91.[Main Idea] HI invented an accurate product HCA to grade honey's color which is very improtant to beekeepers. But the product has small market, and even worse, there is a risk that the whole industry might be destroied by the invasion of Vm.
P1-P3: Raise the problem: How to determine honey's color?
P4-P11: Present the solution: HI's HCA.
P4-P5: HI invented HCA.
P6-P7: Why need an accurate machine?
P8-P10: How does HCA work?
P11-P13: The Problems: Small market; invasion of Vm.
P11: What's the market-troblem?
P12: What's the industrial problem?
P13: The near future.
[Each Paragraph]
P1: The honey sold in the bottles has different color to the raw's.
P2: Honey's color is important to beekeepers.
P3: Beekeeper has argument with middleman about the color.
P4: HI invented HCA to grade honey's color.
P5: HCA use the tool Pf which determined by how many mm that spots deviates.
P6: Eyeball judgments are not reliable.(So we need accurate machine.)
P7: BM thinks that two person may have different grades for the same sample.
P8: HAC is similar to HI's other products which are used to measure the PH level of wine or the chlorine of water.
P9: Pf is basically a photometer.
P10: HCA use software, and Pf grades are accurate within 2mm.
P11: HCA's market is narrow.
P12: HCA cannot solve the problom of the invasion of Vm.
P13: Pf grade might not be the primary concern for beekeepers in the near future.