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版主: lavie
[下载][推荐]新东方徐小平《骑驴找马——职业发展路线图》 attachment  ...2 chain2612 2005-8-28 1624838
常用的数据库?? dora0624 2012-10-28 315304
经济学网站 新人帖 zhou5367 2014-6-9 113417
[分享]Excel.2003函数应用手册 attachment  ...23456..7 pumpkin 2006-6-26 6030104
寻书: Awesomely Simple attach_img godfathersxy 2017-6-30 012790
[下载]审计一家言 attachment  ...23 御风行 2006-4-17 2019513
重发:Marketing Research 2nd edition  ...23456..8 olive0503 2006-9-11 7825651
[下载]Principles of Corporate Finance (Richard A. Brealey 7th E 2003.07 英文原版) 绝对经典 attachment  ...23456..14 aidm 2008-1-27 13152386
[下载]Project Management Nation.pdf attachment  ...23456..10 sweet_libra 2004-12-6 9222372
The Road to Character - David Brooks attachment menhe 2017-1-8 08283
Grit_ The Power of Passion and - Angela Duckworth attachment menhe 2017-1-8 04653
读哪些书?  ...23 inspire 2003-4-16 2114574
[分享]英文商务电子书(不断更新)  ...2 tony_gao77 2008-4-1 115231
[下载]The Portable MBA in Finance and Accounting (John Leslie Livingstone 3rd E 英文 attachment  ...23456..16 aidm 2005-12-4 15428261
[求助]谁还有这本书《Marketing Research: Within a Changing Information Environment 》的PDF版? cathy0929 2007-3-23 63513
[分享]一些财务管理学资料--2 attachment  ...23456..29 Beer 2004-12-14 28932777
[推荐]超多pdf书籍下载  ...23 lmlb 2007-6-17 219016
harvard business review 03 2007 attachment  ...2 pupuicc 2007-3-20 175124
推荐一个佛学EBOOK下载站  ...2 玺辰 2005-7-18 124135
[分享]哈佛商业评论英文版2006年4月期  ...2 olive0503 2006-4-22 103885
北京大学CEO内部班教材 attachment  ...2 Mia大猫 2013-4-29 115872
Vault career guide to Middle Market and Investment Banking attachment digest  ...2 remyyanlin 2011-6-28 157682
[下载]麦肯锡市场营销战略全套分析模型 attachment  ...23456..23 gsmdreamer27 2005-1-8 22257900
[下载]Blue Ocean Strategy (W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne 英文原版PDF) attachment  ...23456..12 aidm 2005-12-27 11824311
[求助]求关于资本运作以及投资并购方面英文书籍 kevin_ws 2006-8-18 43021
大家加油 新人帖 静静的喝 2016-9-15 21616
HBS CASE- GUCCI attachment  ...23 lzger2000 2008-8-28 288022
[下载]Investment Risk Management (Yen Yee Chong 英文原版) attachment  ...23456..11 aidm 2005-10-26 10437772
<浙商>, enjoy attachment  ...23 isuffering 2003-8-4 229231
[下载]纵横捭阖--哈佛谈判术 attachment  ...2 ImThinking 2011-8-16 156665
[下载]The Real World of Finance (James Sagner 英文原版) attachment  ...23456..17 aidm 2005-12-4 16026652
商业银行从业人员必备的公式储备,分享给大家 attachment wenaite 2015-8-14 32131
[推荐下载] 英文原版:6 Sigma 管理书籍 attachment  ...234 qgh79 2007-12-4 3418283
[推荐]细节决定成败 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..78 yigezi 2004-7-30 77666200
[分享]摩根斯坦利培训资料 attachment  ...23456..11 soloal 2005-9-23 10127797
清华大学-哥伦比亚大学商务分析硕士双学位项目夏令营通知 清华tcmiba 2016-5-6 02460
《贼巢》完整版+《说谎者的扑克》 attachment  ...23456 Perseuscool 2005-9-2 5215466
[推荐]在商言商 attachment  ...23456..24 yigezi 2004-7-30 23329513
《马歇尔-货币, 信用与商业》 attachment teresa17 2011-1-18 42382
科特勒的营销管理学 attachment  ...234 celia2005 2005-11-6 307810
[分享]【六顶思考帽】(为lanlan加油) attachment heatlevel  ...23456..58 随云 2004-5-9 57457412
[推荐]微软Office技巧大赛优秀作品—Office技巧1000例  ...23456..149 lavie 2004-8-20 1488114323
[推荐]不成熟不要紧—一个高级白领的职场亲历 attachment  ...23456..9 酷狗狗 2005-10-18 8035677
[下载]Make Yourself a Millionaire (Charles C. Zhang 英文原版PDF) attachment  ...23456..11 aidm 2005-12-28 10935810
英汉财务审计词典 attachment  ...23456..163 Beer 2004-7-6 162097811
希特勒(我的奋斗) attachment  ...234 presario2100 2006-4-4 359480
[下载]巨著「The World is Flat」(世界是平的) attachment  ...23456..9 mytotoro 2006-11-6 8619884
[推荐]John Hull, Futures, Options, and Other Derivatives, Summarized Notes attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 gsmdreamer27 2005-3-19 8715731
Made to Stick (by Chip Heath & Dan Heath). attachment sshfb 2013-1-18 42197
对不起各位 上次发的政治经济词汇翻译没有发好 重发 attachment 加油卡卡西 2005-10-27 62101
英文书Who moved My Cheese  ...2 amazingworld 2003-7-1 104721
[推荐]著名咨询公司ATKearney资料 attachment  ...23456..12 酷狗狗 2005-10-18 11523955
Heard on the street-Quantitative Questions From Wall Street Job Interviews attachment  ...2 windlove 2006-7-19 175984
求《高级咨询顾问必备工具大全书》电子版  ...23 prettypie 2006-9-3 207225
[分享]精华区里的plan life完整版 attachment  ...2 沙隆巴斯 2006-11-24 155586
[推荐]职业经理人的58项管理工具 attachment  ...2345 gsmdreamer27 2005-1-9 4523350
《定位》作者杰克特劳特 attachment  ...23 isuffering 2003-6-17 247576
求下载:never eat alone (别独自用餐) yanli821 2011-9-21 13319
感觉不错的ppt模版 attachment  ...234 annysheep 2006-10-24 3110593
[分享]《欧洲商学院MBA教程》[RMVB]  ...2 LeELoO 2006-9-27 168159


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