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[SC总结] Richard 770 语法解题方法答疑

发表于 2017-9-2 21:47:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
积累语法点 - 这个大家都在做,我就不多说了。但是除这个以外还有很多重要的东西

  • 第一遍快速看懂题干句意,不看语法细节。如果提干错误,大致猜测提干句意。

    • 把句子分解。读出句子主干(主谓宾)。修饰成分,尤其长的修饰成分,要看出来,但精力上跳过。注意力集中在主干上理解句意。

  • 第二遍读提干,慢点,集中精力找在IMPACTS类别上的错误,或者看到自己很有把握的错误。IMPACTS类别介绍在下面。

    • 敏感注意IMPACTS中考核成分。主谓找到后,检查一致性。有指代词,检查指代的是哪部分,是否正确。如果有比较,敏感,看比较的是哪两个事物。

  • 开始看选项。包括提干看到的错误在内,用自己有把握的错误做排除点。

    • 不要用自己没看过的语法做排除点。你没看过并不代表错误。例如倒装使用。而要用自己看过,熟悉,看出来的有把握的语法点排除。
    • 不要用自己没有把握的语法点做排除点。看到一个可能的语法错误时,心里要对它有个估分,要找自己最有把握的排除点。
    • IMPACTS 类别错误,逻辑意义,指代,单复数,对比等都是可靠性很高的排除点,如果你正确看出来了的话。尽量先用这些点排除
    • 一般可能有3-4个排除点,可能2个就可以解出题来,所以一定要找对自己最优最熟悉的排除点来解题,减少错误率。
IMPACTS 简介(参照Veritas Prep材料)
I- Illogical Meaning
句意逻辑错误。这个不是某个具体的语法点,但是很重要, OG中答案解释可以经常看到。可以这么理解:
Illogical Meaning的理解很重要。语法考试只是一个手段,这里GMAT考核的重点是考生是否具备能力用英文语言严谨地书写表达。不过它不好在写作中考核,而是用改错来考。
- Modifier 修饰成分 - 一般修饰前后紧跟部分。目标- 要看清这部分是修饰,修饰的是什么。
P- Pronouns -- 指代 it, its, they, their 等。目标- 要看清指代的是什么。
A- Agreement(Subject-Verb) -- 主谓一致。难度 - 当主谓分开很远时,有时还会主谓倒装。
C- Comparisons -- 各种比较,对比,类比。目标 - 看清句中比较的是什么,从逻辑句意上考核正确与否。时常难句比较的不是两个简单的主语,而是句子上的比较。
T- Tense -- 时态。目标 - 看清句中发生的几件事,从逻辑上用时间线去判断时态。举例,如果1在过去发生,2从逻辑上是在1之前完成,2就得用过去完成时。这时用这个时态,作者就是要写出这个时间上的逻辑关系
举例 - After meeting with Bill, John realized that he hadforgotten to give him the proposal.  逻辑上说,忘记forgot是在realized之前的,应该用过去完成时。
S- Sentence Construction - 句式结构。目标 - 把句子解析开。多句子(多成分)情况,在逻辑上看清句子或成分间是什么关系。如果联句,一定要有各类关系联接词(and, however, therefore) 。或者不是句子,而是修饰成分(动名词ing)
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-2 22:06:36 | 只看该作者
OG18 83

Unlike the buildings in Mesopotamian cities, which were arranged haphazardly, the same basic plan was followed for all cities of the Indus Valley: with houses laid out on a north-south, east-west grid, and houses and walls were built of standard-size bricks.

A) the buildings in Mesopotamian cities, which were arranged haphazardly, the same basic plan was followed for all cities of the Indus Valley: with houses
B) the buildings in Mesopotamian cities, which were haphazard in arrangement, the same basic plan was used in all cities of the Indus Valley: houses were
C) the arrangement of buildings in Mesopotamian cities, which were haphazard, the cities of the Indus Valley all followed the same basic plan: houses
D) Mesopotamian cities, in which buildings were arranged haphazardly, the cities of the Indus Valley all followed the same basic plan: houses were
E) Mesopotamian cities, which had buildings that were arranged haphazardly, the same basic plan was used for all cities in the Indus Valley: houses that were

1) 先读懂句子大致意思。

2) 把句子分解。读出句子主干(主谓宾)。修饰成分,尤其长的修饰成分,要看出来,但精力上跳过。注意力集中在主干上理解句意。

Unlike the buildings in Mesopotamian cities, which were arranged haphazardly, the same basic plan was followed for all cities of the Indus Valley: with houses laid out on a north-south, east-west grid, and houses and walls were built of standard-size bricks.
主干 the same basic plan was followed for all cities of the Indus Valley.

