P1 introduce an analyzer to distinguish coffee
P2 the challenge to analyze coffee
--more than 1000 compounds
--traditonal methods
--gas chro+spectrometry ×
Electreonic noses ×
P3 refined electronic nose approach
--dyes interact with chemicals
P4 details of the nose approach
--each mixture different colour
P5 --significance of the new approach
--tell difference of coffee
• Analyzer: distinguish coffee
○ Different brands and temperatures
○ help growers
• Challenge
○ Aroma change with temperature and time
○ Traditional methods:
§ Chemical analysis:× similar compounds
§ Electronic noses: same drawbacks
• New study: use dyes
○ Pigments: chemical classes
§ e.g. Metallo, PH, and molecules
○ Dye+ coffee : a pattern of colors
§ Like a fingerprint
□ Not information: individual compounds
□ Tell differences: roasting and coffees
® Growers: analyze problems
P1 analyzer
- Distinguish brands
- Tell apart beans(temp/times)
- Determine good or bad
P2 previous way to analyze
- Challenge: 1000+compouds
- Traditional methods>>hard to distinguish similar compounds
- Elec nose/dyes/sensor>>change color >> same drawbacks
P3 refine elec nose
- Dyes interact strongly with [other] chems>>more specific
- 36dyes
- Compounds interact with dyes>>colors
- Various coffees>>unique color patterns
- NO infor about the individual compounds
- [important] tell between different roastings/coffees
- Quickly/cheaply analyze problems