首先题目是Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?这里用的是is而不是 may be
E 引入了一个新的概念"biological activity in the oceans" 如果e正确的话,那如果再有一个选项如(随便瞎说一个)“降雨没有大量增加海水中的盐分的含量”,是否也是正确的呢?或者再把e改改,不是"used up"而是"a large portion of salt were used"是否也是一个假设呢?
再把目光转回到A,"The quantities of dissolved salts deposited by rivers in the Earth’s oceans during the past hundred years"正是文章中计算的直接参数,试想如果直接参数不具有代表性,结果又如何能够准确呢?既然文中肯定了这种计算方法可以accurately estimate the maximum age of the Earth’s oceans,那就是假设了"The quantities of dissolved salts deposited by rivers in the Earth’s oceans during the past hundred years"是有代表性的。
虽然有的朋友指出A 只说了“不过多”而没说“不过少”,但显然“不过多”也是假设的一个方面。
好了,论述完毕。再偷偷地说,50楼MM的说法,偶也是欣赏的。至少在拿不准的情况下,也有个倾向性的选择。 |