“The claim about quality made above rests on a questionable presupposition that” 我一直在想问什么问题中出现questionable这个词,其实去掉这个词对本文推理过程并无影响,只是应为这个presupposition与常识(有些flaws不会构成bottlenecks)不符,所以才questionable.
我也觉得这是道假设题,而不是flaw,而且正确选项其实只要前半句any flaw in work on a product would cause a bottleneck or delay 就可以了,后半句and so would be prevented防止 from occurring on a “fast cycle” production line其实是起迷惑作用的
not A unless B表达为:A→B,文中表达即瓶颈和延误消失→所有的工作都在第一时间做对,
非B→非A,既没有做对→有瓶颈和延误,是正确答案的改写:any flaw in work →bottleneck or delay
文章中所给出的导致结论的条件是:“The reason is that the bottlenecks and delays cannot be eliminated unless all work is done right the first time”
简单地说,就是all work is done right the first time 是bottlenecks and delays can be eliminated的必要条件。没有all work is done right the first time ,则必不行;但是有了all work is done right the first time ,也不一定推出bottlenecks and delays can be eliminated。
也就是说,只有必要条件是不足以推出bottlenecks and delays can be eliminated的 ,必须令这个条件成为唯一条件,才能确定推出bottlenecks and delays can be eliminated。
因此选项给出的“any flaw (in work on a product) would cause a bottleneck or delay ........"任何错误将导致bottleneck or delay并会被fast cycle production line 来prevent from occuring。 因此,这个选项就是将可以导致bottleneck and delays的条件(除了“all work is done right the first time”外)全部包括进里面,而且全部可以给prevent from occuring。从而使得推导完整。