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香港大学 HKU 经管学院 新课程招生发布会 - 在线(12/16 17 19) steven 昨天 19:54 086
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全局置顶 ChaseDream GMAT精品培训 招生中 - 你的GMAT终点站 attach_img  ...23456..30 steven 2012-7-4 2981220316
全局置顶 ChaseDream Workshop Mentor团队招募(MBA&Master)  ...23456..16 Zeros 2010-5-25 1501114900
本杰明·格雷厄姆 《证券分析》 attachment  ...23 泾渭不凡 2012-10-7 2013465
★ TOEIC考试官方指南(英文PDF版) attachment  ...23456..28 LeELoO 2004-7-12 27929405
回馈CD之一“Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Restructuring Activities” attachment digest heatlevel  ...23456..66 Marilyn_love 2011-8-16 65691043
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分享好书:Working Identity: Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career 新人帖 heatlevel  ...23456..32 TaTa_SH 2014-5-6 31168169
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英文版的The Ten-day MBA,与大家分享 attachment  ...23456..9 sshfb 2011-4-17 8143111
耶鲁领袖训练大讲义 attachment  ...23 amadis2009 2009-12-15 2134916
[下载]Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (Frank K. Reilly 7th E 英文原版) CF attachment  ...23456..38 aidm 2005-10-21 37890947
[分享]Excel教程(动画版) attachment  ...23456..11 leeyanli100 2007-4-3 10658273
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GE管理方法 attachment  ...234 胡不归 2004-6-20 3017880
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麦肯锡-思考企业问题的方法 attachment  ...2345 胡不归 2004-6-20 4034381
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[下载]The Real Warren Buffett (James O'Loughlin 英文原版PDF) attachment  ...23456..12 aidm 2005-12-28 11846329
[下载]EXCEL公式用法(12M)  ...23456..287 Zeros 2003-7-4 2868177721
Thinking in system 好书推荐 attach_img 问答者你好吗 2017-11-17 520119
[下载]时间管理合集——回报CD attachment  ...23456..15 ahlong 2004-12-23 14725578
(下载)直通全球顶尖商学院PDF attachment  ...23456..22 crazytiger 2010-8-19 21674090
[下载]Winning (Jack Welch & Suzy Welch 英文原版PDF) attachment  ...23456..13 aidm 2005-12-28 12648245
A Guide to Modern Econometrics, Verbeek attachment  ...23456..8 goldenbin 2003-12-16 7625890
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Univ of Pittsburgh MQE Program interviews Beijing Dec 19-21 smischler 2019-12-10 09267
Mindset_ The New Psychology of - Carol Dweck 新人帖 attachment menhe 2017-1-8 115735
[下载]The McKinsey Mind-Understanding and Implementing the Problem-Solving Tools a attachment  ...2345 caicaizifore 2007-6-4 4127763
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看看别人麦肯希是“How to Write a Biz Plan“‘ attachment  ...23456..95 wsxx123 2006-2-27 945116477
《上市公司财务分析》 attachment  ...23456..7 fairsi 2006-6-16 6340580
[英]阿瑟·刘易斯--<经济增长理论> attachment  ...23456..34 LeELoO 2003-11-12 33455553
英文版 Difficult Conversations与大家分享 attachment  ...23 sshfb 2011-9-8 2932565
[推荐]两本英文电子书籍(下载后,请回复一下) attachment  ...23456..36 gsmdreamer27 2005-1-10 35077354
英文小说—BJ单身日记 attachment  ...2 sarahtian 2009-12-20 1026992
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跪求Joyce S Osland的Organizational Behavivor 新人帖 attach_img swordfish1 2019-7-9 120624
series 7 资料 新人帖 CDxiaoxiao 2019-7-7 020644
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哪里有下载Thinking statistically,作者是Uri bram Iridac 2019-2-18 018299
[下载]Investments (Zvi Bodie et. al. 5th E 英文原版) 绝对经典 attachment  ...23456..37 aidm 2005-10-19 36470864
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宏观经济学问题求助 attach_img zhunaozi 2018-11-6 020481
[求书]:Vault Guide to Advanced Finance & Quantitative Interviews yizhangyi 2007-2-27 121405
求The Vault Guide to Advanced and Quantitative Finance Interviews!!! oicit 2005-12-9 421741
[下载]Corporate Finance (Stephen A. Ross 6th E 英文原版) 绝对经典 attachment  ...23456..49 aidm 2005-12-4 481103838
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求hbr文章 meetall725 2018-6-26 020307
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Chicage U著名金融学家Fama的两本金融教材! attachment  ...23456..26 goldenbin 2004-1-9 25869313
Adam Smith - The Wealth of Nations attachment  ...2 泾渭不凡 2012-10-8 1224017
【目录】CD书架:经济/管理书坊书目汇总  ...23456..33 lavie 2004-8-6 325117274
[下载]Financial Risk Manager Handbook (Philippe Jorion 2nd E 英文原版) FRM指定教材 attachment  ...23456..14 aidm 2005-10-26 13851472
[推荐]哈默尔&普哈拉《竞争大未来》  ...234 Zeros 2003-8-11 3532460
《金融心理学--掌握市场波动的真谛》 attachment  ...23 teresa17 2011-1-18 2433818
The McKinsey Way - Ethan Rasiel attachment menhe 2017-1-8 221041


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