这道题很有意思. 社论作者的argument是什么? This action (of denying inmates the access to college-level courses) is clearly counter to the governor’s ultimate goal (of reducing the crime rate). 支持的逻辑是什么? After being released form prison, inmates who had taken such courses committed far fewer crimes overall than other inmates -> Such courses can reduce crime rate -> denying access to such courses runs counter to the goal of reducing crime rate 问题是什么是假设, 注意, 问的是假设, 不是加强. 现在看A: Not being able to take college-level courses while in prison is unlikely to deter anyone from a crime that he or she might otherwise have committed. 潜在的罪犯, 即乖诩嘤?锊荒苌涎? 也不会打消犯罪的念头. A的重点是不让念书不能阻止人走上犯罪的道路, 从而不能降低犯罪率. 再看C: The group of inmates who chose to take college-level courses were not already less likely than other inmates to commit crimes after being released. 监狱里那些读书的犯人, 如果不读书的话, 出狱后再犯的可能性不比其他的刑满释放者小. C的重点是读书的犯人和不读书的犯人, 如果都不读书的话, 出狱后重犯的可能性是大致相同的. 从逻辑上讲, A和C都指向一个结论, 州长的措施不能降低犯罪率. 现在看A和C哪个是第二段里那段逻辑的假设, 很明显是C, 监狱里那些读书的犯人, 如果不读书的话, 出狱后再犯的可能性不比其他的刑满释放者小; 又知读书的犯人出狱后再犯的可能性确实比其他的刑满释放者小, 所以读书降低犯罪率, 所以不让读书不能降低犯罪率. A相对这段逻辑无关, 虽然可以得出同样的结论, 但是按ETS出题的用意, assumption是相对于line of reasoning来讲的, 与LoR相关的是才ETS-intended answer. 现在如果把题目改一下: Which of the following, if true, most strengtherns the argument of the editorial? 则A, C全对. 如果C为真, 不让念书会增加刑满施放者犯罪的可能, 从而不能使犯罪率下降; 另一方面, 如果A为真, 则不让念书不能阻止人犯罪, 从而不能使犯罪率下降; 两个都可以strengthern the argument. 那改过以后的区别在哪里? 如果问assumption, 必定和推理过程有关, 与推理过程无关者(如A)错; 若问strengthern, 可以加强推理过程(如C), 也可以用另外的推理(如A)来加强结论, 这个另外的推理可以与原推理无关.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-30 12:50:19编辑过] |