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楼主 |
发表于 2022-4-26 16:08:26
25. 2022 Tuck面经
1. 有一个问题是what’s the strangest conversation you’ve had with your team. 这个问题不太明白出题人想了解什么
why tuck career goal
how do you solve a problem
Strengthens and weakened
2. 刚刚面完Tuck,面试的二年级小哥哥非常友好,全程鼓励你说自己的故事,问题也不难,后面面试的小伙伴加油,不要紧张,就像是和朋友聊天一样
1. Walk me through your resume. He dive deep into one of my project. What are the main challenge in that project?
2. Tell me a time when you failed.
3. What motivated you in choosing your undergraduate major (Chemical Engineering)?
4. Why oil and gas in your current career?
5. What is your biggest accomplishment? You could talk about personal accomplishment, not only in work setting.
6. Why MBA? Why now?
7. How would Tuck help to enhance the skills? What specific courses you would like to take?
8. What is your short-term and long-term goal?
9. Tell me a time when you first working in a project? What challenges did you face? What did you learn?
1. Introduce yourself and walk through the resume.
2. What’s your daily work.
3. Why MBA.
4.Why tuck are different from others
5.Why tuck can help you achieve your career goal
6. A time, team has disagreement.
7. How will your boss describe you.
8.what is ur shortcoming and how did you overcome it
9.Big achievement.
11.What kind of learner.
12 anything to add
刚面完!感觉面官就是对着一个question list很机械地在提问[微笑]
1. Introduce yourself and walk through the resume.
2. Why MBA
3. Why tuck is different from others
4. How would your colleague describe your strengths and weaknesses
5. Handle conflict
6. Most proud
7. A failure
8. A leader you admire most
9. An interesting thing you've learned recently
10. any questions for me
1. Tell me about yourself and walk me through my resume
2. Why MBA?
3. Long & short term goal
4. Why tuck is a good fit?
5. What kind of legacy you want to leave at Tuck?
6. Tell me a time you solved a conflict
7. A leader you admire
8. Your strengths and weaknesses
9. Biggest achievement
我的面试问题:总体比较conversational,面试官也有follow up questions
1. Tell me about yourself and walk me through my resume
2. Why MBA?
3. Long & short term goal
4. Why tuck is a good fit?
5. What kind of legacy you want to leave at Tuck?
6. Tell me a time you solved a conflict
7. Your strengths
8. Biggest achievement
9. add questions
问题确实挺难的呢。我的面试官一个举例子的问题都没有问,唯一的behavioural question是weakness和strength
1, Tell me about yourself/walk me through your resume;
2, 具体问了一下我现在做的是什么
3, LT/ST goals
4, Why MBA?
5, Why Tuck?
6, A time you deliver a bad news to others(peer or supervisor)
7, A challenge that you proactively seek to do
8, Challenging team member
9, Any other things you want me to know
10, questions for me
还有一个问了我的career transitions, why I chose my current job
我面了50mins, 她上来就说我们要spend 45-60mins, 我问完三个问题,她也没有要停止我,所以我就问了第四个
我的是2年级的学生,总体感觉还是蛮好的,有互动我也感觉她又听,因为问的follow up questions也跟我说的relate, 然后我有不清楚她的问题得我也直接问她也会elaborate
Ice breaking
1, walk through resume
2, why MBA
3, why Tuck
4, career goal
5, biggest achievement
6, follow up: how to overcome challenge
7, failure
8, one time you do something beyond your job responsibility
9, deal with conflicts with manager
10, any other thing would like to let me know
1, walk through resume
2, why MBA
3, why Tuck
4, career goal/S+L
5, biggest achievement
6, constructive feedback from your manager or colleague
7、contribution to tuck
8, How do you help other grow in your team
9, one thing you want me to tell admission committee about you
10, Q&A
我也刚面完了,问题和之前大家提供的差不多,有一个新的问题是关于ethical dilemma的,如果还有没有面试的小伙伴可以准备一下 这个问题
面完了~二年级校友非常nice~其他问题面经里都有了,有一个新的问题 是过去两年对自己有啥认识
刚面完,没有walk thru resume,问了what motivates you to wake up in the morning, why undergrads major, why now, 还有之前的一些大家分享的问题
what motivates you to wake up in the morning
我是一位前奥运参赛选手面试我的 非常的 Nice 其他的都差不多 有两个题目是你怎么Mentor别人 以及 你从Peer哪儿学到了啥
我也面完了,基本都是常见问题,其中有一个talk about an effective team/一个是如果你是你现在公司的ceo你会怎么做