Independent Writing:
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?
It is better to relax by watching a movie or readinga book than doing physical exercise.
Integrated Writing:
TPO16 In this day and age, everyone faces much pressure than ever before. Forthe sake of a much better working condition, grasping a proper way to relax issuch a necessity. In regarding to the variable choices of relieving pressure, I,given the chance, prefer to do physical exercise than to watch a movie or reada book. First and foremost, granted, watching a movie or reading a book canbrings us much nerve-easing. But only by doing physical exercise can both reduceour pressure and maintain our healthy condition, which, in return, can keep ourworking efficiency in the long run. For instance, one of my friends named jimmyworks in an accounting company, which is seen as a high-pressure work. Jimmytold me that he usually needs to spend more than 50 hours a week in front ofthe desk and the best way for him to relax himself is jogging, one of thesignificant reasons he chooses this physical exercise rather than readingbooks, which is his favorite spare-time thing in the past, is bad healthcondition cannot resist the intensive arrangements and the following hugepressure in the process of working. So, for modern people, living in such ahigh-pace environment, cultivating a habit of doing physical exercises as a wayto relax is very useful. Besides, some physical exercises like basketball, football, and so on,which we called them team sports, can give us some gains, which cannot hardlybe found in movies or books. Here is one of my cases, I am a basketball fan. So,the first choice I relax myself is to play balls with my friends. And youcannot imagine how many things I learn from this outdoor activity---teamcoordination, tenacity, the aggressive spirit, and etc. Therefore, in thisaspect, doing physical exercise has more advantages. Last, but not the least, just asthe pursing of the balance of curricular activities and extra-curricularactivities in education area, our life needs this balance too. And a versatileman is more easily to get a higher achievement and contributes more to societalwell-being. Some cases like Mao, the ex-chairman of People’s Republic of China,who likes swimming as a way to relax, and Putin, the president of Russia, whorelieves pressure through judo are all proofs to prove physical exercise hasmore benefits compared to watch a movie or read a book. All in all, for people in contemporary era, being healthy is importantand doing more physical exercise is a good way to relax.