3) 敏感注意IMPACTS中考核成分。主谓找到后,检查一致性。有指代词,检查指代的是哪部分,是否正确。如果有比较,敏感,看比较的是哪两个事物。
Unlike 提醒我们有比较。那原句比较的是什么呢?which were arranged haphazardly, 部分修饰前面,可以跳过, 变成
Unlike the buildings in Mesopotamian cities, the same basic plan was
Unlike X.., Y was
所以比较的是buildings 和 plan.  错误

4) 找答案分水岭(Decision Point)来排除.
A - 比较错误 buildings vs plan
B - 比较错误 buildings vs plan
the buildings in Mesopotamian cities, which were haphazard in arrangement, the same basic plan was used in all cities of the Indus Valley: houses were
C - 比较错误 arrangement vs cities
the arrangement of buildings in Mesopotamian cities, which were haphazard, the cities of the Indus Valley all followed the same basic plan: houses
E - 比较错误 cities vs plan
Mesopotamian cities, which had buildings that were arranged haphazardly, the same basic plan was used for all cities in the Indus Valley: houses that were
D - 正确
Unlike Mesopotamian cities, in which buildings were arranged haphazardly, the cities of the Indus Valley all followed the same basic plan: houses were laid out on a north-south, east-west grid, and houses and walls were built of standard-size bricks.
 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-4 00:14:54 | 只看该作者
The company manual specifically outlines rules foremployees about contacting managers while they are out of the office onvacation or for personal reasons.
(A)   foremployees about contacting managers while they are out of the office onvacation or for personal reasons.  
(B)   foremployees about contacting their managers out of the office on vacation or forpersonal reasons.  
(C)   foremployees about contacting managers who are out of the office on vacation orfor personal reasons.  
(D)   foremployees about contacting managers who are out of their office on vacation orfor personal reasons.
(E)    foremployees about contacting managers if they are out of their office on vacationor for personal reasons.

1) 先读懂句子大致意思。

2) 把句子分解。读出句子主干(主谓宾)。修饰成分,尤其长的修饰成分,要看出来,但精力上跳过。注意力集中在主干上理解句意。
3) 敏感注意IMPACTS中考核成分。主谓找到后,检查一致性。有指代词,检查指代的是哪部分,是否正确。如果有比较,敏感,看比较的是哪两个事物。

4) 找答案分水岭(Decision Point)来排除.
结合答案看,they 的指代是个分水岭
A-    for employees about contacting managers while they are out of the office on vacation or for personal reasons.
E- for employees about contacting managers if they are out of their office on vacation or for personal reasons.
they 不是很清楚指employees 还是 managers。

B-  for employees about contacting their managers out of the office on vacation or for personal reasons.
类似,out of the office不是很清楚employees 还是 managers。

C- for employees about contacting managers who are out of the office on vacation or for personal reasons.
Who... 修饰之前紧挨的名词managers. 清楚

D- for employees about contacting managers who are out of their office on vacation or for personal reasons.
和C对比,D 用out of their office。  带来歧义。their office? 谁的office, employee 还是managers?  
缺勤out of the office (OOTO) 是个惯用词组。同样思路也可以理解为什么英文中不说out of my office.  因为逻辑上就是我不上班,the office泛指,已经清楚表达,
特指my office反而多余。
发表于 2017-9-6 23:48:47 | 只看该作者
Although Alice Walker published a number of essays, poetry collections, and stories during the 1970s, her third novel, The Color Purple, which was published in 1982, brought her the widest acclaim in that it won both the National Book Award as well as the Pulitzer Prize.

(A) which was published in 1982, brought her the widest acclaim in that it won both the National Book Award as well as the Pulitzer Prize
(B) published in 1982, bringing her the widest acclaim by winning both the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize
(C) published in 1982, brought her the widest acclaim, winning both the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize
(D) was published in 1982 and which, winning both the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize, brought her the widest acclaim
(E) was published in 1982, winning both the National Book Award as well as the Pulitzer Prize, and bringing her the widest acclaim


這個句子簡化後:Although....., her third novel, The Color Purple, published in 1982, brought her the widest acclaim, winning....

her third novel為主詞,
The Color Purple,中間插入一個
接下來理應要皆動詞, 可是卻再接一個 published in 1982 插入句,


因為以往S,插入句, V 插入句後應該要馬上接動詞才是
老實說我一開始選D, 因為我覺得ABC沒有馬上接動詞, 就先被我排除了

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-7 09:50:37 | 只看该作者
ai559031 发表于 2017-9-6 23:48
Although Alice Walker published a number  ...


her third novel...
谓语:brought her the widest acclaim 或者 won both awards

A 读过去,in that it ... 不顺口,保留
B 错,没有谓语 her third novel.. bringing..

