这些问题比较基本,但很实用。我去年面试时,就是用它才弥补了我很挫英语,并且压上了80%的问题。很幸运是不,幸运是给有准备的人,对吧。 Interview detailsJanuary 09, 2010, at 04:00 PMRadisson Hotel Shanghai New World 88 Nanjing Road (w) Shanghai, CHINA +83 21 63599999
Preparation 打印 resume 2份名片正装看一遍essay准备常规问题1.Go through your resume 2. Why MBA3. short-term long-term career goal4Why now5. Why Carey What's the specialization you want to pursue. Why? fit,Supply Chain Management is famous
close-knit community& small class
6. Tough team member
6. Tough team member 7。which MBA program you apply. why you choose them, how will you choose if all admit you?8。greatest and worst team experience9. leadership example10 Your question to us?11.Have you ever met any difficult client? How did you handle? 12 What's your top five skills?weakness
希望你们把每个问题的答案用英文写出来,多找人mock interview ,应该会有帮助的。
-- by 会员 benpiao (2011/1/13 11:46:33)