C is correct.
To resolve the paradox, what should be done is to prove that the soaring sales of D’s models in retailers does not ensure the corresponding revenue increase of D. That is, the sales of D’s models do not equal to its revenue. The revenue changes are partially attributable to other factors.
Choice A is incorrect since it is the profit that is the difference between the revenue and the cost. The cost is irrelevant to the revenue.
Choice B, The fact that competitors’ declines in revenue fails to provide the explanation.
C, the fact in the choice C strongly impairs the causal connection between the sales and the revenue
D, That the sale of electronics is the sole financial source in part sharpens the paradox.
E The passage nowhere suggests the relationship between the sales of D company and those of retailers. So the revenue declines of retailers has no way to show the drop of the D's revenues. It is possible that the wholesale price is high while the retail price is deeply discounted.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-24 16:56:41编辑过] |