C The Color Purple 是同位语,指代her third novel。published in 1982 修饰它没有问题。
her third novel..brought her the widest acclaim, winning both the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize
是正确的写法。winning... 用动名词成分修饰指代这件事 - it brought her the wildest acclaim.
动名词成分修饰 有点像一个wild card, 可以很灵活使用,表达语义。只要大概合理,应该都可以接受。

D 错。句子主干变化,her third novel was published in 1982 逻辑表达不如C写法合理。作者逻辑想表达的不是这本书何时出版,而是它给AW 带来什么影响。and which 也错。
E 同D错。句子主干变化后,把逻辑上应该表达的重点变成修饰成分了。E和C比,就是逻辑错误。看明白作者想说的逻辑意思,就不能像E这么表达。

her third novel, The Color Purple, published in 1982, brought her the widest acclaim, winning both the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize

这里也可以看到修饰成分没用(which was) published in 1982.  这是一个常用的省略,因为没有任何歧义的可能,which was 就显得多余了。其实长句看懂意思,看清句子结构后,比较好做。答案中的分水岭也比较明显,好比较。相反,一些较短的句子,答案,可能就考一些词组或用法点,相应会更难排除,也没有规律。所以应该努力把长句用思路做好。
发表于 2017-9-7 10:24:51 | 只看该作者
RichardVeritas 发表于 2017-9-7 09:50


我之前一直非常糾結 主詞,同位語, 後面應該要馬上接動詞才對
1. 句首同位語:同位語, S+V+O ;
A novelist who turned away from literary realism to write romantic stories about the peasant life and landscape of northern Sweden, Selma Lagerlöf became in 1909 the first woman and also the first Swedish writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

2. 句中同位語: S,同位語, V+O;
First discovered more than 30 years ago, Lina's sunbird, a four-and-a-half-inch animal found in the Phillipines and resembling a hummingbird, has shimmering metallic colors on its head; a brilliant orange patch, bordered with red tufts, in the center of its breast; and a red eye.

3. 句尾同位語:S+V+O, 同位語;
The nineteenth-century chemist Humphry Davy presented the results of his early experiments in his "Essay on Heat and Light," a critique of all chemistry since Robert Boyle as well as a vision of a new chemistry that Davy hoped to found.

S, appositive (同位語), modifier, V 這樣可以視為一個完整的句子,而非fragment


这里也可以看到修饰成分没用(which was) published in 1982.  这是一个常用的省略,因为没有任何歧义的可能,which was 就显得多余了。

就是現在我因為經由網路搜尋解釋還有你的解說已經理解published in 1982是修飾語
但是我想請問有什麼特定的規則可以分辨這是做分詞當修飾語 還是 當動詞嗎


 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-7 22:24:42 | 只看该作者
ai559031 发表于 2017-9-7 10:24
我之前一直非常糾結 主詞,同位語, 後面應該要馬上接動詞才對
在我自己的認知裡,會覺得同位語結構分為下列 ...

1. 我看你想通过看过的句子总结,可以。但是根本上来说,语言是用来表达事物逻辑的。如果句子读起来没有歧义,清楚看出同位语指代的部分,和修饰成分修饰的部分,那即使没见过这样的句子结构也不应该立刻排除,除非你找到一个明显好的写法。
which, who 等都应该紧跟被修饰部分。
动名词修饰, 可以很灵活,主要看语义理解。
当然被指代的部分, 或同位语, 都可能被加上修饰的成分。GMAT尤其喜欢这么做,这样可以把句子加长,让考生不容易看清句子结构,看清主干主谓之类。这样就好出主谓一致,指代词错误,修饰成分放错位置之类的错误选项混淆。
要训练跳过或省去修饰成分,提取主干的能力。Veritas Prep材料中对这个也有介绍和训练。

这里容易,你想主语是novel, 是被published,所以published不可能是动词。写全就是(which was) published in 1982。只能是修饰语。

学习要经常琢磨,see the forest from the trees, 琢磨理解了,就变成你自己的东西了。

发表于 2017-9-7 23:04:30 | 只看该作者
RichardVeritas 发表于 2017-9-7 22:24
1. 我看你想通过看过的句子总结,可以。但是根本上来说,语言是用来表达事物 ...

发表于 2017-9-17 11:18:23 | 只看该作者

请教下,A 里面的compare 比对了吗?
因为我一直认为compare with/to 后面是要加上直接数据的。  这个是时间跟时间比了。


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发表于 2017-9-17 20:02:42 | 只看该作者
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