啊? 我以为是HK的hours最长呢... 美国人装B? 怎么解释啊? -- by 会员 开山怪 (2010/5/16 15:26:48)
From what I have seen, in HK, it's accepted that junior people will work insane hours and meet impossible deadlines, so management doesn't try to sugarcoat their requests. But in the U.S., there's a tendency to be more "pc" (politically correct), so senior people often pretend to be nice and respectful when their demands are anything but. For example:A MD calls you Friday night and lets you know that he wants the 60-pg book done by Monday morning:In HK, he would just call you and tell you as such.In the U.S., he may say stuff like "Oh please don't spend your entire weekend on this. Just need a few pages by Monday", then proceed to list out contents that you both know will take 60 pgs.Both are pretty bad. But when senior people are pretending to be nice, often times you don't even get the credit for your hard work. e.g. If you told him you worked all weekend, he'd just say "Oh but I TOLD you not to do that...", as if it's your own fault for being slow, haha.  retty funny stuff in retrospect, but not so funny when you are going through it. -- by 会员 REgirl07 (2010/5/18 2:28:48)
haha, very true. One of the most frequently used lies in banking is like this: MD (Friday afternoon 4:30pm before he leaves for the week): ...yeah don't spend too much time on this, I dont' want to ruin your wkend/holiday/event/dinner/don't want you to stay pass midnight...I just need it (60 pages + three full-blown models, etc.) first thing in the morning/next Monday... Or the VP/D: ...yeah don't spend too much time on the model, just use a mini-merger, but build in the debt schedule and cash flow to get the interest expenses (means a full model)...yeah sure just use one research report, but make sure it's close to consensus and makes sense (means you still need to go through a few different reports)...shouldn't take more than two hours... -- by 会员 携隐 (2010/5/18 2:52:30)
谢谢两位美女姐姐,描述的很生动啊~~~~~确实,我最近也发现了HK人真是非常直接,而米国人一般是心里一套,表现出的是另一套,还挺可怕的,不过这还应该是做投行甚至金融等的美国人的特点吧?不知普通米国大众是否表里如一啊=。= |