09:49 | 只看该作者
55s - weaken
BG:The old ring of 6 pack can is a threat to wild animals.
Premise: A new plan is to switch the old ring to a new plastic ring which can be disintegrated when exposed to sunlight after 3 days.
Conclusion: If other company follow the new plan, the threat will be eliminated.   [Which threat? The threat of suffocation]
Prephase: the wild animals always are injuried by the old rings within 3 days after the rings are discarded.
          OR the new plastic ring contains other toxic substance after being distergrated.

-- by 会员 winghyy (2011/11/21 13:49:08)

发表于 2011-11-21 20:02:20 | 只看该作者
Premise: all complete the switchover the new plastic rings
Conclusion: the threat of wild animals will be eliminated.
Logicnew plastic can disintegrates in three days =/= the threat will be eliminated
Infer: in the three days the wild animals will threat to wild animals.
A.无关。没有提及switchover 完成的时间。
B.无关没有提及old plastic 对环境的影响问题。关键点是new plastic降低对动物的威胁。
无关,没有提及价格的问题。 未分解所以不能降低threat 否定结论。
E.也是weaken 但是 aquatic animals =/= wild animals 所以没有D好。
Premise: the tiger sharks harmful the tourism industry. Tourism and fishing is important in annual revenues.
Conclusion: kill tiger sharks in order to help the economy
Logickill tiger help the tourism, and help the economy.
Infer: 1. kill tiger sharks whether is harmful the fishing
2.kill tiger sharks whether is beneficial to tourism industry.
A. support
B. 无关
C. 无关
D. bingothe tiger sharks is beneficial to the fishing.
E. 削弱不强烈。
premise: the consumers prefer the texture of ertland-grown apples.
Conclusion: neighbor country plan to sell their apples in low price.
Logic: low price=?=consumers will buy
Infer: consumers prefer the texture of Ertland-grown apples in some reason except price.
A. 无关。
B. 无关。
C. support
D. 无关
E. bingo Ertland apples can reduce the price.
premisethe train company move to the low-rent street.
Conclusion: the pay will be down, without negative impact on the buget.
Logiclow-rent street = reduce the cost.
Infer: low-rent street will not impact the income.
A. weaken.
B. weaken.
C. 无关
D. 无关
E. bingo 之前客源减少。现在客源稳定了。公司已经拥有最多的客户了。
premisePZ1000 has the fewest injuries per accident.
Conclusion: PZ1000 is one of the safest cars.
Logic: fewest injuries = safest
Infer: 1. PZ1000’s accident is not serious.
2. the number of statistics is very small.
A. support
B. support
C. 无关
D. 无关。
E. bingo 只是一年的统计不能推断出PZ是最安全的汽车之一。
发表于 2011-11-21 21:30:03 | 只看该作者
我发的这个分析方式,OK么? 做题思路OK么? 求指导。
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